StarTama's Tama Log


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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2006
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Playing with my Tamagotchi
Wow! My Tamagotchi is a V3, Generation 3. And guess what?!?! It's a Memetchi!!! :D I'm SO excited because it has a baby. But what's sad is that my brother's tam (V3), which was named after him so I can't tell U what its name was (sorry, privacy reasons!), died last night. It was a Tarakotchi, all ready to go with a new baby. It would have left its baby that night. I offered to set the time to get it to leave, knowing that Tarakotchi was a weak character and therefore at risk of dying. But he really was happy with it, and said no, he'd wait. And then I turned the sound off on his, and the next thing I know, there's an angel on the screen :unsure: . So sad. The baby died as well and guess what? It's not even mentioned in HISTORY. Just a pic of a Tarakotchi!

My V3 is a VERY cute Memetchi :) , which is ready 2 go with a new baby. My brother's other Tam (V2) was a Whaletchi, a boy with a baby, but the Whaletchi has now left. The baby changed into a Marutchi this morning. Look, I'd better give some background info. I have a V1, V2 and V3. But V1 is out of batteries and V2 broke, so I'm stuck with just V3 until I can find a shop which sells batteries! My brother has V2 and V3, which both have batteries.

My Memetchi is currently doing some weird thing with a backpack. I have tried twice to get it to leave, but its just not ready! Oh well. It's G3. Generation One was Paparatchi Adult (boy), can't remember anything else about it. G2 was boy, Tamatchi, Hinotamatchi, Bill (named Skye). G3 was boy (AGAIN!!!), Mizutamatchi, Nikatchi, Memetchi (named Donny). And G4 is a baby girl, still with Mummy. Might make a poll in WHAT"S ON YOUR MIND about its name!

So that's my Tamas. All of them were fully trained.

StarTama :huh:

P.S. Please DO NOT reply.

GUESS WHAT!?!?!?! 2 good pieces of news! My Memetchi <_< * left its baby (kinda sad but kinda cool)! And I got new batteries for my Version 1!!!!! It's a Marutchi. My V3 is a Tamatchi now. It's a girl (as I already said) and on Generation... [SIZE=21pt]4[/SIZE] !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

* last time I get to use this little memetchi pic to illustrate my Tam :huh: .

Firstly, I'd like to say... THANKYOU! I asked you not to reply, and you didn't! So thankyou for your cooperation. I am still taking care of all 4 Tamagotchis... They are all the same except for my brother's V3, which had evolved into... Obotchi! Very cute. It changed into Obotchi last time, too, and my brother is a little worried because it might become a Tarakotchi and die again. I'm trying to keep it a good weight and hoping for the best!!! B)

My own Tamagotchi is STILL a Tamatchi, the other is still a Marutchi. My V1 is missing many pixels on its screen, sadly this may be the last battery I use for it... :p .

StarTama :D

Hi everybody! 19 readers today! not including the times I've read it, that's probably about 15, not bad, not bad... Anyway, my V3 is still Tamatchi, my brother's V3 is still Obotchi, and the V1 is Marutchi. My brother's V2 is currently Hinotamatchi. Must be my style of care - I always get Hinotamatchi! But on V3 it changes into Bill, so it's not too bad... Hoping for Ichigotchi :) on V1, because it's so CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, not much exciting stuff is happening with the Tamas at the moment - no new Tams expected or anything. I had them all paused (even V1 clock pause) for a while this afternoon. Hopefully V3 and V1 will change tomorrow anyway!

As the week is starting I might not be able to post for a while, so have a good week, I'll be writing again next Saturday!

StarTama :furawatchi:

WOW! ALL the Tamagotchis changed into adults today! The Version One is Kutchipatchi :blink: , the Version Two is Butterflytchi. The Two Version Threes are... Furawatchi and this weird angel-like character! Since I started using TamaTalk, I've been getting some VERY interesting Tamagotchi characters!

StarTama :unsure:

P.S. I'll look up what the angel thingo is!

It's the weekend! Finally! And time for a nice long entry in my Tamagotchi Log, I think!

I found out that the "angel-thing" is Pipotchi. All Tamagotchis are still basically the same. Kutchipatchi ;) is brushing its teeth (Mametchi :D did that, too!). The Furawatchi (some people call it Leaftchi, it looks like this: :D ) - V3 - is now five years old. Kutchipatchi - V1 - is [SIZE=14pt]12[/SIZE]!!!!!!!!!!! And no matchmaker. If anybody knows the matchmaker times for Version One, could they PLEASE PM me?!?!? It's for a good cause. You'll be saving a (Virtual) Pet from dying without leaving a baby! I'd be so sad if it just left. Fortunately it's the weekend so I can keep a constant eye on it.

