Stock market drops!


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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2006
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Today, the stock market dropped. BIG TIME. It's the biggest drop in history, quoting my mom. How did stock market drop? Here's how it happened.

People all over the country were writing to Washington D.C. complaining about what cruddy decisions they were making. So, I THINK that disrupted that bill they were talking about. And it never got accepted. So it probably had to be a "NO".

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*slaps self*

But write anyway.



If I'm not mistaking, didn't it crash completely last week and then make a slow rise again?

Yes, as much as I don't want it to be true, America's economy right now is garbage.

Lets just hope they can fix that before anything extremely drastic happens. I know some banks already closed and people lost job (friend's father being one of them). America's economy hasn't been in such bad shape since the Great Depression I believe.

Obviously our economy isn't at it's highest but there's a lot of unnecessary hype over this whole deal. It'll be okay, no need to freak out. At least not yet anyway. :(

If I'm not mistaking, didn't it crash completely last week and then make a slow rise again?Yes, as much as I don't want it to be true, America's economy right now is garbage.

Lets just hope they can fix that before anything extremely drastic happens. I know some banks already closed and people lost job (friend's father being one of them). America's economy hasn't been in such bad shape since the Great Depression I believe.
That's very true >.<

My mom was laid off in July because of a company buy-out. She works in the mortgage business, which is completely screwed over right now. She's been searching for a new job since then with no luck anywhere in that business. Our bank was just bought out I think last week.

It seems like the country in general is just going downhill -.-

My mom said that we should be thankful we have a house. If we didn't we never be able to buy one. I'm glad I live here. Wewere planning on moving but my mom decided to fix up this hous a bit.

My mom said that we should be thankful we have a house. If we didn't we never be able to buy one. I'm glad I live here. Wewere planning on moving but my mom decided to fix up this hous a bit.
Same. We actually just moved about 3 weeks ago because they raised our rent to something we couldn't afford.

I get it's harder times at the moment, but like all recessions in the past (for example black friday in the 1930's when the stocks went insanely drop dead there and you'd find businessmen dropping out of buildings) there will be better times after that. Steady will it go back up and I'm sure it'll eventually recover. It could be a lot worse.

I do miss the time where the Canadian dollar was higher than the U.S dollar though. Ebay shopping was oh so sweet then :) ;;

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