Strange [Delicious] Food Combinations.


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I like fries with mayo or mustard.


But really, I don't like to eat foods together. I have to eat everything separate.

Dove Milk Chocolate and Cheetos :3

I personally hate pickles, but I've heard from many that pickles dipped in ranch is good.

Sausage and maple syrup. I can't eat sausage without syrup anymore.

Popcorn inside 3D Doritos. I don't remember if they make them still or not.

For those 21+, because I don't condone underage drinking(Yes, I'm a hypocrite).

Mix together: Vodka, Sprite, Frozen pink lemonade, and bud light. Makes amazing punch. It sounds disgusting but tastes amazing. Apparently it's even better with rainbow sherbet in it, but I've never tried it.

I don't eat too many odd combinations of foods. Truth be told I'm a pretty picky eater.

Dove Milk Chocolate and Cheetos :3
I personally hate pickles, but I've heard from many that pickles dipped in ranch is good.

Sausage and maple syrup. I can't eat sausage without syrup anymore.

Popcorn inside 3D Doritos. I don't remember if they make them still or not.

For those 21+, because I don't condone underage drinking(Yes, I'm a hypocrite).

Mix together: Vodka, Sprite, Frozen pink lemonade, and bud light. Makes amazing punch. It sounds disgusting but tastes amazing. Apparently it's even better with rainbow sherbet in it, but I've never tried it.

I don't eat too many odd combinations of foods. Truth be told I'm a pretty picky eater.
I love that. Actually, I love almost all breakfast foods with syrup. Bacon tastes amazing with it. :D

Apparently Crackers, peanut butter, and mustard make a great combo 8D

Bacon and Maple Syrup is kickbutt!

Hmm.. Lemme see..

Pancakes with bacon and syrup tastes awesome..

Toasted bolognaise sauce sandwiches are really nice too, come to think of it. It works with curried mince aswell.

Cheese, chutney and peanut butter sandwiches (or replace chutney with jam, either is good..)

Sweet chilli sauce, mayonnaise and squeezy cheese mixed together, eaten using nachos..

I could go on for a VERY long time.. =]

^^ I'm a picky eater but I like yuck foods mixed together.
And where I live you'd be able to drink alcohol legally. Our drinking age is 18
Where do you live?

Sorry,, just wondering..

My friend got me to try fried bread, with caramelized sugar on top, yum, <3

Ummm, Fries with anything is good :3

I hate it whem my foods touch though, (Like, I don't mind if it is fries and a sandwich, but if it's like, pirogies and mac and cheese, I freak out because the noodle has sour cream on it...)

Odd. My dad used to know a guy who wouldn't eat ANYTHING if it touched, and ate counter clockwise. xD

I love that. Actually, I love almost all breakfast foods with syrup. Bacon tastes amazing with it. :(
For some reason I only like maple syrup with meats o.o Sausage and bacon for the most part. I don't like it on waffles or pancakes though XD

Call me crazy, but: Pringles dipped in hot chicken noodle soup and ketchup. <3

It was discovered in... 5th or 6th grade. We took Shannon's Pringles out of her lunch and dipped them in her soup and ketchup from the school lunch that day. It was originally a dare, meant to be gross, but it's actually really, really good. :]

@ Cullen - Yeah, fries are good on anything. I like them on my sandwiches and salads. <3

I don't really do much with mixing foods together though. I more or less like to just keep my foods seperate. :|

Wait. Unless I make something into a sandwich. I take after my dad. He always says, "Anything tastes better between two starch plains." xD So I make stuff into sandwiches a lot. I can't eat my eggs, bacon, and toast seperate. It has to be a sandwich, everytime.

Greens (Spinach, Green Beans, Brocoli, ect) with Ketchup.


I love dipping any kind of meat in salad dressing.

But I dislike salad.

I love hearing about these, for some reason.Like french fries and frosties.

Today, I stumbled upon pretzels and chocolate pudding.

It's much better than it sounds, I promise. :3 But I lost y pretzels and Katie lost her pudding to just about everybody at our lunch table..
Hotsauce+Salad= Favfood!!! :D :D :D

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