Tama and Pets Adoption Centre


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Can I please have a [@] egg please???

Thank you

I will call the name for the[@] egg Sam.

It is a girl or a boy name

Please hatch it as quick as you can.

Thank you. :ichigotchi: :wacko: :lol:

I will call the name for the[@] egg Sam.It is a girl or a boy name

Please hatch it as quick as you can.

Thank you. :puroperatchi: :marumimitchi: :pochitchi:
I'm so srry It's not an egg It's a pet for your tama but you can still have it if you want to

May I have a cheeseburger, brush, bath, water gun, bed, dresser, frisbee, and a leash? For Cream?

Er remind me again what tamas are there to be adopted.


Can I have :) ? His name is Benjamin Ben for short.

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To all helpers,

When I post, Sparky will hand out the stuff.( :wacko: ) When you pass out tamas and things, you can use a tama to help. Please PM me their name.



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