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Nov 27, 2007
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:gozarutchi: :nazotchi: :ph34r: I have a V4.5 and its a Ura Violetchi. Everytime I click a button( mostly A ) it keeps falling down and crying!!!!!!!!! Does anybody know whats happening? Is it trying to kill itself ( not trying to be dumb or nothing but its a possibility! ) :furawatchi:
No, it's nothing to be worried about! :furawatchi:

I think it's just that the Tama's bored or something, but you really don't need to worry. Nothing changes on the bars or anything. :gozarutchi:

Best Wishes,


i noticed the same thing when my tama was three, falling down etc the next day when it was four it was fine, i think its just growing pains or learning to walk in its new adult form! :0

maybe it´s just an animation they do when they 3 :furawatchi:

No its not trying to commit suicide XP

Dont worry your Tamagotchi's fine.

Did you get a 1 in your fortune? maby thats the problem because it does that with bad fortunes.

^^ I don't really think so.

There's nothing wrong with your tamagotchi. It has nothing to do with fortunes, skill points or anything like that. The tamagotchi is just bored and looking for something to do.

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