Stress relief tips?


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Well-known member
Jul 9, 2013
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Stress is getting on me again and I can't calm myself down... I really need some help because the stress gets worse to the point of me bursting into tears. Also, I worry about pointless stuff that sometimes I can't get over. Please help! I come to this site for answers because I trust my closest friends here... >w<


*is not good at giving advice but will try anyway*

I don't know if this will work for you, but I and quite a few people I know play intense, fast, reaction time video games when stressed. It distracts you from stress about homework or whatever and makes you stressed about a game (which doesn't actually matter) instead. This may just make it worse for you though :p I'm weird, yay.

Watching movies usually helps too, again it takes your mind off everything. Same with books, TV, anything that absorbs you into a fictional world and makes you forget about real life. Most stressful things do go away after a while, especially trivial ones.

I have no idea what kind of stress you're dealing with; if you think it'll be a long term problem that will affect you a lot, I'd advise talking to your parents about it. If it's normal stuff like school, exams, friendship problems etc. then distracting yourself until the problem goes away on its own will probably help. (But of course, do try to solve the problem if you can!)

:< You can try to talk to your parents or close friends about it, as they may be able to comfort you. If the things you are stressed about are trivial or not that bad, then you can try to distract yourself from it by thinking and doing things that you enjoy. If there are issues that are causing problems, do you know if there are ways they could be fixed? Is there someone you trust that could help solve any problems?

Remember not to worry about it too much; there are probably many things you can still be happy about too. I don't think I can really help much, ;P But hopefully your friends will be able to help you calm down.

How about a stress ball? It's something you squeeze when you feel stressed and you can vent all your emotions that way :3

Also, listening to calm, beautiful music tends to help me forget about stress and it should be able to help you as well ^_^

Laughing is a good way of overcoming stress. Maybe search the internet for funny pictures, watch your favorite funny moments in shows and movies, or remember funny jokes and things that have happened :)

Thank you for all the advice, you guys are so nice!

I'm on my iPad Mini and it works great. I was stressing over a line that appears on my laptop screen sometimes and I have to adjust the screen so the line goes away. But it doesn't effect the laptop really. I know, I get paranoid... XD

I suffer from pretty bad anxiety, so I stress alot and I can understand

I find a hot shower or bath nice - maybe get nice scented shower gels, bubble bath or bath bombs?

Dress in your comfiest clothes and get some hot chocolate and read or watch your favourite tv show or movie!

You could always call someone you know to either talk about your stress or just have a bit of a chat to take your mind off of things

Also, a calming cat

Good luck!

You could try ASMR, it's a relaxation technique, try looking for it on youtube...helps me a lot everyday :) And, as SugaryGiesRAWR said, a good bath is always a great anti-stress remedy :)

If you start feeling too stressed, leave off whatever you're currently doing and spend 30 minutes doing something relaxing that you want to do.

Most things become less stressful after a short break.

With random stress that's not work-related, scratch the "30 minutes" since your relaxation isn't going to cut into productivity.

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