Tama Changes


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Feb 11, 2006
Reaction score
First when it's born with the adult or you just start out with a baby,

feed it a certain food. Ex: Only feed it sushi and pudding. Mine turned into a cat when it was an adult. Experiment with different foods, don't just do mine. Might not work out right.

Next depends how many times you pause it and for how long. Barely any pausing makes it more rare.

You might not get what you wanted, but it can change the process of it's evolution.

Believe me, I had 27 generations. They helped me experiment.

Btw- Bought food does not change the process.

Hope this helps!

Tamagotchi Info

Name: Moe

Gender: Male

Gen.: 2

Training: 8/9

Age: Teens (2 yr)

Young Mimitchi :mimitchi:

I hope Moe get's to be a Frankenstien looking one.

Diet: Bread and Apples

Pausing won't affect the rarity. And no Tama is really rare - it depends how you look at that. And it depends how you usually take care of your Tama. Someone may think that Tama X is rare because he/She never gets it, but there's someone always gets Tama X:s.

Tama Xs means the X is a variable. all u gotta do is pay atention in math class (not saying that in the mean way) X means it could be any tamagotchi. Ex. Tama Taracotchi to you may be rare because you never get it, but someone else always gets tama taracotchi. Tama X means any tamagotchi. Its so people dont get confused if you used only one tamagotchi name. hope thats not TO confusing. lol :)

First when it's born with the adult or you just start out with a baby,feed it a certain food. Ex: Only feed it sushi and pudding. Mine turned into a cat when it was an adult. Experiment with different foods, don't just do mine. Might not work out right.

Next depends how many times you pause it and for how long. Barely any pausing makes it more rare.

You might not get what you wanted, but it can change the process of it's evolution.

Believe me, I had 27 generations. They helped me experiment.

Btw- Bought food does not change the process.

Hope this helps!

Tamagotchi Info

Name: Moe

Gender: Male

Gen.: 2

Training: 8/9

Age: Teens (2 yr)

Young Mimitchi :eek:

I hope Moe get's to be a Frankenstien looking one.

Diet: Bread and Apples

how to turn your tama to a shep is when it is a baby, take good care of it then make it turn into a tamatchi then teen is hinotamatchi. make it to 17 pounds then when it is an adult it will be a sheep :chohimetchi:

how to turn your tama to a shep is when it is a baby, take good care of it then make it turn into a tamatchi then teen is hinotamatchi. make it to 17 pounds then when it is an adult it will be a sheep :)
Not all tips works for all tamagotchis so don't be sad if you get another tama even if you tried this tip.

thanx that totally helped.

By the way im new here an :puroperatchi: :puroperatchi: :hitodetchi: d i think its a really cool site!

First when it's born with the adult or you just start out with a baby,feed it a certain food. Ex: Only feed it sushi and pudding. Mine turned into a cat when it was an adult. Experiment with different foods, don't just do mine. Might not work out right.

Next depends how many times you pause it and for how long. Barely any pausing makes it more rare.

You might not get what you wanted, but it can change the process of it's evolution.

Believe me, I had 27 generations. They helped me experiment.

Btw- Bought food does not change the process.

Hope this helps!

Tamagotchi Info

Name: Moe

Gender: Male

Gen.: 2

Training: 8/9

Age: Teens (2 yr)

Young Mimitchi ;)

I hope Moe get's to be a Frankenstien looking one.

Diet: Bread and Apples
:) thank i'll try it

i did that and it didnt turn into a weird character it just turned into a mimitchi and i never paused it

mine should be rare then. since ive only just been told how to pause it! hehe

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