Studying for Exams....


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Well-known member
Oct 5, 2010
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Melbourne, Australia
Memory is like a muscle - the more you use it, the stronger it gets. This means everyone can improve their memory.
Here are some tips to help you study successfuly for exams...

Teach Others

According to my maths teacher, showing and teaching what you learn helps you learn and research shows that we remember about 90% of what we teach. :eek:

Drink Plenty of Water

Drink lots of water because dehydration can lead to lack of concentration and focus :nazotchi:

Take Breaks

You won't make any progress when you're tired. Study for 20 to 40 mins at a time and take a break before you continue stuffing your brain with knowledge


Look for old test papers and do them and maybe one of them may turn up in your exam.

Get Enough Sleep!

Use Mnemonics

Using this way makes memorizing things easier and more creative

i.e In Science you may have to memorize the planets in order from the sun - My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nachos (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune).

Eat Right

Try not to eat too much foods or drinks with lots of caffeine, sugar or fat no matter how tasty it may be :( . Eat foods rich in calcium, iron and protein (make sure you eat breakfast!!!). It is also a good idea to eat fish, such as tuna because fish has lots of Omega-3 fatty acids which help your brain cells communicate with each other better. And berries are good too, because they are full of antioxidants and help increase mental performances. :D

Flash Cards

Write questions on one side of a card(or Jumbo a Popcicle Stick!!) with the answers on the other side. You can use these cards to test yourself to see if you remember what you are supposed to be revising. And instead of carrying tons of books or heavy ringbinders full of notes you can just use the cards you can (probably) fit into your pocket! ;)


Don't only just use your highlighters to make your notes look pretty :rolleyes: ; you can use them to sort and organise your notes! Choose a particular colour for each subject. (Like I did; I chose pink for maths, blue for english and green for religeous education.)

Visual Notes

If writing pages and pages of notes doesn't work for you and you are a very visual person, you can draw a picture to remind yourself of a particular subject can help you jog your memory in an exam.

Sticking your notes

By revising when you're bored without having a heavy book on your lap at home, you can put notes all over the house. Such as;

~ next to the bathroom mirror [revise when you're brushing your teeth]

~ On the door of a shower cubicle [revise when you're taking a shower!]

~ The ceiling above your bed

~ On the fridge door

~ On the wall next to your bed


~ Prepare a study timetable

~ Get rid of Distractions

~ Pause Tamagotchi/cellphone

~ Look for a study buddy :ichigotchi:

~ Get at least 8 hrs of sleep

The Day Before Exams

~ Stay Calm

~ Get at least 8 hrs of sleep

~ On the day have a quick cold shower before school/uni

~ If you think you need to go to the bathroom, go BEFORE the exam starts. You will be stuck in the examination hall for about an hour or two.

~ Look through your notes :mimitchi:

Hope you find this helpful :nazotchi: :D

( ... Ya know, I just stopped to take a break from my studies and look what I found ! ^w^ )

But phew, this must have taken ages to type ! I think it's very helpful. Glad you posted this. :)

Revising in the shower, ha ! :D

THANKYOUSOMUCH. I do well in school, but I've never been a good studier, and I won't be able to get away with that anymore this year, when my Bio teacher puts SAT questions on tests. -_-

I'm a visual learner. I have to actually picture in my mind what's happening for me to understand. For me, I just type out a study guide on the computer with the information I need to know. It jogs my memory and is enough for me to remember everything.

Thanks!! I'm gonna try those on my upcoming science test, they seem like really good tips

I just graduated from High School and finished all my exams and didn't study for any of them.

Maybe if I'd seen this before, I might have found some motivation.

If your instructor gives you a study guide, definitely focus your attention on that because there's a reason why your instructor put that stuff on the study guide. Take it piecemeal, study a bit each day, rather than cramming the night before. Also, I find that it helps to study with a few (reliable) classmates who also know what they're doing. That way, you're teaching each other the information and reinforcing your knowledge.

If you have a Japanese Exam (I will have one in years nine; will choose either french or Japanese)

you can use the meanings of the tamagotchi names to help you. Because some of them have japanese meanings

i.e. You revise for types of fruit, Draw an :ichigotchi: Ichigotchi :ichigotchi: (Strawberry) and a Ringotchi (Apple)next to the symbols

i.e. You revise for parts of your body, Draw a :) Memetchi :) (Eyes), Hanatchi (Nose), :mimitchi: Mimitchi :mimitchi: (Ears), next to the symbols

This is actually really helpful :D Everytime I open the refrigerator I see information on food webs on a sticky note, and I stuck a note about "photoynthesis" on our vase of flowers:)

I even put a sticky note about energy on the light switch, and one about waste on the toilet seat cover ;D

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