Pipotchi - V3 - and Butterflytchi - V2 - are both five as well, and are looking fantastic, but no matchmaker. P.S. I already know that matchmaker time for V3 is 10:30am!! They're just not old enough!

Anyway, I'm thinking of breeding the Butterflytchi and the Kutchipatchi together, but it takes forever to breed between two different versions, so I'll only do that if I'm desperate. But I have managed it before.

I think the reasons I've been getting so many nice characters is that... 1) I've learnt a LOT about Tamagotchis from using TamaTalk, and 2) I used to forget to turn off the lights! Every night! Now, I remember every night.

StarTama :D

VERY EXCITING UPDATE!!!!!!! And probably the last one for a while because it's not the weekend after this evening. I might have time to write, but I think I might keep them paused for now. THE FURWATCHI :) (V3) AND THE KUTCHIPATCHI :lol: (V1) HAD BABIES TOGETHER!!!! I'm so happy. The silver V3 (my brother's Tamagotchi) had a weird glitch in the night, and none of the buttons worked. It was better in the morning, though, and has been acting fine ever since. Anyway, Pipotchi and Butterflytchi are still pretty much the same. I've tried several times to get the matchmaker for Pipotchi, but she seems to be too young (Butterflytchi's too young even to consider the matchmaker).

StarTama :wub:

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WILL NOTHING ABOUT THESE TAMAGOTCHI'S EVER CHANGE?!?! :huh: :angry: :huh: :angry: They are still all the same, and Pipotchi still hasn't got the matchmaker. I'm REALLY getting worried, even though Pipotchi isn't at all needy as of yet... My friend's Tamagotchi is now a Megatchi, it changed from: YOUNG MAMETCHI!!! I thought that Megatchi was good and Young Mametchi was bad! But I must be wrong about something. Or, maybe she took really bad care of the Y. M., and it changed its mind about adulthood. Nikatchi, usually a terrible and frail V2 teenager, came on my V3 and evolved into Memetchi! Life never ceases to surprise me! Either way, the Megatchi now has a baby. Very pleased for her (my friend), as her V2, which was on Generation 3, passed away last night and she was VERY sad as she had never gotten past Generation 1 before that. That happened to me on my V2, as well. I'd never bred it before, it became Generation 2 (to my delight), then 3, then died. Same happened to my brother, now I think about it. Just plain spooky :eek: . Anyway, I just looked up BB Code help and discovered that you can make strike-through text like this! Kinda spammy but this is my Tamagotchi Log.

StarTama :hitodetchi:

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Wow! My V1 :huh: (Kuchipatchi) left its baby last night, a beautiful baby girl! and, I took super care of it this morning and it changed into:


Wow! V3 (silver) left its baby last night as well, but I paused it. I don't think I can stand taking care of a baby right now, juggling TamaTalk, Tamagotchis, homework...

V3 (Camo Blue) and V2 (Zebra Stripes) are basically the same. No changes, no matchmaker :unsure: . Does anybody know if there is a limit to how many consecutive Generations you can get the matchmaker? :angry:

Silver V3 : PAUSED

Camo Blue V3 : Adult - Pipotchi - Generation 4


Age: 7 yrs

Weight: 35lB (minimum 30)

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Training:||||||||| (complete)

Zebra Stripes V2 : Adult - Butterflytchi - Generation 2

Age: 6 yrs

Weight: 32lB (minimum 30)

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Training: |||||||| (8)

Stars and Stripes V1 :

Age: 1 yr

Weight: 11lB (minimum 10)

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥

Training: ||| (3)

Well, got to go now! I'll do comments (top thingo) if I have time and status if I don't.

StarTama :(

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Today I have a small amount of time, so status only!

Silver V3 : Toddler - Kuchitamatchi - Generation 2


Age: 0 yr

Weight: 11lB (minimum 10)

Hungry : ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Training: | (pathetic)

Very cute toddler, looks like Nyorotchi with the tail cut off!!

Camo Blue V3 : Adult - Pipotchi - Generation 4


Age: 7 yrs

Weight: 32lB (minimum 30)

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥

Training: ||||||||| (complete)

STILL PIPOTCHI!! :wacko: And still no matchmaker! I'm getting worried about this Tamagotchi's future. :(

Zebra Stripes V2 : Adult - Butterflytchi - Generation 2


Age: 6 yrs

Weight: 34 lB (minimum 30)

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Training: |||||||| (8)

Nothing new here. ANGEL is still a long way from being old enough for the matchmaker.

