Stalker !


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always&f o r e v e r

Well-known member
Nov 25, 2009
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Six feet under the s t a r s ★
Ok, so this one dude started to come onto me and I told him I'm dating someone so we could just be friends. Well things have gotten freaky so I told him I don't want to know him and to leave me alone. But he has been non stop texting me saying stuff like 'You dont know shxt that i have been through and i need a friend....' I stopped texting him but after ten minutes, He texted me SIX TIMES. I can't block his number and when I go to school he's constantly following me and making sexual comments. Now, I just don't know what to do, and Right now i'm soooo angry! My friends have offered to beat him up but that wouldn't help. So please guys help, I have not replyed to any of his texts but he still keeps texting me saying 'I dont care if you reply but..blah blah blah' I want to tell him that I don't give a frick about him or his problems.

So yeah, Please help D:

Whoa. :unsure:

I think you should tell your parents about him texting you all the time, and ask if they know a way to block him or do anything else that could help.

And at school, I think you should tell your teachers about it. Maybe they can tell his parents, or move him to different classes than you.


Hope I helped! :furawatchi:

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You should talk to your Parents about this.Mabye they could call the principal and see if s/he could do anything about him. EG.Move his classes (like ETHAN1994 said), or be suspended or something.

This is serious.

Good luck!

-Sugary :3

Just ignore it. I know this may seem like a weak reaction, but he will eventually give up. If that fails, try telling your parents.

My boyfriend has been in a similar situation. His ex girlfriend constantly texted him, everyday. She said stuff like 'I'd do anything for us to work again.' He never answered these messages, and still got them. On New years day, she called him 16 times. In 6 days, this added up to 32 calls. He never answered one call. She eventually gave up and got the memo that he moved onto me. Gosh I hate her so much..

Save the texts and show them to your parents and/or principal. Show them every text and explain calmly everything he's been doing.

If he's sending you texts or talking to you sexually and it makes you uncomfortable, that's sexual harassment and he can get in a lot of trouble for it.

Also ask your parents about getting you a change of phone number and ONLY give it out to friends you trust. Depending on your service provider there might be a small fee(T-Mobile is $15), but to stop the texts and harassment it's worth it. If you explain the situation to someone from customer service, you might be able to get the fee waived. I've had to change my number numerous times because of crappy people, and had it waived quite a few times..

It may sound childish "tattling" on him, but sexual harassment is a serious offense. He has no right to make you feel uncomfortable, especially in a place like school.

You guys are awesome<3

Ok so here is some new information; On Friday when I was walking home with my Best friend, We called him and welllll.... I was not nice to say the least :"D Basically I told him I will never be his friend, how i don't care about him and how he creeps me out. Like I said, I was not nice AT ALL :) I started to think he got the message untill this morning when i saw i has one missed call from him. He didn't leave a message so I'm *hoping* it was on accident.. I will just wait it out for a few more days.

Well let's hope he stops calling/texting all together.

In the mean time I wouldn't antagonize him anymore though. Don't give him reason to talk to you.

Well let's hope he stops calling/texting all together.In the mean time I wouldn't antagonize him anymore though. Don't give him reason to talk to you.
Also want to add to this.

In this kind of situation and with some adults, egging the person bothering you on will also not look good on your end if you have to take this a step higher and get parental/police people involved.

If you start stuff to cause problems for yourself, not only will it give him reason to talk to you (as SK said) it will/can get you in trouble as well.

Do not make this harder than it needs to be. Just saying.

Well you did have some control over this Friday. I think you should've probably tried to reason with him, and or at least "get to him". It would've been more effective trying to reason with calmly, rather than try to chew him up. xD

I really can't give advice considering everyone else did a great job with it, I kinda give you my scenario and everything. xD

Weeeeell, My same friend texted him on her phone pretending to be me and she told him she would can the police xD So he said he would leave me alone. And It's been a day without hearing anything from him. So I pray to god he stopped\:

Weeeeell, My same friend texted him on her phone pretending to be me and she told him she would can the police xD So he said he would leave me alone. And It's been a day without hearing anything from him. So I pray to god he stopped\:
Well one day doesn't mean much, just try it out for a week or so. I hope the problem is solved!

Just bare in mind, when you chew people up, in your mind you feel awesome, and you feel as though they will listen. But in their mind they even more pi**ed and upset, ya know? You just gotta.. understand everyone else's view point. xDDD

o_O thats SCARY.Yes you should really talk to your parents and the principle about this stalker and as best as you can...stay away from him.

Oh you guys don't get it. My parents wouldn't do a thing. They would tell me how I brought it apon myself. They don't trust me anymore... I'm still just going to hope for the best.
To be honest, at this point you are bringing it on yourself.

Regardless of what you say to him, when you call or text him first you're egging him on and giving him reason to keep talking to/harassing you.

As repetition gets extremely irritating, I'll just say for the last time, if you want him to leave you alone you need to leave him alone. Otherwise you honestly have no room to complain.

Just ignore him completely: Don't talk to him, or even look at him! Be just like he is air! He'll get tired of stalking you : PP

I think you've received some good advice here (if you choose to follow it).

Stop contacting him, stop your friends contacting him (and pretending to be you) and leave him alone - totally ignore him, no matter what ... or it will start to look like you are actually trying to keep the whole thing going for as long as possible.

Aw darling <3

I know, it's got to be crxp.

And my advice isn't any better, you'll probably think.

But if you just completely ignore forever, and never retalate to anything. Hopefully sooner or later he'll get bored of chasing someone who isn't chasing him back, and move on to someone else.

or just get your boyfriend to talk to him, then he'll leave you alone.

^ Keelwi ! <33

All of this advice is great, thanks everyone. And I'm truly starting to think he stopped. He doesn't follow behind me anymore.. Or try o talk to 'Figure out what's wrong' - What's wrong is he's a retarded ugly stalker.

So I don't think I need anymore help with this situation. Thanks so much:)

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