Starter Pokémon!


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What Region Do You Think Has The Best Starters?

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Well-known member
Dec 25, 2010
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New Zealand
Let's find the most popular starter share you opinion and gloat about your starters! (Put mostly opinion!)

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Although, of all the starters, my favorite is Chickorita... But I would choose Bulbasaur first. (And probably not evolve it....) That guy hasn't ever let me down. Even when fighting in a fire gym. I usually just use my starter for the gyms.

Yeah. My starters have always been there for me! Hydra, my totodile completed vitually all the Johto gyms by herself.

Johto's my favourite, but newbie Snivy's squirmed his way into my heart. XD

played my friends pokemon game (which I had no understanding of) from the minute that turtwig popped out of the pokeball I always knew it would be my favourite

Tepig is number one, but that's because pigs have been my favorite animal since forever!!!

Piplup i LOVE WATER Types and Piplup is cute and can evolve into a great, strong set of Pokemon.


Everyone's first starter is special; my Torterra will always be my main go-to pokemon when things get rough.

I just love the grass types. My brother thinks they're lame, because their attacks aren't as strong as other type's. But then again, his pokemon always end up poisoned and hp-drained by my grass types, sooo...

Charmander is my favorite, but I love all the fire starters :)

Mudkip's my favourite! x3

Probably because I'm playing Emerald right now... xD

I think I actually like Hoenn the most! I love love love Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, I dont really know why. xD

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