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Nov 19, 2005
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PM me if a proud Canuck!
A little serious fanfic about a the workings of Mrs. Busybody. Arranged marriages are one concept with are interesting so I decided to write about it. This time, a war ravaged Tamaland decides to save themselves as a species by breeding two of the strongest tamagotchi together.

Let's introduce the Characters...

Tara the Tarakotchi - A talkative 'gotchi with a big attitude. Doesn't particularly like Jutsu because of her past with him.

Jutsu the Gozarutchi - A secretive and powerful tama. The wise but short tempered Ninja 'gotchi, usually sent out on long missions. Serves only the purpose of good, and will attack anything if it threatens Jutsu's mission.

Robotchi - A generic robotchi. Version 1.2.3. Good for communicating with other species of 'gotchi and other species in general.

Mada the Otokitchi - A wise old 'gotchi, she has survived the war between the great species of Tamaland...and seeks to breed the two strongest 'gotchi for survival of the tamagotchi as a species.

Chapter 1

"Urth Breeders are sending even less tama's back to our planet!"

"How are we going to solve this, Mada?"

The shouts rose like the tides, drowning out Mada's impatient stomps on the hardwood floor. Mada scrambled out and over to the podium, and unfurled a scroll.

The entire crowd went quiet. For a second, you could hear 'gotchi breathe.

Then, chaos!

"What is the meaning of this?"

"Yeah! What of it?"

Mada inhaled visibly, and let out a deafening shriek. "...ok..." she panted...a young propellortchi gave her a dixie cup full of water.

"Thank you,, where was I?"

A bunch of fingers, toes, and assorted foilage pointed at the scroll. On it was a crude charcoal drawing of a Tarakotchi and a Gozarutchi separated by a heart.

"...yes. These two 'gotchi have been selected for their traits. They will continue the tamagotchi legend with the strongest genes."

Murmurs rose off the crowd like a vile stench. Among them you heard rumors of kidnapping, forced marriages, and other wretched doings.

Mada cleared her throat, and smiled.

" dears...they don't call me the Matchmaker for no reason. You egglings accuse me of using force to cause these two to mate?"

Sipping from her cup of water, Mada smiled and announced...

"I have my ways to work around those two stubborn egglings, Tara and Jutsu! Now, we'd need a UFO, a walkman, a twig, and a robotchi!"

Chapter 2

Jutsu lay in the shade of a tree. The wind caused the leaves to tickle his nose. He fought down the urge to sneeze. He tensed and untensed each muscle before the attack. His arm muscles itched with the urge to throw the shuriken at his target...he tensed them in readiness.

"What's up Jutsu-chan?"

Jutsu groaned inwardly. His brother, LegendX had been with a human for too long, and thus lacked the skills of a real-Gozarutchi.

Seeing the look on his brother's face, LegendX groaned audibly. "Look, it's just a piece of need to attack it before you eat it!"

LegendX pointed at the "target", which was a dai-bai pinned to a bulleye. "It's a delicious big bun filled with meat and veggies!"

Jutsu shrugged, and poked LegendX in the belly. His finger went in and was surrounded by flab. " need to exercise, oni-sama...silly LegendX!"

LegendX's voice went up half an octave. "I do exercise! What do you call these?" Jutsu's little brother reached down into a pocket and found a set of very rusty old weights.

Jutsu laughed, and walked off into the forest near the training grounds...listening to LegendX struggle with the set of weights...

LegendX groaned as he shoved the weights back in his pocket. He watched his brother disappear into the forest for more training, and sighed.

"I had a healthy marriage with JoJo, a Nyorotchi...and ever since then Oni-sama has been treating me like an outsider."

LegendX dipped a hand into a pocket and came up with an apple.

"I wonder if Jutsu is jealous or annoyed with me dating a Nyorotchi instead of one of the famed ninja families?"

He crunched into the apple, savouring the juices that ran into his mouth.

A female scream echoed in the direction of the Forbidding Forest. LegendX's pulse quickened...and he ducked. An arrow was lodged in the tree trunk beside him. It held a container with a scroll. The younger Gozarutchi unfurled the scroll, recognizing the village master matchmaker's kanji.

The scroll read: Do not go after your brother, he can handle it himself. He has a happy life ahead of him...if you do not interfere.
