Student Council


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Well-known member
May 10, 2008
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On the Moon with the Jonas Brothers.
So our private school has Student Council. Kids from each class or grade (my schools small so sometimes we only have like one fifth grade class or one sixth grade class) run for student council. You make three posters but no one votes for you if you have a cool poster or not. And then you make a speech. One of my freinds called my poster lame :angry: And after your done making your speech the class votes for two kids they thought made the best speech. Some kids who are trouble makers have really good speeches get in!! its pretty weird. Like you think their good just because of their speech but they turn out to be real bad student councils. One kid even dropped the flag. :) Well anyway 2 kids are selected from each grade. It doesnt matter if theirs two or three classes. Only from the grade. So i need some ideas on what i can put in my speech to actually persuade people to vote for me. They like really cool ideas because one kid said she'd set up an email so you could send ur suggestions to it. It was pretty stupid but she and this other kid got in because only one boy ran. really stupid. and so i just need some cool ideas. Thanks.

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Are you responsible? Do you like working with other people? Are you a problem solver? Say it?

If you were elected, what would you do? How would it make your school a better place?

Those are just some ideas. :)

Education, Academic Pressure, Cheating, Dropouts, Competency Tests, Lack Of Educational Opportunities

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Umm thats not what people usually mention. No one really "drops out" of our school or cheats on tests or anything. Hhahaha no one cares about Education either. I've gotten honor roll (which is getting straight A's) for three years straight. This one girl who i know is going to win only got it once and so did this other girl but she got a B+ on something but she still got Honor Roll. I know i'm not going to win because last year i talked a lot during class and i got in trouble lolz! but every other year I was actually very good and never talked in class. Weird huh? lol. Yea so I'm afraid the other two girls are going to get it. And one of the girls was actually a bit of a trouble maker and she never got good grades but now all of a sudden shes teacher's pet. Thats why I'm nervous.

A simple welcome to all student voters is the start of your student council speech. Hello all, Goodmorning, or Goodafternoon or Goodevening is fine.

Introduce yourself briefly. I'm ... from class ... . Not more for now. Blend more about you naturally in the flow of the speech presentation.

Then immediately focus their attention on the main goal you are standing for. Use an understatement everybody will recognize, a situation suitable for improvement.

Offer evidence why you are the best choice for the position. Avoid exageration of course. All has to be true. List your:

a. educational qualifications.

b. outstanding personal qualities.

c. main accomplishments or special activities in high school, college or university.

d. and the specific qualifications you can think of related to the position you strive for. E.g. Proven leadership is the right ticket to become student council president.

Look and listen how your competitors are doing. Copy their success parts in your own words, improve them. That is is my secret bonus student council speech idea!

Ooh! Cool idea! I'm not in High school im in elementary xD I'm going to mainly include things that can improve the school or make it seem more fun. I will throw in a detail of my education qaulifications. And I'm not going to copy but i'll take an idea from someone and make it better! Thats cool!

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