Tale of two tamas


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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2007
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i was looking through my files and i found file named Tale of Two Tamas i wrote awhile ago. i read it, it's pretty good. tell me if u like it.

The Story of Two Tamagotchis

In the modern days of Seymour Ct,

there lived two tamagotchis, boy and girl, who lived very seperate lives. The boy, Pop, having only one brother and being younger got most of the attention, and was the newer version. He was in a pre-school with singing and dancing classes. Pop was a toddler and wanted a playmate.

The girl, Mook, lived high on a hill on North street with an enormas house. Having 1 sister and 2 brothers, being 1 of 4,

needed to share attention. Mook looked exactly the same and took the same classes as Pop. She was bored playing with the older versions and wanted a vesion 4 playmate.

Were two tamagotchis destined to meet?

Pop was jumping rope with his owner, trying to get his training bar up and his skill points.

After that, he went to his daily classes. Then the mail sign beeped, he had received a fortone cookie.

It was good luck. Pop waited but after several minutes, not a letter arrived.

Mook sat alone on a table with her brothers and sister while her brothers beeped un-controlably,

and her sister was caught up in her new toy, it was hard to thear her mail box beep. With nothing better to do, Mook went to her mail box. She had received a third love star!! She would not waste this on her brothers and sister. She would use it on a tamagothi suite-able. Maybe when she would use it to find a best friend!

But, with all of those options, only time would tell.

The phones shrill ring made Pop miss the rope his owner answered the phone and started to talk. Pop heard only the words" bring V.4" through the other end of the phone. Was this good luck? Pop snorted. Of cousre it wasn't! He would be dropped off there and would never come back!!!! Pop pretended to be sick but that was fixed with a dose of medicine. Pop sat there, as misrable as sick dog.

Mook was very angry. She wanted a tamagotchi the same version as her to connect with!!! She was sure it would be a version three. She also pretended to be sick but that did not last long.

Now, two misrable tamagotchi were about to be cheered up.

Pop was carried in his owner's pocket. He tried to live the rest of the happy part of his life up to the brim.

Although, that was not nessecary. Pop was taken out out of his pocket as quick as a whip. He watched as the buttons darkend, finally, it ended on connect button. Pop sighed and waited for an older, annoying tamagotchi. But a replacement for that must have come because a beauiful girl that looked exactly like him appeared. She gave a present and rocketed back to her place. Pop opened it and it was a flower. Pop connected back to her and Pop gave her a tart. By the end of the day , they were good friends. The last time they connected, they went to a red desert at sunset. Pop was already in the car when a present appeared from Mook. He opened it. A heart appeared on the screen.

As, life, went on, both evolved into teenagers, Mook, a young, beautiful Ringotchi and Pop a young mimitchi as teenagers, by the end of the day best friends. Their owners had planned a sleep over, so they were left on in the night, free to talk.

They sadly departed for another number of long weeks, but always a goodbye present was a heart.

They soon evolved into adults, Mook, a beautiful Memetchi, with a high paying job as a hairstylist.

Pop was a Mametchi, with a job as chef that got lots of money, but none of their lives were complete without each other.

At last, they met by accident because thier owners had summer camp and they where going to an amusment park. They waited for hours in seperate packs. Three at camp and several at the park. At night, they finally came out, they connected near a lit ferris wheel, both could wait no longer, Their friendship was now parter, and Mook did not waste her love star and that is what I, (Pop, are you listening?) Call

Good Luck.


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