Tama Characters Names


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Apr 18, 2006
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how are you supposed to remember them all? i can only remember Kuchipatchi :D

well i sometimes make them up! lol!

like if he he had a mohawk and often held up a graffiti bottle, and he was probably meant 2 b called bunkitntchifonapasyitchi or something, i'd simplify it by calling him Punktchi or TomboyItchi! Something like that! It's funner and easier!

Well it might be hard to remember all thoose Japanese names but you could try to memorize them all by looking at the character chart!

Character Chart V3

Good luck on that! ;)

:) Itachi :)

You're not expected to remember all 307+ names! Lol!

Well, I used to make up names as well, like for Hitodetchi, the star character, I'd call it Star-tchi or Pistachio (lol). Pistachio just reminded me of the word 'star'.

Soon I just had to learn some names. Different ways are easier for different people. You could try using flash cards or something. Or maybe this next method could work...

Say you just wanted to know the names of these characters:

:blink: :mimitchi: :huh: :mametchi: :kuribotchi:

You'd look them up in the character chart and keep going over them until you remember them. Simple as that.

Practise naming your own Tamagotchi characters. For example, I have a Mametchi, an Ichigotchi and an Obotchi.

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