Sweeney Todd


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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2008
Reaction score
58, THIS. IS. SPARTA! Street, Soha World.
I absolutely. Completely. Loved this movie. I saw it with Inamuinian Chopstick. It was great.

It was a little disturbing that they would make a movie like that a musical, but hey, great music, great storyline, great movie. :3

I loved the songs Epiphany, A Little Priest, No Place Like London, and My Friend.

The funny thing is, they had both Peter Pettigrew and Snape from the Harry Potter movies! And they weren't all that different in the character personalities, either.

Anyways, has anyone seen it? What do you think?

Um, it was okay. My attention span being that of a fly, I couldn't sit through it. I went away to check my email mid movie. I was slightly dissapointed Alan Rickman didn't actually, you know, sing. Before I saw it I even bought a couple songs he was supposedly in from the soundtrack and he was just talking. D:

I need to see it...like...so bad.

It's rated R, isn't it? That's why my parents are like "NOO! You can't see it!" But they let me watch Hide And Seek.

Whatever. I'll see it at Nicole's house one day. When we have our movie night.

Diva, you have to see it @_@ It's really good.

Yeah, it's rated R. My parents don't care what movies I see. When it comes to video games, however... they think I'll become a murderer. o..o

Yeah, Alan just sort of talked. Even in Pretty Women. That's kind of sad.

I love that movie. I got it the day it came out on dvd. And when I watched it I thought it was amazing!

No, I'm afraid that you couldn't pay me 1,000,000 dollars to see that movie. Lol. Rated R? Yeah. Not for 9,000,000 dollars.

No, I'm afraid that you couldn't pay me 1,000,000 dollars to see that movie. Lol. Rated R? Yeah. Not for 9,000,000 dollars.
It's not scary though. It's not a movie that gives you nightmares. And the blood in it doesn't look that real.

I love that Movie!

When I rented it [Forgot when], I must have watched it about 20 times within the 5 day Movie renting limit [5 movies for 5 days for 5 dollars, I can't remember the other movies we rented]

I'm trying to Convince My mom into letting me rent it again.

And Again.

And Most likely..

