~Tama Chronicles:: Phnx0313~


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Well-known member
Nov 14, 2010
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I wonder if anyone will read this...

If you do read... please send PM to me? o.o

[Note:: Especially if there is difficulty understanding me. English is my native, but so is Creole.]

Since at this point in time I do not have a working Tama, this log is Early.

November 12th I purchased a pink/blue P1/P2 Tama on EBay (seller: sol40) for 18.50$. Right now I am awaiting its arrival. (Happy Birthday to ME!)

Saturday night, before joining TamaTalk I found my KompuKoala Giga Pet in a random bag. The batteries are dead, but it is in wonderful cosmetic condition.

If only i could find my Baby Byte and Talking Nano Puppy. However, I think the BB is long gone somewhere.

I am currently running the TamaAngel Android app on my GalaxyS. About five hours ago I added TamaMonster.

The Original Tama App I deleted two days ago... it did not work properly for me.

Angel does not call for discipline. Monster went to sleep as soon as he started.

I received some birthday money and have job interviews this week. Hopefully I am hired so I can purchase my long coveted STI and a few Tama.

For right now, I will just get batteries and make a Tama FirstAid Kit......... o.o!

I think I will start on that now!



Though I am foggy about the timeframes, I do remember events of how I received my virtual pets.

CompuKitty, MicroChimp, DigitalDoggie Gigapets were given to me as spring presents.

My mother was dating a man in the military and he bought my KompuKoala on his base during the summertime.

He eventually got a T-Rex for himself... I traded him for MicroChimp at the Commandant Picnic.


I received my first Tamagotchi back in 1997 as a birthday present. It was Clear Pink.

The following easter I got a bunny virtual pet. It was a pink basket with flip top.

Military man eventually took a trip to Japan in mid 99. When he returned, I added to my collection a Devilgotchi.

Around this time I also received a US Ocean and US Angel.


Bad emotions 99 Thanksgiving between my mother and military man resulted in a cancelled wedding and us moving two states away.

We stayed with my aunt for a long while, approximately a year.

My collection grew to include LooneyTunes and Ariel Gigapet (My mom liked these) and Talking Nano Pup.

Also a Doggie pet from a chicken place (Either KFC or Popeyes, I think KFC.)

I am pretty sure by time were we preparing to move again I had 15 Pets.


The trip to look at our new apartment (back in our old city) I was only allowed to bring 3 Pets with me.

I took Koala, Nano Pup and Angel. (Mom took LooneyTunes)


When we returned from the trip, Auntie had taken many of our items to a pawn shop for money. This included my left behind pets.


In effort to rebuild my collection, Mom gave me a Baby Bite. I wore it around my neck and took care of it obsessively.

In 2000 my Angel was stolen during spring class promotions. Angry about my lost collection I stopped playing with pets completely.

In 2007 I started looking into Vintage Tama again. After 3 years, I cannot wait anymore.

::Current Collection::

KompuKoala GP

TamaAngel -------------TamaMonster

[~Pukuten~] ------------[~Deviluchi~]

06 yr ---------------------00 yr

55 AP --------------------60 AP

00 Deed ----------------------------

03 Hungry ---------------00 Hungry

04 Effort -----------------02 Friend

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Sorry its long again... Over time it will shorten. [The app problems are addressed here today.]

My Tama still did not arrive... thus today was a total failure.


Monday after the Doctor, I went to Target and ToysRUs to see if they possibly had any V6Stars still around.

Sadly... I only found the Tamago. ToysRUs had them... but NONE of the employees knew that Tamagotchi still exists.

Apparently one of my Targets does not have any. I will check the Super Center and Super Grocery in a week or two.


Today I went to Kmart. They have a bigger selection of Tamago than the ToysRUs. (Though still only Green and White color.)

After KMart I went on a short battery hunt. Good thing my phone has internet because I had forgotten the new button battery number.

LR44 = 303 and 357


Those battery are EXPENSIVE! (Five) $$$ for one. [better deal is 3 for 8$].

I will check the dollar store near my college tomorrow in case before getting the CVS ones.

I am not sure if any Tama takes C3032 but I have so many CMOS chip around that if so... it will be okay.




Android App (TamaAngel)

This one NEVER calls for good deed even when I leave the app open. To my surprise... Deed meter does not matter!

Yesterday I had Pukaten... while driving to the Kmart area today I fed him (there was traffic, no worries... I am not a cellphone talker.)