Stars 'N' Stripes V1 : Toddler - Kinkomatchi - Generation 2

Age: 2 yrs

Weight: 11g (minimum 10)

Hungry: too embarassed to say. Okay: ♥♥

Happy: " " " " " " "

Training: |||| (4)

Well, this Tamagotchi's clock is set wrong, so it's sleeping. I will fix it up later, but for now I can't feed it because it's asleep!

Well, there you are! I've got a PM, better go answer that now!

StarTama :angry:

My V1 (Kinkomatchi) changed this morning. It changed into...


Usually, on V1, I got Babytchi - Marutchi - Hinotamatchi - Masktchi, occasionally Babytchi - Marutchi - Ichigotchi - Masktchi, and once (last time I got Generation 2 on V1) Babytchi - Marutchi - Oniontchi - Gozarutchi. Last time, I got Babytchi - Marutchi - Ichigotchi - Kutchipatchi - Babytchi (had a baby) - KINKOMATCHI (!!) - YOUNG MIMITCHI!!

Wow! I was jealous of my friend because she got Young Mametchi. Can't wait to see the look on her face... :) Anyway, I'd better get going, just couldn't wait to say that :) !

StarTama :)

P.S. Only one day til the weekend, when I can do a proper entry!

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YAHOO!! So much good Tama-News lately. The newest lot is that V3 got the matchmaker about 2 minutes ago and its got a gorgeous baby boy! Well I guess all Tamababies look just about the same, so *tama calls* *checks tamas* I guess it can't be much more "gorgeous" than the rest of them. I guess it's just so long awaited, it's "music to my eyes" (or something along those lines) to see it with a baby. I'm trying to take good care of my Young Mimitchi (V1) because I SO want to get a Mimitchi! After all these months of Masktchi (see above entry!). A YOUNG MIMITCHI! Wow! This is my third exciting update in *checks last posts* two days!

Anyway, I'm quite busy, and that was just yet another of my little "I'm so excited can I have 2 minutes to update my TamaLog" updates. Because noone can really understand my excitement when I go tearing around the house, waving both hands (one with Tamagotchi) shouting "It evolved into [insert rare Tamagotchi character here]!!!!!!!"

StarTama :furawatchi:

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The Silver V3 changed into Hikotchi.

Silver V3 : Teenager - Hikotchi - Generation 2


Age: 1 yr

Weight: 25lB (minimum 20)

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥

Training: ||| (3)

So cute! We used to call this thing the SparkJar, because it has three rocket boosters with sparks coming out!

Camo Blue V3 : Adult - Pipotchi - Generation 4

SUNNY - GIRL with baby BOY

Age: 8 yrs

Weight: 33lB (minimum 30)

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Training: ||||||||| (complete)

I am SO relieved that it finally got the matchmaker! And as soon as it turns 9 I will try to get the adult to leave, or it will die and take the baby with it.

Zebra Stripes V2 : Adult - Butterflytchi - Generation 2


Age: 7 yrs (come on! turn 8 so you can have a baby!)

Weight: 36lB (minimum 30)

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥ (uh-oh!)

Training: |||||||| (8)

Stars 'n' Stripes V1 : Teenager - Young Mimitchi ( :huh: ) - Generation 2

Age: 5 yrs

Weight: 29lB (minimum 20)

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Training: ||||||||

This is an AMAZING character! I left it for one hour... not one heart dropped! It is also giving me many training opportunities, and I suspect that if I get it fully trained before it changes, it might change into Mimitchi :huh: !

StarTama :D

My Camo Blue V3 left its baby this morning (I set the time). I wasn't really ready for it and am quite ;) sad. I didn't actually think it would work, and when it did, I was just so unprepared :mellow: . I didn't even have any name ideas! Usually I set up a poll in What's On Your Mind when the baby first arrives and then when its mother/father leaves I check which name had the most votes! But I didn't even make a poll, let alone check it. I named the baby Amigo and its paused now.

StarTama :furawatchi:

P.S. Butterflytchi got the Matchmaker and has a baby GIRL.

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Wow! After ages and ages and ages and ages and ages, V1 changed into Mimitchi!! Phew! Anyway, the reason I didn't come online earlier was (if you saw my signature before I changed it, you'll already know!) I got a sore back from using the computer so much! I can't believe I got a Mimitchi. V3 changed into Nikatchi and then Paparatchi, I had that on Generation 1 as well. Very cute, maybe my fave V3 character. Really weird fact: it changed into an adult when it was two. Beats me how it managed that :mametchi: .
