Stupid Moments.


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I pet my cat while he was in the cat toilet.

Totally failed on a Bb Scale. It was a repeat and I didn't get it. I failed infront of the others, aka, the guys.

I can only play about 5 notes on Super Mario for trombone. D=

Okay; I am a really clumsy person. xP I'm always banging my head against stuff, but more commonly I'm known for falling over. ;D I'll just be standing perfectly still and suddenly I'll fall over. Well, at camp during the summer I was standing with these few people I had become friends with, and all of a sudden I began to fall so I grabbed the nearest thing to me; a random girls head. xD She was like, "wtf!?!" and I'm like, "Sorry!" :)

1.I run into walls

2.i run into my cats alot

3.i fall downstair's alot

4.i've fallen up the stairs once O.O

5.i trip on flat surfaces

6.i sat on my cat once

7.i cut myself when i was cutting an apple by mistake

8.i have dropped at least 4 plates and they have broken

and many more i don't remember......

1.was eating food and i bit my finger

2.ate lysol once (lysol=spray kitchen cleaner) dont ask why O.O marker all over my fingers and accidently rubbed some marker on my face so it looked like i had a mustache

i didnt do this but my brother did brother stole one of my old bra's and it fit him O.O

2.he ran into a wall and got stitches

3.he used to run around naked when we had friends over (dont worry he was young he didnt know that well)

4.threw a heavy metal drumpiece at my head

5.tripped me and made me fall face flat on a hard floor and break my nose

probably plenty of more i haven't thought about yet....

I never post on TT anymore (Never really did anyway...) but I want to share some of my stupid moments with the world.

1. Baking a cake, took it out of the oven, my mom yelled at me to move it somewhere else. I tried to move it and burned my fingers when I realized I had taken my oven mitts off.

2. I was little and swimming with my friend at her house and she had all these inflatable things. I said I was going to sit on the inflatable whale. My friend warned me that the water was freezing and I'd probably flip over. I thought I wouldn't. Of course, as soon as I sat on the inflatable whale I flipped over into the freezing water. xD

3. Told my friend I'd take good care of her book I was borrowing after she gave it to me. Not 2 minutes later a person in my class came to give me the book because I forgot it on top of the lockers. The friend I borrowed it from was standing right beside me when they gave it back. Oops... xP

4. I was talking to my bff on msn and she was complaining about her mom. I typed "I think your mom is acting really evil...". Then there's a short pause and my friend types that her mom had checked to see who she was talking to and say my message! Dx

5. Complaining very loudly about a teacher while outside then looking over and realizing that said teacher has their classroom window open and probably heard everything I just said. o_o

6. I tried to toss a pen to someone and missed terribly. The pen bounced off a desk, hit the ceiling and rocketed straight down on a bunch of people who ducked for cover.

7. Threw a cracker at someone I was angry at and had them come back with the cracker and crumble it up on my hair. :p

8. Countless accidents due to my clumsiness. Both physical pain and embarrassment.

9. Many more I can't remember.

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