About 45minute later while waiting for mom to get out of work... I checked him again to find Futagotenshi

I squealed a little... All this time I thought I was doing badly because Deed meter has been 0 for 3days.

He has been well fed and played with to make up for it. I am very happy with this result.

(Even though it is no where near the care my old Angel needed, It still gave me a good feeling.)



Android App (TamaMonster)

This one... He made me very angry.

I had to take mom to work this morning at 11. Devilu was still asleep when I went to nap at 830am.

He was quiet until a few minutes before it was time to wake up.


Suddenly he made LOTS of noise... almost like a bomb alarm. He beeped and made fireworks, inverted the screen for 2 WHOLE minutes.

I finally managed to fully wake and actually care for him instead of spacing. There was no attention icon. He did not want anything.

No disclipine, no handshake, his food was 3 and friend was full. No poop... nothing. (He shook his head for all options.)

It would have been fine if he wanted to play or needed food. I scolded him... vulgarly.


True... I was going to wake up anyway, but that was not the only time.

After dropping mom off... he would not let me finish my nap. When I growled that I would ignore his badness he became quiet.

At 2pm he woke me again, but this time for handshake. He beeped for again for no reason while I showered.

He waited only until I was in the car, driving to beep. With only 10 DP he committed 7 bad deeds back to back. He pooped right after I cleaned him.


After the poop, I told him I was going to play with Angel because the app is broken (it actually is... I will explain soon.)

Since then... he has been a good boy. He asked for handshake twice and committed one bad deed. Before sleep he was at Zero DP.

I wonder when he will evolve. (Final Debirukotchi!) Strangely, I do not remember Devil much even though it and Angel were my favorites.


BROKEN APP (TamaAngel)

I remember screaming at the bat and shaking my Angel back in the day.

Now I push the 5 button on the tiny sotkeypad... directly under the 2 button which is confirmation. (Too close.)

Thus sometimes... the bat gets the candy.


Also, I mentioned there is no discipline call. I spent all of monday with Puka and he did not pray or call me once.

Other than those... the App is pretty solid.



BROKEN APP (TamaMonster)

TamaMonster on my GalaxyS has quite a few problems.


Sometimes the softkeypad does not respond when I push it. The beeps are off approximately 35% of the time.

The main problem is that it seems like I am running twoo games at once.

Sometimes the game shows a Zukidebitchi game with different stats instead of Devilu.

Twice it has restarted itself only to give me Devilu back the next time I opened it.


However since this is probably the only way I will get to play Devilgotchi. I will make due.



My Tama First Aid Kit Box is all finished. It even has a place for my mini screwdriver and a little clear bag for the batteries (I want a cloth bag soon.)

Once I have reached 3 or 4 Tama I will make a Tama Panic Kit with printed instructions, growth charts and game notes.


Since the little ones are asleep I am going to start my Zelda weekend.



TamaAngel -------------TamaMonster

[~Futagoten~] ----------[~Deviluchi~]

07 yr ---------------------01 yr

90 AP --------------------05 DP

00 Deed ----------------------------

04 Hungry ---------------04 Hungry

04 Effort -----------------04 Friend

MY P1 arrived in le mail today!

I was quite happy when I opened it. However, the color was a little off from the listing.

I thought it would be Light Pink and Blue (Like This) instead it is Dark Pink and Lime (Like This).

That is okay though. I am happy I have P1!


Muwaha! My P1 shines with glowing light from the Tama Gods! >]

You probably cannot see but there is checkered screen, hearts and flowers. Also I think the kuchipatchi means P1.


I went to sleep around 530am after playing some Twilight Princess and talking with a friend over skype.

Around 930 Devilu beeped for morning handshake. He pooped and was fed. After that he did not ask for anything until about 430pm.

Today was lazy day as I did not have much to do besides laundry. With no beeping Tama for the afternoon... I played LoZ TP.

Around 430 he did a few bad deeds... but until sleepy time he we only played twice. Once while I unpacked my P1 and once while in Tama chat.


After Devilu woke me I fed Futagoten. Neither they nor Devilu beeped the rest of the day.

I checked them approximately every 30min. Around 630pm while playing with them I got a phone call...

When I went back to the app the light had turned off... They would not take medicine.

Futagoten passed away today. I was quite heartbroken... I loved them.

About 1130pm I started a new Angel. He finally went to sleep 30minute ago. Cannot wait until he grows to Maruten and stop dropping hearts.

