Sweet!!! the chatroom is open


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Well-known member
Aug 17, 2004
Reaction score
Wow, admin is the chatroom here for good i don't remember it before

The chats will probably be scheduled to open for one day every week for a while... This way everyone knows when it is open. If it is liked we can work to expand it to more days/all the time :D

Sorry... Chat room closed now. Don't worry though... We will start the regularly scheduled openings this week. :D

More details to come.

i wish it was open a little more, i was having a good time there^-^ me and my 3 tama's Haku, Kari and Webster met a lot of nice people.

oh fun a chatroom :) only open on tuesdays tho... :lol: why? does it cost money to run it?

This way people know when it is open and there is a better chance of others being in there when they want to chat. Otherwise it sometimes gets really empty. Also, we want most of the info to stay on the forum posts so that the good Tamagotchi info stays available later (whereas a chatroom conversation/tip/trick/hint is lost forever after the members leave the room). Costs? Bandwidth can start to be eaten up if its always left open...

tuesdays? cool, i'll try to come. but it'd be better if it was a saturday or sunday.

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