Stupid things...


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Well-known member
Aug 30, 2009
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One day, I was eating pasta, and i spilled some sauce on my red shirt. I spent like, an hour complaining until I realized i couldn't see it. XD

So, have you done or seen someone do something incredibly stupid?

oh yes, my hair is brown, but im a blonde at heart!

One time, i forgot how to spell "and" i suffered for like, an hour, before i put my hand up asked how to spell it XD another time, i called my kindergarten teacher "mommy", oh and ANOTHER time i asked "can i go pee?" when the teacher was talking XD how embarassing D:

well once i had a spelling mistake and got mad (just like x.Smile)and once was mad at myself at school on a math test XD until i noticed i got all of them right XD

im a blonde so i have the right to do stupid crap....ok.

I was sittign watching Tv with my mum ( we have DISH so when you click info a huge box pops up on the screen) she wanted ot know what the show was about she she clicked 'info' and that huge box popped up. I started to jump up and down trying to see over the box of the Tv to see the show. I finaly was fed up about it so i stood up and stood on my tippy toes. Mum had enough so she asked what was wrong and i told her "I CANT SEE OVER THIS FRIGGEN BOX ITS IN THE WAY" she stood there staring at me and finaly said "Megan. its digatl" i turned red and sat bakc down.

[SIZE=14pt]My friends and I were at a pool one day. I was stupid enough to trust them to play Marco-Polo in a public pool. :/[/SIZE]

Well, it was my turn, so I LEAPED! out in front of me and I thought I had touched one of their heads, then I hear giggling...I open my eyes....and I was all over this chubby man's BELLY! Bleh! And the worst part was...he was smiling...D:

Sorry, this is more of an embarrasing (totally butchered that, or did I?!) story than stupid.

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I was eating my tea with jinx and her nan came into the kitchen. Me and jinx were just talking when I suddenly came out with " I swear I'm related to someone other than my parents!" everyone just sorta cracked up including me o.o I am a blonde of course

*Cough* Well this one time I asked my dad, "How much does a pound of butter weigh?" He was all, "o_o xDDD" I had a total brainblock.

-Then another time I asked my dad, "What's a nap?" XD Right after I said the word I was like WAIT I KNOW WHAT A NAP IS GOSH.

-I climbed a tree and got stuck. I was hanging upside down with my leg practically past my head. It hurt. xD

-Sniffed pepper. It made me sneeze.

-Stepped on a rake outside like they do in cartoons to see if it would swing up and hit me in the head. It did.

-Blew in a little tub of pencil shavings.

-Put on mascara and washed it off in the shower getting it in my eyes. Painful, yes.

-Squeezed next to a bed and the wall and got stuck.

-Ran straight into a door when I was about 7 right in front of this kid I had a crush on. :'DD

And for the record, I am a blonde. And there's a lot more.

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-washed off my mascara with one of those pre-soaped face washer things. It stung. Alot.

- Asked my friend if we have French today. We have French everyday.

-Decided to slide on a big ice patch while walking home from school. I fell.

There's much more, but I'm too lazy to think of any. XD

Yes, I'm a blonde. Whatsit tooya?

I was talking with my friends in computer, and he asked "What do he have after?" so I said "French. We always have French. But, today it's art." and my other friend said "You just proved yourself wrong." xD

A few weeks ago, I was running up the stairs with my friend because we were held after the bell in Technology and were going to be late for lunch as a result. So as I'm running I'm yelling "We have to hurry up!" As soon as I finished saying it, I missed a step as I was running and flew up about 6 steps where I fell to my knees. My friend starts laughing like an idiot and I make her pick me up and carry me up the rest of the stairs. xD I wasn't really hurt, I was just too lazy to get up.

I was talking to my best friend on my cell, and I told her to hold on a minute while I put my phone down to look for something.

What I wanted was my cell so I could text my friend... who I was talking to. >.<

I was hanging with my friend and she was sitting on the freezer and made a little complaint that she was fat. I told her she wasn't.

I then tried to open the freezer, and when I found I couldn't, I told her to get off because I couldn't open it because she was too fat.

I was getting the ice cream out of the box because it was too hard to get out with a spoon. My mom told me not to do that because she didn't want me to drop the knife.

I dropped the knife.

She jinxed me, though. I had never dropped the knife doing that before, and I haven't done it once since.

-I was going to take a photo, and I called over my dad because it wasn't working. He pressed the Power button.

-I was walking home from school when I saw a banana peel. I though do people really slip on these things? I tried. I slipped. And my friend laughed.

Thats all I can think of I'm sure theres more. BTW I'm a blonde.

At school when the ground gets really wet it gets all slippy and my shoes were so bad they didn't have any grip lol so what everyone was doing was they were running and then just sliding. I did EXACTLY what they did, slipped and fell flat on my bum, so hard that I couldn't breathe for a second lol. I did however, slide the furthest of anyone (Y).

my hamster left a lovely pile of hamster turds on moms shaving kit. >:3

i farted really loud in class! xD it smelled horrible!

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