P1 -aka- TamTamatchi

-Named inspired by my friend "TanTan" who would probably like my P1 Colors and Tamatchi who is Pink.-

Around 430 when Devilu wanted attention a friend called to remind me to check the mailbox twice today.

Of course I screamed when I saw the package. (Sorry for his ears.)

I originally planned to loosen the screws a bit, but my mini screwdriver is for strong steel screw. It almost stripped the Tama Screws.

Eventually I will go to the watch shop near mom's job. Until then all is okay.

He beeped incessantly for the first hour. Took a 30minute nap and then woke up to beep more.

I was expecting him to change, but instead he was a beeping baby until about 9pm.

Suddenly an evolution... we played once and then he slept.

Today was great. I got my P1, a little chipotle to eat and I found my old digicam.

I want to thank my 6$ copy of TCC2 for its preliminary teaching about the different Tamagotchi and fully reviving my interest.

Also I may consider stopping my collection at just P1, Angel, V6Star and two C+Color. (And a Devilgotchi if I ever see one.)

With the C+Colors I will NEVER have to worry about growth manipulation because I like all of the characters.

I (obviously) ADORE Young Mametchi most (Kuromametchi second most) and since they are both in C+Color and it can mate, hence prime choice.

The music star will be soley for going on Tama Town.

Now that I think about it... I probably did not mention that I joined TamaTown on Tuesday.

So far it has been a bit boring, but I suppose that is because I do not have a Tama to connect.

Note:: o.o!!! TamaAngel evolved (and dropped hearts)... in his sleep.

Thus... I end today's blog here. More Zelda time!


::Current Collection::

KompuKoala GP

TamTamatchi (Pink/Green P1)

TamaAngel -------------TamaMonster-------------TamTamatchi[/color]

[~Maruten~] -------------[~Deviluchi~]--------------[~Marutchi~]

01 yr ----------------------02 yr------------------------01 yr

30 AP ---------------------05 DP----------------------11 oz

04 Deed ------------------------------------------------00 Discipline

00 Hungry ----------------03 Hungry-----------------04 Hungry

01 Effort ------------------04 Friend------------------04 Happy

I wish we could edit our old log posts after 24hr. I feel like I have made many weird grammatical errors and it is bothering me a bit.

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I ran out of D vitamins a few days ago and it finally caught up with me. Lethargic.

Today was mostly sleeping although I did manage to take care of the little ones.

I got a few emails to write some term papers. My aunt needs one finished too... Also Mom starts classes soon!

With some luck... I may be picking up my V6Star sooner than I thought.


Devilu woke first today... even before I went to sleep.

At 9am he went poop but would not let me clean it until after two handshake.

We played a game, checked his siblings and then I went to sleep.

Around 11am I fed his 2 empty hearts and played with him a few times.

(My screen timing is good enough that I can play with him in my sleep, even with off timed beeps.)

3pm was bad deed time 4in a row. More poop. He made random noises for nothing until around 7.

I checked him, filled his 1 tummy and 1 friend stars. He went to sleep at 930pm today (which is early).

Kind of wish he was nocturnal too, but he is set to my mobile phone.


Maruten was not awake with Devilu. I think he woke during my first hour of sleep.

Since he does not beep for me I use the others as timing to check on him.

Note:: Eventually when I get an Angelgotchi this problem will be solved.

He needed the least amount of care today. 11am he was full. At 3pm he ate one pie and we played one game.

(I have to look at the screen to play with TamaAngel since he beeps only the first jump and after winning.)

At 7pm after I finished drafts, we played a few games though his hearts were not empty. He went to sleep around 8pm with TamTam.


TamTam is the reason I woke at 11am. Food and discipline were required.

At 3pm Devilu woke me. TamTam had two empty hearts so I filled them.

(Note:: TamTam does not require me to look at anything EVER. I clean the screen for poop everytime I pick him up just in case.

At 430pm with me fully awake, TamTam came with me to shower and eat my first meal. I played with him while I cooked.

We picked up his siblings at 530pm from my room. They did not beep in my sweatpants pocket while I wrote the draft papers.

At 7 Devilu beeped so everyone was checked. TamTam did not need anything... I would have played with him instead, but the guessing game is too easy.

He pooped and went straight to sleep (without letting me clean it) at 8pm right before Angel.

I have been Tamaless for 3hours now. The next one I get I am going to invert the time so I can have a nocturnal Tama.

