Stupid Key Chains !


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Well-known member
Jul 23, 2006
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I am soooooooooo sick of Bandia America putting a key chain on the tamagotchi...America is just about the only ones that don't get beads except on country that I can't remember right now...Any why I'd just buy one from Ebay but the prices are outrageous I spent $32 w/ shiping and handling it came to about $40, thats 2 & 1/2 Tamas...To some this up I want beads and not key chains and just about ready to send bandi a letter asking why we can't have beads like everyone else... :D

There's nothing stopping you from removing the keychain and putting beads on it, yourself. (Plus, this way you get to pick which beads.)

Go ahead and spice up the keychain then. Or remove it somehow and play around with stuff. I like scoobies (those plastic string thingies) and I've made a whole bundle of keychain thingies.

I would say don't complain, but then again I live in a country with Entama designs and bead straps.

There's nothing stopping you from removing the keychain and putting beads on it, yourself. (Plus, this way you get to pick which beads.)
Binary has a point.


Instead of complaining to Bandai to change their tamagotchi product to the way you like it, spice it up. You'll get to make it the way you want it, and it'll be a fun project!

The keychain makes me sad though, my charms somehow got lost and fell off of it or something because they're not on it anymore T.T

Just use pliers to get the keychain off, I like to put cellphone charms on mine! Beads sound fun..Next time I go to my friend's house I'll ask her if i can use her beads. And anyway BAndi only uses round colored beads, but If YOU make your own beaded keychain you can pick from hearts, stars, metal beads, and you can even make you own beads!

Here's a cool way to customize your tama:



Paper clips(as many as you like!! And you can get them colored!!!!)

Tiny beads

Ps. Keep 1 loop on your keychain because you'll need it!

Step 1: You take the pliers and and straighten out the paperclip(if you get colored paperclips then put tape on the plier ends so they won't scratch the paperclip!) 2.and then you bend the paperclip in andy shape you like!(i like making spirals and hearts!) 3.then you cant slip the beads on in any pattern!(or you can use beads that are the same color/s as the color/s on your Tama!) 3.then make sure you leave a little space at the end to attatch it to your tama

hope u like it!

I know what you mean. I would prefer the beads to the key chain, but like it has been pointed out, I could always do it myself.

You could remove the keychain and put beads on or mess with it a little.

all i hav to say is.

Get decorating and hav some fun with it!

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