Successful Mating


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:( [SIZE=14pt] :( he means that after the babies are born how long do the adult parents ahng around before they die!? :hitodetchi: :( [/SIZE]
After your tama has a baby, wait 2 or 3 days and then they will leave (they don't die they just go back to their home planet) .

My v3 is 5 and the matchmaker wont come how cam it? ;) :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :blink: :wub: :wub: :gozarutchi:

can a tama adult and a tama child have babies ? and can i use a love potion when der accquaintences ?

when connecting, to make sure presents are given, press the B button of the tama you want to be visited.
2 questions:

1. how do you give presents from v2 and v3? mine only plays a game together and i can't get them to do anything else.

2. can this still happen when the v2 is an oldie, or do I have to wait until the v3 is an oldie too?

i'm panicing! i've been working hard on my v2 since i got it, and i really don't want it to die. it's 13 flippin years old! the v2 i want to mate it with is only 4. i wanted to pause my v2 until i got my v3 old enough, and then mate them. do i have to use the love potion?

well i think it could work without, but will better work with love potion


i cant seem to get babies at all :D ;)

please help






(please visit cassy or she will die) hi im bethany ive got horrid curly hair but ive ;) sorted it now so its strait and i like thease guys over that skuigallie thing their names are meg and mog



()_() ()_()

( .. ) ( . . )

( ^ ) ( ~ )


b meg mog



beth :wacko: :D

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