Stained Glass v4.5 :)


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Mar 27, 2011
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Hey everyone! :) It's esnow824. This is going to be the log of my new (techinally, used) v4.5. I also have a tama go, but this log will be about the v4.5.

So on Monday I ordered a stained glass design USA version v4.5. it was $22, including shipping. i was expecting it tomorrow, as it said online, but it came today, right after school! i was so happy :D

So I unwrapped it to find that a character was already on it! and the time was set to 12:45 pm, when it was around 3:20 pm. i took a picture, since it was a cool character.

(i dont know the actual name, since i only really know the tama go characters. on that, im on my 3rd generation, with a necktietchi. :( yes, i know. horrible care. i've been really busy. tama go took away a lot of the stuff i loved about tamagotchis, so i wouldn't check it that much.)/Users/gummy_bear97/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Modified/2011/Mar 31, 2011/IMG_1782.jpg

^ there was the character that came on. its name was bobby and was 2 years old, 1st generation boy. i reset it, since i wanted my own pet :)

after about 1 minute, the egg hatched (sorry, no pics). it's a boy! i was going to name it joshy, but named it joop instead. i honestly don't know why. i played around with joop, experimenting with the new tamagotchi. i was in tilly's shopping for shorts and i checked it and it was making funny faces-- it was evolving! i got to see him evolve into a kuchitamatchi :) and another game was unlocked.

joop's current stats:

hungry: 4/4

happy: 4/4


funny: 18

gorgeous: 20

spiritual: 30

0 yr

12 lb

2060 pt

i'm going away tomorrow, so on saturday and sunday i won't have a log (and maybe friday too). i'll post more soon :)

Hello again!


Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 5

Funny: 153

Gorgeous: 71

Spiritual: 58

2 yr (going to be 3 at around 4:30)

22 lb

point: 4310

Over the weekend, on fri and sat, i had my tama. I didn't have access to the internet where i was so I couldn't do a log. Joop is now a daiyatchi :)

Today he's going to turn into an adult (hopefully). A weird thing happened today:

So i went on Tamatown for the first time with the 4.5. i logged in and everything (yes, on the 4.5 version, not tama go). it showed my character and everything was fine. i then looked at my tama and there was a blank screen. I pressed buttons and nothing happened. I pressed the reset button and downloaded my game. He's back to normal, but I still don't know what happened that made my tama just go away. I'll write this story on the What Happened to my Tama?! too. If any of you know what happened, reply to this or somehow tell me. Thanks :)

I'll post when he evolves into an adult! I think he's going to be that guy with the butterfly mask (forgot the name).

hey tamatalkers! i have a big update.

Sooo about an hour and a half after the whole blank screen incident, it went blank again. After i pressed some buttons, it said that i didn't have any batteries in it. i took it out, put it back in. it didn't work :angry: i was really scared for my tama. i pressed reset...


i accidentally chose "reset"

instead of "download"

UGHHHH! :angry: :(

so it hatched to be a girl. i guess it's a good thing. i named her joopa, after joop, my previous tama. she then evolved to a tamatchi, and then a zouritchi. she's sorta cute, but in a bad care family i believe. i've been really busy with this project that's due in a week, so i would leave her alone for a couple of hours. i can not WAIT until summer. then i'll be able to take care of them all day, without school getting in the way :)

i beat tug of war and joopa is now in elementary school. she just fell asleep. all of her funny, gorgeous, etc. points are REALLY low because i havent been able to play with her. again, with her weight, too. when she was hungry, i only had time to feed her and not play and lose the weight.


hungry: 3/4

happy: 4/4

training: 3

funny: 12

gorgeous: 0 (oops....)

spiritual: 14

1 yr old

43 lb (again, oops. i havent had time to play with her.)

1100 pt

**MY TAMA GO IS GETTING MARRIED TOMORROW! he's getting married to one of my friend's tama go, i forgot which character. they are SO cute. when they visit each other, they eat their pork and beans REALLY SLOWLY... then scoot closer... and closer... until they kiss! :lol: :lol: they are soooo cute

that's all for now!

Hey Tamatalkers :) So my tama evolved into an adult. it's a horoyotchi. i forgot that you could switch teachers, so i went with funny points again. she's sorta ugly :( i really haven't been taking care of her. just look at her points :(


hungry: full

happy: full

training: 6


gorgeous: 13

spirtual: 16

4 yr

90 lbs (can you BELIEVE it?)

350 points

In a couple of weeks, I will be able to post actual logs, not just updates. I'm sorry :(

Oh yes! Update on Tama go:

My Necktietchi turned into an ojitchi when it was only 5! not even old enough to marry! i was really confused...

And he got married to my friends' tama go. i forget which character.

The difference with marrying a character you connect with is you get a baby immediately. usually, your tama chills with its mate and an egg for 2 days, then it hatches and chills with the baby for 2 days, then they leave. Now, my ojitchi is with my 4th generation girl :)

and today, joopa got a job as a baker in a bakery :) she got rejected from a lot of jobs... i didnt play with her that much, so she didn't get a good one. the crane game you play at work is fun, though! :D


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