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Well-known member
May 13, 2006
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I have had plenty of embaresing moments and It feels good to get them off of your chest

First I'm going to share mine with you

I am on a swim team and it was just after a heavy rain at the pool and I was steping onto the diving block

and right when getting up there I sliped and fell and BOY IT HURT!!!

It wouldn't have made a difference if I had cried because I was wet,but others were laughing and I looked down at my swim suit and I might as well have been flashing them!!!!

After that my times were off for the next few practices because I was afraid i WOULD FLASH THEM AGAIN!!!

most embarresing thing *thinks for a moment*


i was in a music lesson and all of a sudden i started air guitaring and singing trogdor at the top of my lungs

and the teacher recorded it and i was like O_O;

Hah, I posted this the other day. I'm still terribly embarassed by it. :eek:

First of all, when my story takes place, I was really short for my age. I was 4'10. :eek:

So I was at a party last year, and I was wearing flats (I normally wear upwards of 4 inch heels). My best guy friend was there, and I started to kind of like him a bit (he's of average height for a 16 year old, by the way). So he tells me that he likes me, and he asks if he can kiss me. I say yes. Big mistake. So he has to bend down, right? Well, I'm so short that he's practically on his knees. He put his hand on my shoulder, and as he's standing up, he got his watch caught on my bra strap. He stood up straight and accidentally pulled my bra off. So we're standing there, both absolutely mortified, with my bra hanging off of his watch, and the room falls silent, as everybody's trying to absorb the situation. Suddenly, my cousin breaks out in laughter and the rest of the crowd joins her. We're both still being teased without mercy, by the way.

Eep. =/

When I slipped on a ketchup packet on the floor at school and fell down in the cafeteria in 3rd grade and got spaghetti all over my shirt :mametchi: and everyone laughed at me I hated 3rd grade LOL!

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Uhh, when I was in 4th grade I was racing this kid to the bus and I got on the wrong bus. xD Then I had to get off and get back on my own bus where everyone started laughing at me. xD

I was on vacation at the Chesapeake Bay and my family was fishing there. There were these huge rocks at the shore where the waves crashed over them, and I thought, why not climb over them? (smart, I know. :mametchi: I was about 8 at the time.) As you could have guessed, I slipped and fell on my back. Luckily no one saw. Not even my mom was watching. :) I wasn't hurt though fortunately.

Okay so I have this friend thats a guy, I dont "like" him he is just my friend and a few days ago I was having a dumb moment and he had grass on his butt so i slapped his butt as like a joke!!! Hes all like "what the heack?!?!" I'm all like " there was grass on your butt" and he was all "gees" and now I realize that was totally gross and I grossed my self out and now...yeah.

Wow, Fruit Frappae... I've done that a few times myself. I don't think before I slap. o_O

Today I was standing in the corridor outside English, and Lozza, Lizzie and Kitty ran up to me all asking if I would marry them. And then they clung to me when I was trying to run away, and Lozza said that she would kiss me if I didn't marry her. Eventually they gave up and went to ask someone else.


And in science at lunch (detention thingy...) I was trying to ask Cameron the time, and he was talking to Chris instead. So I grabbed him by the shoulders and said "Cameron. What. Is. The. Time." And he just stood there looking petrified. And when I asked him what he was looking so scared about, he said that he had thought I was about to hug him. xD

And then in PSE me and Will put this cockroach we found on the floor in Chris' pencilcase...

He started it. He tried to put it in my hair. xD;

And in science at lunch (detention thingy...) I was trying to ask Cameron the time, and he was talking to Chris instead. So I grabbed him by the shoulders and said "Cameron. What. Is. The. Time." And he just stood there looking petrified. And when I asked him what he was looking so scared about, he said that he had thought I was about to hug him. xD
ha thats hilarious XD

funny thing about the phrase "OFF UR CHEST" heh heh listen to this

i was a the pool with friends and i noticed the CUTEST guy was looking at me so i tried to look good in the way i swam then i sat up on the steps and all of the sudden i felt cold then i looked down and my bikini top was not on!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i looked every were and hopped back into the pool, it was in the MIDDLE OF THE POOL!! i had to swim all the way over there and to top it all off i got in trouble from the life gaurd cuz they thought is was on purpose, they called me a huligan!!

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OMG how old were u when that happend doglover10 !!!

i have had a crush on this one guy for a long time ( A LONG TIME!) and he came and sat NEXT TO ME at lunch and he said "hey, i was kinda nervous to ask but... do u want to go to the dance with me?" i pretty much through my lunch in the air and huged him saying "ya!!!" and as it turned out he was asking the gurl to the other side of him!!!! ;) :( :D i felt like crawling under a rock!!! this stuff ALWAYS happens to me! i want to move to texas or somthing!! :D

one other time was when this cute guy was telling me " i bet u cant throw this ball into this hoop" he said pionting to the basketball hoop ( i am usualy good at basket ball)

i told him " oh yea? well wach this!" i through the ball and it hit somone in the back of the head!! but it wasnt as bad cuz i just laghed and said " oh yea!! i AM a pro!!"

13!!! OMG THATS SOOOOOOOO EMBARASSING!!!!! u have so many (hilarious) embarassing moments

Once, when my club was walking back to school, me and my friend (male) raced ahead. When we went up the steps (I'm afraid of stairs), my heel got caught on one of the steps so I grabbed his shoulders for support and we landed on the ground. He was on me and his face was life a penny away >_o The club teacher got mad at us and the others members were making jokes =P

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wow some of these things are really embarrassing

This wasn't so bad, since I was only four or something, but it was still kinda embarassing.

Well, long story short, my sister tricked me and I accidentally went outside in my underwear :p

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