Stupid Stories - Shirlena and the Xbox 360


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Well-known member
Aug 14, 2007
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this is a story i wrote one night

Stupid Stories - Shirlena And Xbox 360

Once There was a girl named Shirlena, She was a very Tenacious Girl and this time she was running in the Forest Because she had just upset a very angry bear "Aaaaah! OMG! i'm Being Chased by a Freakin' Bear!" said Shirlena she ran very fast around 30 MPH, she got out of the forest and wandered into a giant desert Shirlena was So hungry and So Thrirsty "Jeeze i'm gonna die i want Food And stuff" said Shirlena, then a Wizard Appeared!

"Holy Crap! ARRG stupid mirages" said Shirlena

"No, i am not a Mirage!" said the wizard "Who Are You?" said Shirlena "my name is not important, but i have come to give you beer, chips, donuts and other junk food" said the Wizard "gimme gimme!!" said Shirlena

"OK but give me your bow!" said the wizard so Shirlena gave him his bow and he disappeared and left all the junk food and stuff, Shirlena Got all her energy and ran to the next village, "Ah! sweet Civilization!" said Shirlena then she bought a ton of stuff with her money like swords and guns, she even bought an Xbox 360 "My Xbox 360 is awesome" said Shirlena but then she remembered that there were no plug-ins or TV's "Dangit i just bought this Awesome Xbox now i can't use it" said Shirlena so she set of to find some plug-ins and TV's, she ran as fast as she could then she hit a tree, Shirlena was knocked Unconscious, 5 hours later she Awoke in the Hospital "Good God, where am i?" said Shirlena

"You are in the Hydraxon town Hospital" said the Doctor

"What in the World Happened?" said Shirlena

"You Got A Concussion, but your alright now so you can leave no bill today" said the Doctor so Shirlena Left the Hospital still in search of Plug-ins and TV's for her Xbox 360 so she went next door to Best Buy, when she got there Video Game Nerd Zombies had Attacked but there was still somebody alive so Shirlena talked to him "Do you guys have Plug-ins And TV's?" Yelled Shirlena over the Blazing wreckage

"Yes" muttered the Injured Employee

"OK how much?" Yelled Shirlena

"100$" Muttered the Employee

so Shirlena bought the stuff and went home to play her Xbox 360 when she got home she plugged it in and played Gears of War, Gears of War 2, Call Of Duty 4, and Grand Theft Auto IV, then it Exploded into a Billion pieces "Crap i go through tons of junk and it Explodes Great!!" Said Shirlena so she called the Repair Man, and he came "So Your Xbox Is in a Billion pieces huh?" Said the Repair Guy

"Yep, can ya Fix it?" said Shirlena

"Yeah, it'll take me 100 Hours" Said The Repair Guy

"100 Hours! Can't you take less?" said Shirlena

"lady, 1 Billion Pieces is gonna take a long time to put back together" said the Repair Guy

so Shirlena Waited 100 Hours and then he was finished " Yup, you Shouldn't have anymore problems with it now, just don't hit the power Button Off And On really fast Repetitively ok" said the Repair Guy

"OK thanks" said Shirlena So Shirlena Lived Happily ever After With her Xbox!......Until Bears Ate Her and Took Her Xbox 360 and Played it

The End.

I hope you liked it.


I do too, but I Think people would enjoy one about the Xbox 360, i'll do one on DS next time DS VS. the PSP
