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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2007
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Always Somewhere...
have you ever thought that you had some kind of superpower? I was just wondering because i think that I have a super power. My superpower would probebly be to be able to see something from another person's perspective. I mean, It's wierd because I can tell something about how someone feels about others just by knowing them well. I can tell anything from why some girl might like a certain guy, to why some people don't like chocolate. It's cool because just the other day, there was a new girl in school who has growth problems. She acts like she's in the third grade but she's older than me! (I'm 13 by the way) She decided to go out with this one guy who everybody hates because he cheats on people and just by talking to her I was able to see why she liked him! :p It's really wierd, but cool! :D

Well, I think I may have a super power sort of. I have been practicing it for a while, and I finally achieved it! It is fine if nobody believes me, but I can do a little telekenesis. Only a little. I practiced on a plastic fork, and I bent it a little o_O I am so shocked at myself! I went on the internet to help me with it. I think your superpower is cool too. Also, I can sometimes tell the future with my dreams, but then, alot of peeps can do it too. Like once, I had a dream thet I would be really high above the ground, and a week later, we got the permission slip to go to Eagle Bluff (for a school field trip for 3 days) and one of the things we were going to do was the treetop obstacle course 30 ft. above the ground. I had soooo much fun! I am a little bit psychic, but I can't do palm readings or anything. I sort of get a short vision. weather it is in a dream, or if it is in class and I just get a mental picture. it happens alot

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I am a little psychic, and appear to run fast when I need to most (besides for gym class *rolls eyes*). Once, I had a sleepover with my friend and her older sister called me a midget, so she started running away with a ball so I started chasing her, and I almost caught up to her and then she threw it to her friend/neighbor.

Otherwise, I don't believe that many people can fly. Some people are weird enough to jump off their roof to try to fly. Just hope they land in a fluffy pillow.

It is kinda cool how you can do things that others can't.

I also think that i have the ability to learn extreamely fast.

many people can learn fast thoe, but i'm only 13 and

exteamly smart. I'm an expert at giving advise as well.

by the way, if anyone needs person help they can slways pm me!

It is kinda cool how you can do things that others can't.I also think that i have the ability to learn extreamely fast.

many people can learn fast thoe, but i'm only 13 and

exteamly smart. I'm an expert at giving advise as well.

by the way, if anyone needs person help they can slways pm me!
I knew more than 200 dinosaur species by the age of 7. I know alot about them now.

i think im psychic(sp?) but once i had this dream it was kind of a vision that this old house in my neighborhood would catch on fire and it did the week after im serious! it did! :huh: :eek: :eek:

also i happen to have a lot of dreams about the future and when something wierd or bad is going to happen i get really bad insomnia. Once i couldn't go to sleep untill about 1:00 in the morning and 2 days later there was a bomb threat at my school. When something bad is going to happen and it's not as serious my right eye gets bloodshot and waters. it doesn't hurt though.

Well... Whenever I'm in the car with my mother, in the front seat, I 'feel' carcrashes. It's like I sense one is about to happen, even if it doesn't. I see visions of carcrashes. I hear the carcrashes in my mind. It's like they're everywhere around me.... 0_o

I see, feel, and hear ghosts. But I don't think they would enjoy me typing about them. They never really do, any time...

Me and my friend dream weird dreams; I've dreampt telekenetic dreams. When I wake up, the thing drops. I've also has psychic dreams. 0_o

Being smart and insomnia are pretty normal things. Sorry, but I wouldn't announce them as 'super-powers'.

Well... Whenever I'm in the car with my mother, in the front seat, I 'feel' carcrashes. It's like I sense one is about to happen, even if it doesn't. I see visions of carcrashes. I hear the carcrashes in my mind. It's like they're everywhere around me.... 0_o
OMG i have a feeling like this sometimes too!

i just had this vision in my head that we might go to Disney world in the summer Yay i hope its true if it is maybe i am psychic(sp?) O_O :huh:

I can hear when a T.V. is on even if it's on mute. I can also write really fast. :mellow:

Well, I think I may have a super power sort of. I have been practicing it for a while, and I finally achieved it! It is fine if nobody believes me, but I can do a little telekenesis. Only a little. I practiced on a plastic fork, and I bent it a little o_O I am so shocked at myself! I went on the internet to help me with it. I think your superpower is cool too. Also, I can sometimes tell the future with my dreams, but then, alot of peeps can do it too. Like once, I had a dream thet I would be really high above the ground, and a week later, we got the permission slip to go to Eagle Bluff (for a school field trip for 3 days) and one of the things we were going to do was the treetop obstacle course 30 ft. above the ground. I had soooo much fun! I am a little bit psychic, but I can't do palm readings or anything. I sort of get a short vision. weather it is in a dream, or if it is in class and I just get a mental picture. it happens alot
Me too! I mean I can't do telekinses but I can see the future and read palms


I thought I could fly! Up Up and Away...................Clunk this isn't working Ouch my face it can taste the dirt! EWW

Note to Self: Never try to fly again it does not work! Though I wish I could Fly!!!

I guess you can say I do. My dreams can see things in the future, like nothing big. Here's a couple examples.

I had a dream at the end of my senior kindergarden year that me and my friend were trapped in this sewer thing, and there was this clock. It struck 1 o'clock and my friend turned into a rat. The next year in grade one, my friend got diabetes.

My friend moved away last year, and I had a dream where he told me he was coming back, and the next day he called me and told me he was moving back.

I see certain things of landscape in my dreams (like weird trees and stuff) that I never seen before, and the next day I see them.

Weird things like that, it's pretty awesome. If I could have a real power, I would pick flight.

I'm not sure what you would call it, but one time I was thinking back on something I did yesterday and something clicked in my mind and made it seem like it had happened before.

Kinda like late deja vu or something.

[SIZE=8pt]I can see the future in my dreams, and other stuff, but I have to go now, so that's it for the moment♥[/SIZE]

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