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so then he went to the holy tama and said...

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so the holy tama said "of corse"......................................................................................................................

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she said... in order to keep the grass from burning, DONT GO IN THE GRASS ANYMORE!!! so then jon...

you started the burn you shall turn it off again i will help you the bear was actually a power pal bear and then they started too think how they should turn it off and then jon said........

smokey replied "oh noo! you started it." soon smokeys mum came out. "what are you two boys fighting about?" she asked. "mummy he started it!" wailed smokey. "i don't care, just get that hanatchi on a cold ice tray!" soon jon began to freeze. "i'm sick of this" he said. "i'm gonna start another forest fire and burn the earth" he said...

but then he thoght to his self......"i am going to end this madness and im going to kill my self" but when he went to get a knife he started to feal all weird and then POOF!!! he evolved into a Kuchipatchi!! he was sooo happy so he droped the knife and run back out side and sat on the grass,he could'nt put the grass on fire any more! so he could happly sit on the grass!........

but then a friendly hinotamatchi sat next to him and started a fire. "YOU DUMB THING! NOW I'LL HAVE TO PUT OUT THE FIRE!!!!!!!" the hinotamatchi was mad. He lunged at the kuchipatchi. "Uh Oh" said jon.

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