If I do end up with two C+Color I might do that with them also.

No one has evolved today... but that may be because TamaAngel and TamaMon were both started about 30minute from now.

They will probably change in their sleep or upon waking.

Checking Ebay everyday for Angelgotchi prices has already surpassed my Craigslist on Google chrome. That is probably a bad thing.

Deciding between the Purple Glam Rock or Blue Idol Dream V6Star. I definitely want the bundle pack so to watch the movie. (Figurines? Presents.)

Later this week I might look into the Tamagotchi Anime Cartoon.

I just finished eating and have one more draft to write up before I can play more Twilight Princess.

Even though Legends of Zelda is my favorite series (My middle school nickname is Link. My friend Bree is Ganon.)

Twilight Princess on wii makes me very angry. As an ambidextrous person... this game is still very backward.

All the controls are up down inverted. (Even with settings changed.) and most of the side quests make me want to throw my wiimote through the Televi.

After this, AC2 and Brotherhood I will most sure be playing Majora's Mask or Island of Dreams again. Skyward Sword should not be this annoying. -_________-;;

Tu bid Adieu.


::Current Collection::

KompuKoala GP

Tamtamatchi (Pink/Green P1)

TamaAngel -------------TamaMonster-------------Tamtamatchi

[~Maruten~] -------------[~Deviluchi~]--------------[~Marutchi~]

02 yr ----------------------02 yr------------------------02 yr

50 AP ---------------------05 DP----------------------20 oz

03 Deed ------------------------------------------------11 Discipline

04 Hungry ----------------03 Hungry-----------------03 Hungry

04 Effort ------------------04 Friend------------------02 Happy

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The Future is looking Bright... outside of Gotchi Daycare.

It will be a few days before I can pick up more vitamin D. Today was not much of a sleep day though.

The little ones went on an outing with me and Mom to get her eyebrows waxed (which I still do not understand.)

I am a little sad though... read the log if you wish to understand why. T-T


Devilu woke first today as usual. I went to sleep around 8am so he woke a bit after I drifted off.

It was only a bad deed, His hearts and friend were full. His tummy has not been empty at all today.

Around 1030am he was checked again for handshake and one game.

Around noon I decided to stay awake and play with everyone until my brain fog went away.

Around 3pm mom asked me to get groceries from the truck. We talked for a bit before leaving to her salon.

At the salon since there was nothing to do while everyone talked politics I took care of my Gotchi.

During a Bad Deed my phone rang... as a result Devilu gained 20 DP. Thus, the call was ignored.

I remember my devilgotchi taking a bit longer than my other old tama to evolve... But three days?!

Since the app has me technically running two games at once I often keep Devilu on the screen. That might change tonight.

Hopefully he evolves tomorrow. I like him, however it is time to see a new Gotchi.

As usual... Devilu was last to go to sleep.


Maruten woke up a few minutes after checking Devilu for the morning.

Around 1030 there was only game and 10 AP to take care of.

All day Maruten only needed AP, One feeding and two or three games. He even got extra games while I was at the Salon.

How I ended up with Takoten again I do not understand. The AP has not dropped below 35 and when I saw it, I refilled to full.

He has needed no food. I am wondering if I really am a terrible Gotchi parent.

From here I know it is easy to get Pukaten and Futagoten again, but I really was hoping to get Ginjiroten at least.

I suppose it is because the discipline bar. It makes me really anxious to get an actual Angelgotchi though.

He fell asleep first today.


This one really has me puzzled.

Marutchi was checked with Devilu and Maruten. I cleaned the poop he made before sleep. He only needed one bread and a game.

He woke me at 1030 for discipline. Around Noon he was full until a poop while I was watching.

Between Noon and 3 everyone was played with.

Note:: The guessing game is easy to play alongside Devilu Star Drop.

At the salon, Marutchi was the fastest to check since it is an actual Tama and not a phone app.

The adults talked politics for approximately 3hours. I went to the nearby store to check for Tama batteries and get a drink.

When we got in the car to come home Marutchi became... a Kutchitamatchi.

This disheartened me... I know I sleep during the day but I have made sure to check them often.

Tamtam is played with at least 3 times when I pick him up. (I use the sounds to make sure I win.)

His tummy has never been empty. I wonder if it is because weight and discipline though he never calls me for it.

I could attempt for Kutchipatchi but... I really wanted Ginjirotchi.

He slept after Takoten and about 5minute before Devilu.

