Tama Adoption Center 4 Everyone!


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For my limiteds, I have more than one unless I do differently.


You may have them. Thanks for visiting TAC4E!!!!

Please come back soon!

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Sure you can. You want them hatched now or later?


Sure you can!

you give me the information for stats!

thx 4 adopting!

Come again!
I would liked them hatched now please!


BANG CRASH SMASH BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your eggs hatched at the same time!

The (^) egg hatched into :pochitchi: !!!!!!

The (@) egg hatched into :kuribotchi: :D !!!!!!

Do you want stats,items,anything? I don't think I have a shop but you just name an item.

Thanks for visiting TAC4E!!!!!

Sure you can. And you are very welcome!

You are a very loyal person to my center! In honor what item would you like for them?

Thanks for visiting TAC4E and please come back soon!!!!

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ok probably the best item is probably a air laptop thingy you see alot. In the real word it's worth like $1,200!!!!!!

For your tamas to enjoy! It comes with a game, cover,& a virtual home for your pets!!!

(Not in the real world.Can't afford one! LOL!)

Alright Update!!!!!!

You give these guys names, stats, get items from me, etc. You can also feed them and play with them.















Alright Update!!!!!!You give these guys names, stats, get items from me, etc. You can also feed them and play with them.







:hitodetchi: this one - Sparkle

:ichigotchi: this one - Joanne

:kuribotchi: this one - Poey



:chohimetchi: this one - catty-catz


:puroperatchi: this one - flys
Can I have....

Lk in the quote!



Alright Update!!!!!!You give these guys names, stats, get items from me, etc. You can also feed them and play with them.



:furawatchi: *SOLD*




:hitodetchi: *SOLD*

:ichigotchi:   *SOLD*

:kuribotchi: *SOLD*

:mametchi: *SOLD*

:mimitchi: *SOLD*

:p *SOLD*

:pochitchi: *SOLD*

;) *SOLD*
These are the updates!!!! ^^^^^^

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Alright Update!!!!!!You give these guys names, stats, get items from me, etc. You can also feed them and play with them.



:furawatchi: <-- This one, I shall call Her Sammy







:mametchi: <-- This one, I shall call him Brain

:mimitchi: <-- This one, I shall call her Angie


:pochitchi: <-- This one, I shall call her Angel

Quote says the Names and ones that I wan't, thankies!

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