Stuff you are obsessed with


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Making things. Sometimes I make things and don't want them afterwards (painted things, knitted stuff, jewelry) and just give them away. I just enjoy the creative process.

Also, tamagotchis.

Medicine, House, the color blue, Tamagotchis, cheese, Jumong, taking pictures, reading, music, Bath and Body Works. :)

Right now I'm obsessed with this one guy because I'm a creepy stalker and listening to music. I'm adding new songs onto my iPod constantly.

College football. Actually, I've always been kind of obsessed with it but after attending last night's game, I'm super pumped! :D

I have an even more renewed obsession with collecting Tamagotchis. I really would like the Santagotchi for Christmas. It would be so perfect!

Tamagotchis, collecting books, the color blue, Bath and Body Works, Tom and Jerry cartoons, college football, classical music, and Christmas music. :)

Fro yo.

Tights, but that's normal.

Jamba Juice's White Gummi Bear.



High waisted shorts (with tights!)

Shoes, namely boots, booties, and oxfords.

MSPA. It's dr8ving me ins8ne w8ing for Hussie to upd8te ag8in!!!!!!!! >.<

Also: My Chemical Romance and Kiss Kiss.

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Homestuck Homestuck Homestuck


...Oh and Harry Potter too.

Tic-Tacs, Peanuts, Facebook, Books, Techno! <3, Gintama <3, friends, Movies.

8D Thats basically it.



Singing I won camp talent quest by singing

Taylor Swift (sort of)

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