I am quite disappointed with today's results.

I do not want to say it is because I have the apps instead of the actual Tama (For Angel/Devil), but that is how I feel.

Since TamaAngel App does not ask for Discipline... TamTam I have no idea what I have done wrong.

Devilu might just be a late bloomer, surely I am not crazy to "remember" this from before.

If I cannot take care of these three vintage... how could I ever expect to care for a V6Star with stress meter or even TWO C+Color.

I will contemplate while I play Twilight Princess and prepare for Monday Interview.


::Current Collection::

KompuKoala GP

Tamtamatchi (Pink/Green P1)


[~Takoten~] -------------[~Deviluchi~]--------------[~Kuchitamatchi~]

03 yr ----------------------03 yr ------------------------03 yr

50 AP ---------------------20 DP ----------------------23 oz

03 Deed ----------------------------- -------------------07 Discipline

04 Hungry ----------------03 Hungry -----------------04 Hungry

04 Effort ------------------04 Friend ------------------03 Happy

After Talking to OldSchoolTama I realize what may have happened.

TamaAngel (Takoten) happened to spend the first night with almost no hearts. Next time I won't start him at night.

As for TamTam (Kuchitama), his discipline bar was 00 the first night and a little over half before evolution. Now it is at half. Also the 2nd night he only had two happy when he slept.

Keeping them full during the day is not enough I see. I totally forgot about overnight.

THANK YOU OSTama! You are my (Gotchi) lifesaver! <3

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Two Interviews tomorrow... Drop off my latest Job App. Hopefully I am eligible for re-hire!

Before going to sleep I played a little TCCS2...

Shiropuchitchi has visited Airplane 14 times in a row.

She is my 2nd Royal Customer after Princess Tamako.

I went fell asleep around 430am. Weird dream and panic attack? at 630am.

After that I mostly drifted in and out of sleep until I woke at 1pm...

I bid on two Silver w/Gold Wing English version Tamagotchi... but I lost both. One by 1.50$ and the other by 50cent.

It felt like someone punched me in the stomach... really hard.

I should have gone higher in price, but I wanted to make sure I had enough to buy my V6Star later this week. My brain was horribly backward.

Though I am still fuming 12hours later... Getting that V6 should make the anger go away. After all, it wasn't a Devilgotchi... (Which I am also saving for.)

Today I talked to two possible future Tama "friends."

One who I've known for 4 years. Due to "friend problems" we have not hung out since May, but she owns a P1 and v4.5. She is looking to get a v6Star for Xmas. If she does we may start a band.

Another good friend now has a piqued interest in v6Stars and Tamatown after watching me play online today. I highly doubt she wants to actually buy a Tama, but I'll know next week.

In regards to my log::

I decided to move the stats up since that is probably the most important aspect of a Tama Log.

That way no one has to read about the daily activites unless they really want to. o.o;;

Also last night I edited to check if I wanted to add color to the evolution names in description.

So far I like the idea as it makes things easier to skim. Hopefully anyone reading enjoys the changes as well.

Please let me know...


[~Takoten~] --------------[~Bakadevilutchi~]-----------[~Kuchitamatchi~]

04 yr -----------------------04 yr --------------------------04 yr

60 AP ----------------------10 DP -------------------------21 oz

03 Deed ------------------------------ ---------------------12 Discipline

04 Hungry ----------------04 Hungry ------------------04 Hungry

04 Effort ------------------03 Friend -------------------04 Happy


Devilu made bat and fireworks in the middle of the night while I played TCCS2. (He usually does it while I play TP. I rarely paid attention.)

Not long after I fell asleep... Maybe that contributed to my nightmare. o.o

Woke around 930am to check the little ones. Devilu needed 1 friend star + 1 food

He was fine until Noon for handshake. Around 1pm I finally got up to try and bid on those Tamagotchi Angels.

While I waited for the bid to get close to endtime we played games, He committed 3 bad deeds at 15DP taking him to 0.

I guess he knew I was depressed from missing out on those Angel's because... at 330 he evolved to Bakadeviltchi.

Upon evolution he committed 2bad deeds at 80DP! How did it jump sooo much?

Panicked (I remember everyone dying at around 90DP) I fed him lots of candy until 4 Bad Deeds were disciplined.

Since then he has been relatively normal. A bad deed or two every hour. A few feedings and games. He is quite low now.

Around 6 I got the hieroglyph speech bubble. At 10pm he did a dance for me.

