stupid richness


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Evil Dazzilitchi

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2009
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There was once a mimitchi with so much money she thought it was nothing.

She spent it on everything she wanted until she saw a shadow of either a mametchi or kuromametchi.

This made her scared. One thing- were they really a mametchi or kuromametchi?

Up to her to find out. she approached...

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and by horror she saw a kuromametchi all dressed in black. she thought only one thing this meant: he could have been a burglar. She just smiled then ran for her life. the kuromametchi was surprised. He knew this mimitchi since 5 years. Mimitchi had forgotten all about her friends. All she thought now was her money.

She bought so many stuff until she only had ten thousand dollars. as well as that, she kept buying until...

she ran out of money. she only had her house and something else like a doingy thing

She started to cry. She hated that she coulnd't buy anything else. she sat down on her couch.....

And began on planning to steal somebody else's money to regain her large fortune. She didn't know how to start out, though; she had never been forced to care about money before. After thinking about it for a couple of hours, she decided to first....

she set off at midnight to sneak in someone's house. she cut a hole in a rich tama's house and snooped around. She found sumone's ATM and Bank Card, and found their bank pin. she set off to the bank and robbed his money until he had no more. she slipped back into the house and put back the two. glassed the window back, then ran with the 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 $. She ran in her house and laughed maniacally. But then next morning.....

And there were shadowy pictures of her sneaking around in the bank! The news flash said that anybody who found this mimitchi would get 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Gotchi Points to keep forever. The police would be keeping an eye out for her, too!

She watched in horror as her basic information was displayed for a full minute on the TV screen. Suddenly, she realized she had to get out of her house. FAST. First, she...

ran to the air plane and set for France. The problem was, she didn't speak French and She didn't eat what they ate! Somehow, people thought she was an enormous bunny rabbit. The Eiffel tower was too bright for her and she felt like a disaster. And she finally realized that... people were staring at her in a strange way so she thought...

They fight with the Mimitchi and the girls call the police. Then the police came and see Mimitchi. Then....

They start speaking in French! -_- Mimitchi didn't have a CLUE of what they were saying. "Toi, tu etais sur la television! Toi tu dois etre mis en prison!" << You, you were on TV! YOU NEED TO BE PUT IN PRISON>> Mimitchi was alarmed and she was sure they were talking about her on TV, regarding that they said "television" .

Ahhhness!So she got thrown in jail.Then someone whispered to her:Oi!Look upAnd there was the kuromametchi

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