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Well-known member
May 10, 2008
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On the Moon with the Jonas Brothers.
Well I have been sooo bored this summer. I feel like I'm going to cry because everyone is out having fun except me! My dads at work all day and My moms in las vegas working on an internship. I have to stay home with my grandparents. My grandma does nothing but shop and its sooo boring. I tell her she shops to much and she makes excuses like, What! I havent been shopping for a long time! Which is a lie because she went shopping a few days ago. And then I cant invite my freinds over cuz most of them are out of town. And I cant invite my neighbor over because she might be staying at her dads house and not her moms. I am soo bored so If you could give me tips it would be great. Oh and P.S. dont mention books cuz i've already read tons of them and i've played too many video games and watched too much t.v. and gone on the computer. I need new tips!!!!

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Walk to public places in the vicinity. I go to the library [even if they DON'T FRIGGIN HAVE DEATH NOTE O:<]

Me and my frinends sit outside the library, take the sterio-thingy up there, plug it in the outlet, and play my music out loud [but not too loud. librarians get stingy when 'ya do that]. But I only do that when me and Stephanie go. But srsly. I've made new friends by doing that =D

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Walk around and meet someone. Or go to just public places and explore. That's what I do when I'm bored. You can also call people.

Well, I'm moving to America soon ( :huh: ) so I'll be spending Summer having my leaving party, going to the end-of-year disco and getting together with all of my bezzies for sleepovers and to go into town!!! it's going to be fun! :)

Sure i can help you!!!!!!!!

i got a list.......

it should help you earn money!!!!!

you can buy waterpark tickets with it....

or go to a JONAS BROTHERS concert!!!!!!!

have a garage sale.......

do a car wash.....or a bike wash if you cant handle cars.........

sell waterballons....sure to get lots of custumers........(maybe even set up a target next to it and charge prizes will work with it....)

walk dogs or take care of pets while other people are out of town....

what to do with the money

the two things i said on top......

see a movie.....

go to a carnival or an amusment park..................

go to a fun palace (unless u r 2 old 4 them)

buy a jewerly kit a make jewerly (its a lot of fun)

thats all for now!!!!!

tell mw if you did any of these

Ooh thats coool! but the jonas brothers arent coming back to my state for a while. :D but I just went to an amusement park yesterday. My dad gets tickets from his freinds. I think I'm going to try the water balloon thing. Hahah that would be awesome!

go to the waterpark and have some fun!!!!!!!!!

go on mondays when waterparks arent crowded

I have nothing to do either. xD

Go places and meet people. Like at the library, your bound to see someone your age. Then....

I would say to gather up some buddies and go random places. Once I did this with my friends. We kept walking until we found something to do. It's a good way to discover new places.

Hope I helped ^^

Sure i can help you!!!!!!!!i got a list.......

it should help you earn money!!!!!

you can buy waterpark tickets with it....

or go to a JONAS BROTHERS concert!!!!!!!

have a garage sale.......

do a car wash.....or a bike wash if you cant handle cars.........

sell waterballons....sure to get lots of custumers........(maybe even set up a target next to it and charge prizes will work with it....)

walk dogs or take care of pets while other people are out of town....

what to do with the money

the two things i said on top......

see a movie.....

go to a carnival or an amusment park..................

go to a fun palace (unless u r 2 old 4 them)

buy a jewerly kit a make jewerly (its a lot of fun)

thats all for now!!!!!

tell mw if you did any of these
I'm not allowed to do any of those!!! :(

Draw a picture, write a story, do a craft, write a song, play music. Be creative! I always have fun and get really happy when I am being creative, I'm sure you will too!

nickigi and Charm, read my reply in Charm's topic about communicating with your parents. That should help :)

From your friend TamaSweetie

Walk to public places in the vicinity. I go to the library [even if they DON'T FRIGGIN HAVE DEATH NOTE O:<]
Me and my frinends sit outside the library, take the sterio-thingy up there, plug it in the outlet, and play my music out loud [but not too loud. librarians get stingy when 'ya do that]. But I only do that when me and Stephanie go. But srsly. I've made new friends by doing that =D

That sounds cool.

wow. yall are soooooo lucky! ya get to go outside and make stuff and make lots of money! I just have to stay inside all day unless my parents go somewhere. and the only way I can make money is from my allowance(1$ ^_^ ) and from recycling bottles and cans which I rarely do.

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