In the past I usually ended up with Zukidevitchi > Bakadeviltchi > Doribird.

I am not exactly sure how to do it, but I really want (Devilkotchi). However I would settle for (Kabodeviltchi). He is quite funny also.


Takoten needed nothing all morning. I drifted in and out of sleep with him on screen instead of Devilu.

He got sick around 11am with everything full. How I do not know, but it was my 2nd panic of the day.

At 330 he only needed only AP. Since then he has been perfectly fine... Before he slept I filled one hungry at my friends house.

He should be a Puketen again soon. Hopefully this time I get Futagoten and the lights do not go out. =(


At 930am Kuchitamatchi only needed 1 hungry. At 11am we played games with Devilu.

1pm he made poo, we played more games until I failed at bidding. He discipline beeped before Devilu evolved into Bakadevi at 330pm.

After the evolution, more poo... also 1 hungry 1 happy needed filling. 530pm more games. When I went to visit my friend at 7pm she played with him a bit.

He called for discipline which confused her... I showed her how to do it before she played Little Big Planet.

When I got home I really wanted him to sleep. Even though he does not beep much... it makes me sad to know he is going to be an unhealthy Gotchi.

His lights went out around 930/10pm.

I am becoming increasingly impatient waiting for these people to pay me for tutoring them. So tomorrow I will be applying back at my old old job.

If anyone of those people want me to help they will have to pay in advance as incentive for me to take off work. XD

I hope... I wish... tomorrow I am accepted for something. I only have one job to go back to since everything has either closed or has completely new management.

I doubt they will put me on for black friday since it is so soon. It would be nice though to have a full work night after soon long. That alone would get a C+Color.

Even though the paychecks will be small, I hope February if Bree comes home I will also be able to take her and Mom out for birthday dinner.

Also we have "current" plans to visit the nearby aquarium in January. I cannot wait! If no one else goes, I will go alone. >]

But, this log is now over... the little ones are sleep so I will play on TamaTown for a bit. Must prepare for the V6.


::Current Collection::


KompuKoala GigaPet

Pink/Green P1 (TamTamatchi) <_<

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A Hectic day... An Anxious night... Awaiting Calls in the Morning!

Last night I played on Tamatown for quite a bit. It turned out that I had not seen many place there.

I went to the CD maker school and did the battle stage card game. Sooo fun!

Afterward I studied for tutor sessions until sleep around 7am. Woke at 930. Turned off everyone sound for interviews.

Interview at 11am. Other interview at Noon. One female was kicked from 2nd interview for "Provacative Dress."

It was business casual, so I wore Black Leggings, long fitted tunic under a Dark Blazer and Chinese MaryJane.

The girl... Her skirt was tailored extra short (with sheer tights) and she wore those black Ugg boots. >.>

After 2nd interview I dropped the truck at shop for checkup around 130pm.

Walking the 2miles home, I checked the little ones. (They were ignored for sooo long. T-T)


[~Pukuten~] ------------[~Bakadevilutchi~]----------[~Kuchipatchi~]

05 yr --------------------06 yr --------------------------05 yr

44 AP -------------------40 DP -------------------------22 oz

03 Deed --------------------------- ---------------------FULL Discipline

03 Hungry -------------01 Hungry ------------------04 Hungry

03 Effort ---------------02 Friend -------------------03 Happy


On the way home Bakadevi needed 3 friend + 2 hungry. His DP had gone up to 40.

At 230pm after much thought and chart study, I decided to take less care in hopes of Kabodevi or Deviko.

Decided to shower again at 5pm... DP went up to 65. Since no more than two of each are being filled, he beeped for food and play all evening.

He asked for handshake around 8, again at 830, again at 9. He looked happy when asking, however last one I had to ignore.

He fell to sleep not too long ago.


Takoten is now Pukaten!

He needed nothing but lots of AP, 1 pie and 2 happy all of today.

I really wish for actual Angelgotchi... or for app to beep more often.


While walking home Kutchitama needed 2 hungry + 1 heart. At 230pm only 1 heart.

Took him with me to 5pm shower. He made poop and discipline call.

On the way to drop off my Holiday Job application at 715pm... He evolved into Kuchipatchi.

It surprised me because I thought if he were going to evolve it would be same time as before... 330pm.

30minute after his evolution, Kutchipa became sick. It took two medicine to make him better. After a poop and bread, he was happy. (Constipation? XD)

Sadly playing the guess game is now weird... very laggy. (There are two extra beeps after I choose.) He will be fat from candies soon.

