Strict parents.


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lol. that catastrophy wit the girl comiting suicide was last year :D lolz still mad at my dad, he pretend he was sick and he coudlnt listen to music, so i couldn't listen to z100 xDDDDD

aggh then he yelled at me afte ri asked him to listen to is XDDD

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lol. that catastrophy wit the girl comiting suicide was last year :D lolz still mad at my dad, he pretend he was sick and he coudlnt listen to music, so i couldn't listen to z100 xDDDDD
aggh then he yelled at me afte ri asked him to listen to is XDDD
No, this one was recent.

My parents are not really strict to me . They said that i was growing up and i should have the freedom i ought to have . But if i am over the line , they will be a bit strict with me . I like my parents , in cases like i HAVE a myspace,they knew about it,they told me not to anyhow give out my personal information . If they respect my freedom,i will also respect them by listening to their instructions . In some cases which i hang out with friends at shopping mall , i might be a bit late because the bus is late,or either we shop until too late,i will just give a call to my mum that i will be late for [estimated time ] , and she just told me to be careful and call her if anything happens . Because of some reason,my parents do not allow me to meet up with my internet friends . I obey them and,until now, i have not even meet any of my internet friends yet .

My parents are not really strict with me , but if i do cross the line , yea, they will give me punishment .


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My dad used to race motorcycles, he started riding when he was 12 and sometimes spent up to 3 days alone in the desert, so he's fine, in fact he asked me if I wanted to go out to the shooting range :) (I would have said yes but we didn't have time) my mom is a bit more so, but she doesn't know that much about me, which is good.

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My dad is the exact opposite! I <3 my dad, he's awesome and really funny.
My mom is strict.
same! my dad plays a lot with me, on the other hand, my mom, not so much. :X

Ehmagawd. I have TERRIBLY strict 'rents. They don't even know i have a tamatalk! If they did know, they'd shut it of immedeatly. They wont let me watch pg-13 movvies, (i'm 12) and are even wary of movies that are PG!!!!, won't let me have my own email, they wont let me go to SLEEPOVERS, the would blow if they heard I had a crush, make me do math programs ( I LOATHE MATH!), will treat me like crap if I get a B or a C, will get angry if I ask why to something that I think is unfair, only let me watch tv on friday for ONE FRICKEN HOUR ONLY, will make me become a doctor (I wanna b an interior or fashion designer), and that's just the beginning of the list!


My parents are not really strict to me . They said that i was growing up and i should have the freedom i ought to have . But if i am over the line , they will be a bit strict with me . I like my parents , in cases like i HAVE a myspace,they knew about it,they told me not to anyhow give out my personal information . If they respect my freedom,i will also respect them by listening to their instructions . In some cases which i hang out with friends at shopping mall , i might be a bit late because the bus is late,or either we shop until too late,i will just give a call to my mum that i will be late for [estimated time ] , and she just told me to be careful and call her if anything happens . Because of some reason,my parents do not allow me to meet up with my internet friends . I obey them and,until now, i have not even meet any of my internet friends yet .
My parents are not really strict with me , but if i do cross the line , yea, they will give me punishment .

Your a very responsible person, I respect you alot.

The reason your parents won't let you meet with internet friends is because you never know, they could be bad people that can harm you, no matter how nice they seem.

My parents are somewhat strict, when I'm thirteen I will have some freedoms as long as I respect what rules they have set down for me.

My dad is so strict.. ugh. I get really mad at him sometimes, I'm really mad at him now 'cus he won't let me have a myspace. I know it's nothing to be mad about.... but uhhh I don't know.... I'm still a bit mad. :angry:
Same! The worst thing is if I get one behind his back, he can find it with in a week because he's like a comp. person or something

My mum is a normal parent but my Dad can be strict. He's only looking out for me though.

That's always their intention... Not to spoil fun, but to look after you. I know I'm still a kid so I listen to them, because I want to be safe.

My parents aren't really strict. They don't mind if I have a myspace account or whatever. They will go mad if I get under 75% in a test. My dad lets me go to the shops by myself, but my mum doesn't. Not even the corner shop, incase I get kidnapped. I'm 12 and I think that it's a bit unreasonal. :mametchi:

My mum and dad won't let me quit karate it is so BORING and when i didn't got my DS Wii and PS2 taken away for a year :p :p

Same! The worst thing is if I get one behind his back, he can find it with in a week because he's like a comp. person or something
Heres some help make your own email Ive made one and my mum and dad havent found out yet :p

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