Tama battaeries.....


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Feb 14, 2006
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I have some tips to help your battery live for 2 WHOLE years! If your battery runs out, unscrew the back and pop the battery out. Wipe it with a CLEAN, DRY cloth. Dry the battery really well, even if it is not wet. Put it back in and your battery should work a little longer. WARNING: DON'T DROP YOUR BATTERY IN SAND OR MUD!

1. turn the light off when your tama goes to bed.

2.Don't play slot loads and loads when your tama is an adult.

3.turn the sound off. (but keep alert because now you won't hear the pitiful cries for help)

4.Follow these tips! lol

They worked for me, my tama battery lasted for 2 WHOLE years. Have fun playing! :rolleyes:

-Gozarutchi girl-

I believe it also depends on the type of tamagotchi that you have. My V1 tama batteries have last about 2 years however my V2 tama has required its batteries to be replaced at least twice in the past year which is a little pathetic considering I've had it on pause for two three month blocks! My V2 tama has one of those heart beats which I've found to be a real drainer on the battery...

I have some tips to help your battery live for 2 WHOLE years! If your battery runs out, unscrew the back and pop the battery out. Wipe it with a CLEAN, DRY cloth. Dry the battery really well, even if it is not wet. Put it back in and your battery should work a little longer. WARNING: DON'T DROP YOUR BATTERY IN SAND OR MUD!
1. turn the light off when your tama goes to bed.

2.Don't play slot loads and loads when your tama is an adult.

3.turn the sound off. (but keep alert because now you won't hear the pitiful cries for help)

4.Follow these tips! lol

They worked for me, my tama battery lasted for 2 WHOLE years. Have fun playing! ;)

-Gozarutchi girl-
2 whole years?!??! are you lying??

But I like slots lol

I don't think anyone should put their batteries in mud wether they want them to last longer or not... it's nonsensical..

My battery only lasted 2 months but I think most people are sort of over it by the time the batteries run out anyway ;)

Yeah, all of the tamagotchi batteries that I have used have lasted for 5 tamagotchi generations.

*tama star*

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