Strange Tama


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Tamagotchi Foreva

Well-known member
Jul 21, 2011
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I was awake last night because I heard a ringing in my ear it was going beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.So this morning I woke up and I still heard it and I got out of bed to see what was going on I knew it was coming from somewhere in my room so I searched everywhere and then when I was looking under my bed the sound grew louder ( I have a loft bed so I can sit under my bed js)I found my tamas and it turns out one of my tamas was just doing the beeping noise all night .It was weird though cause I have never seen it do this before.... anyone know whats going on?

:mellow: I've had this happen to my V1 too when the battery was put in by itself... It made a continuous beep that would keep on going only if the battery was in. Have you used the Tamagotchi recently?
I had one of my v1 do this to me... Lucky that day I Didn't take it to school with me. I would have died laughing all day at it. Considering nobody would carry a screwdriver to school with them.... Besides if they worked in the Auto-Mech room. Lol.

I woke up the morning of me forgetting it.... (Sadness when I realized....) However....... I figured I must have had a good reason. I come home to check on it and it is still making a noise like it reset. Nope. It was still dancing... Apparently it was in a very good mood too. I kinda laughed then removed the battery figuring it was low... Well, it wasn't. I put it in my other one, it was fine... Put in a spare battery and it continued to beep (after download and all...) It no longer does this but I did give it a break before I played with it again.

So the all day of my thinking about it... It was fine besides the beep... My teachers would have probably would have made me put it in my locker... muffled if I did have it... Too bad my locker had echoed.... Muuhahaha. (At the top anyway) Someone might have said it sounded like a ticking of a bomb... we had those sort of people who made bad jokes.

It's probably bump glitch - usually common with V5s and V6s. It happens when your Tama has been dropped or bashed against something. It sometimes happens to V5s for no reason, it broke my friend's first Tama and reset her second, which was annoying. Take the battery out and re-insert it. If that doesn't work...consider it broken. :(

It's probably bump glitch - usually common with V5s and V6s. It happens when your Tama has been dropped or bashed against something. It sometimes happens to V5s for no reason, it broke my friend's first Tama and reset her second, which was annoying. Take the battery out and re-insert it. If that doesn't work...consider it broken. :(
Well, it's not a glitch, it just kept bleeping continuously. I talked to Kate yesterday on chat, and she said she didn't dare to put the battery back in. O_O I had it happen to my V1, and there was a dead battery in it... o_o

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