Supersize me


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Excactly. I usually don't eat out of Mc. Donalds. Why not just set your Mc. Donalds coffee up on your table. Why not have a healthy, balanced meal a couple of times a week? What's wrong with doing that?
The thing is. People can eat what they want. No one can't be forced to eat a salad. I thnk sueing a company because it's "ZOMG UN HEALTHY!" is really effin' silly.

The same goes with people thinkin' video games and TV are too violent for kids. News flash! Parents need ot be more responsible for wat their kid's watch or play. Same with people choosin' what to eat.

I eat meat, but I don't get fat. I'm a medum build dude. I get fresh meat from the local butcher/deli. Where I can acculty see what my meat looks like, instead of it being sealed in styrofoam and plastic.

I don't eat Mc Donald's, but you can't sue a place, because you get obese from it.

If we were able to sue people for every lttle thing, stuff would go to hell in a hand basket.

It's not Mc Donald's fault. It's the idiots who ate there and got heavy in the first place.
>> I don' think that's what we meant.

And the situation isn't "little" either. One of the main reasons for America's obesity is all these fast food chains advertising their food, claiming it's healthy, fresh and nutritious.

I'm just saying that they should change their advertising, or they should expect to be sued.

And some people don't have a choice. Those who are poor, don't have a lot of money, or live on the street can only afford McDonald's or Burger King's or Wendy's or whatever. T_T

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>> I don' think that's what we meant.
And the situation isn't "little" either. One of the main reasons for America's obesity is all these fast food chains advertising their food, claiming it's healthy, fresh and nutritious.

I'm just saying that they should change their advertising, or they should expect to be sued.

And some people don't have a choice. Those who are poor, don't have a lot of money, or live on the street can only afford McDonald's or Burger King's or Wendy's or whatever. T_T
This is just like the whole "SHOULD MC DONALD'S BE SHUT DOWN?" Topic.

Also. your logic is flawed there. Not all "Poor people can afford the dollar menu". If people eat there.

It's their choice. Their life. You also shouldn't feel sorry for them if they get fat.

It's probably not Mc.Donalds fault. I have a friend who eats there for lunch every day, but she's as thin as a pencil ((And I haven't had McD's in MONTHS!)).

It's the consumer's choice what they do with the energy that's going into their body.

You could eat there for lunch every day, and be lazy like me, and you'd probably end up over weight.


You could eat there for lunch every day, but also take part in sports and be active. Then you're more likely to have an average weight.

NOTE: My mom told me that I should spend less time insulting myself, so I'm just going to say that I'm lazy, but not fat. But I'm still lazier than ALL of YOU!

It's probably not Mc.Donalds fault. I have a friend who eats there for lunch every day, but she's as thin as a pencil ((And I haven't had McD's in MONTHS!)).
It's the consumer's choice what they do with the energy that's going into their body.

You could eat there for lunch every day, and be lazy like me, and you'd probably end up over weight.


You could eat there for lunch every day, but also take part in sports and be active. Then you're more likely to have an average weight.

NOTE: My mom told me that I should spend less time insulting myself, so I'm just going to say that I'm lazy, but not fat. But I'm still lazier than ALL of YOU!
If you ate Mc Donald's evryday and excercised, you still mightn't lose an awful lot of weight because Mc. Donald's food is very fattening and needs to be eaten in mderation with your diet. But if you wanna end up like that, it's not my problem, cause whatever you do it's upto you! :furawatchi:

If you ate Mc Donald's evryday and excercised, you still mightn't lose an awful lot of weight because Mc. Donald's food is very fattening and needs to be eaten in mderation with your diet. But if you wanna end up like that, it's not my problem, cause whatever you do it's upto you! :huh:
Eh, yeah I just re-read that and I was exagerating a bit. She probably eats it twice a week at most. She does a ton of sports too. That's probably why she is forced out of her own will to eat at Mc.Donalds.

It is idiotic to sue for things like that. If you are overweight, it is no one's fault but your own. Unless you are a little kid and your parents only feed you unhealthy things and don't let you exercise. Even then, it is your parents fault. Not anyone else's. People can choose to eat what they want. If they choose to eat unhealthy foods, it was their choice to eat them and become overweight.

It's like me suing a roller skating rink because I purposely jumped off their roof and broke my leg. I chose to jump. I chose to get hurt. It was not their fault; it was mine. Someone chooses to eat unhealthy foods everyday. They know the foods aren't healthy. They become overweight. It's the same thing. They chose to eat it. They chose to become overweight. It was not McDonald's fault; the people made their own choices and they chose to eat unhealthy foods. The company didn't force them to do it; they chose to do it.

Its not really Mc.Donalds fault.

Its a persons fault if they eat about about 4 hamburgers everyday, or have 7 meals a day, or if they waste atleast 40$ on Milkshakes.

It would be stupid to sue for this(This is an example from me) :

I went to Music and Arts Center(YES. A instrument related story, even though this isn't real.), I wanted to buy a Flute bag. I bought it and went home to find out it was a Clarinet bag. In the story, it was my fault for not thinking, it wasn't Music and Arts Center's fault. I chose to buy the bag, I was too silly to look nor ask. It would be silly for me to sue Music and Arts(Plus its my fave Instrument place >:3 ) just because I bought a Clarinet bag thinking it was a Flute bag. So in conclusion, I could just ask for a refund.

BUT if this was a Ebay story it would be the sellers fault, not the buyers fault for being a fraud sayinng: "GOOD CONDITION FLUTE BAG! NO RESERVE! NEW!!! PINK W/ PICCOLO CASE INCLUDED!!! BUY NOW!! "

As Fluffums said, people chose what they want, to do and etc,.

Nope. McD's is not responsible for what YOU eat. Yes, it is true that McD's has a lot of very unhealthy food, but its a choice to eat it.

Super Size Me changed my life...

I saw it in my Health class a few months ago and WOW.

Really opened my eyes.

I read Morgan Spurlock's book, too.

I will never touch fast food again.


In my entire life.

I'm deeply offended by the McDonalds golden arches.

Anyway, NO I do not think that people should be able to sue McDonalds for becoming fat. As much as I'd love for McDonalds to get sued a few more times, people know that McDonalds food isn't healthy. It's extremely obvious. Especially after Super Size Me, Fast Food Nation, and all other films of that sort. There's even an Anti-McDonalds day.

All people should know that fast food is going to make them gain weight. They chose to eat it, so....if they get fat, it's THEIR fault. Not McDonald's fault.

I wish McDonalds would just get shut down already. It's just too big, sadly.



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