strange glitch look inside for more info


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Well-known member
Feb 8, 2007
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well it all started 2 days ago when my tama evolved into an adult, a togetchi, it was a boy and its life seemed pretty normal but then it evolved again into a memetchi. i was creeped out and i told my friend what happened and they said that it happened to them on the v3 from a mametchi to a debatchi. but what i thought was weird when i reset it and clicked download it turned into a big fuzzy mess and it looked like a togetchi with no eyes or mouth has this happened to any 1 else?

P.S. when it had a baby and the parent left it carried on like normal

Wow. Thats strange :huh: Good thing it went back to normal. :huh:

BooBoo1 :huh:

when your tamagotchi has a baby, the parent is sopost to leave then you have to rase that baby like usaual. then you can go to and you can see your parents. also, the glitch your tamagotci had is kind of like the one I had just a couple of minutes ago. Iwas playing with my tamagotchi, then the screen whent blank. I waited for a couple of minutes but nothing happened! so I pushed the reset button and then I pressed ''download'' and it went back to normal. and also when your tamagotchi haracter changes, that means you pressed the last button to the right (to the right! :huh: ) when you are at the main screen when none of the icons are highlighted. that sometimes hapens natualy. sodon't worry! I hope I helped. :huh: :huh:

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