He went to sleep at 10pm.


At 1030... Started up KompuKoala.

Not very fun... It falls off the tree during game and the score system is not as fun as evolution. It was much more fun when I was little.

So after 3days, I will turn off, remove batteries and make a "Tamagotchi House" for the ones when they are not used. This one will be the first to sleep in it.

At 530pm I called an acquaintance to give me a ride to go drop off the Holiday Job app.

He must have been in a bad mood because he drove recklessly and almost crashed. (TamTamatchi almost kissed the window!)

While I am not scared of reckless driving, I do not want my face maimed in accident. -___-;;

He dropped me off near at Mom's job since she picked up the truck after checkup.

Long Story Short:: While yelling at me (for buying TamTama instead of getting my "eyebrows waxed for the interview") Mom tripped and fell.

Not to seem like a bad daughter... but yelling at me over Eyebrow and Tamagotchi? I am just glad she did not hurt anything.

I told her about my plans to restart my collection... I think she still feels bad about what happened to my old Tama because she apologized (which is rare).

After she was home, I went went to look for the 357 batteries again. Found a 3pack at another CVS for what I thought was 4.99$

I asked for price checked. They were 7.50$ for 3pack. However since they were in the wrong place, the girl gave them to me for 4.99.

I was going to buy the 2nd pack, but I can probably find cheaper batteries at radioshack or some other place...

Though the price wont matter much if I get my holiday job.

So far today... The scores are::

Phnx0313 = +1.5

The World = -3

Sorry if this was long and not very Tama related...

Tomorrow will hopefully be exciting enough to tell you more Tama News.

Until then Tamagotchi Tomodachi... Adieu!


::Current Collection::


KompuKoala GigaPet <_<

Pink/Green P1 (TamTamatchi) <_<

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And the job wait continues... -_____-;;

So I did not get a call today from any of the interview places... I am VERY worried.

Also, I was suppose to get a call from the Holiday App place, hopefully it will be tomorrow and they're just checking for re-hire.

Otherwise today was pretty lackluster. I washed clothes and drew the plans for my Tama Backpack.

I found some material... a shirt I had cut before to make a backpack. I have been frantically looking for this shirt.

I did not have the money for backpack parts that week. The shirt went missing. I made a backpack from a different shirt, but it did not like as much so I sold it a few week later.

Hopefully this bag will turn out nice. I do not want to spoil the details (especially since it could be some time before finish, if no job calls me.)

Anyway... onto the log.


[~Pukuten~] ------------[~Bakadevilutchi~]----------[~Kuchipatchi~]

06 yr --------------------07 yr --------------------------06 yr

60 AP -------------------55 DP -------------------------41 oz

00 Deed --------------------------- ---------------------FULL Discipline

04 Hungry -------------02 Hungry ------------------03 Hungry

03 Effort ---------------02 Friend -------------------03 Happy


I did not sleep until around Noon today. I played with Pukuten between games on Tamatown most of the morning.

He was sick once this morning around 1130am... Again with full hearts. It took 3medicine. I hope nothing is wrong with him. o.o

While I slept he needed nothing. I woke around 4pm... he wanted his first meal, 1 pie and 6AP.

Since then he has only needed two refill of AP and one game. So low maintenance, it scares me.

The bat did manage to get one candy today. So now I have no Deed meter left. >[


Ignoring Bakadevi has been the hardest. Alot of the time I really like playing with him... so far he has been my most favorite.

He does not beep as often as I expected him to for low stats, 80 percent of his beeps are for handshake. (Ignore them to keep his DP up.)

Also... whenever I tried to check his stats he would do bad deed. Feeding him has been easy and he only slept in one game.

I hope I am doing the right thing to get Deviko. I like waiting for evolutions, but the Devilgotchi takes a little too long for me to desire doing this again on my phone.

Note:: I sort of solved two games problem. Since the app allows color change and the change appears during loadscreen. The "BAD" game is now Pink while Bakadevi is Black.


Kutchipa has a bit of an obesity problem. Since I can no longer win the game due to lag, I feed him Candy.

I purposely play and lose to drop his weight, however it is not enough.

I kind of want to reset him, but I feel he is the first Gotchi on my P1. He should live his life to the fullest.

He beeped at Noon, 130 and 300. At 4pm woke to take second shower of today, he did not come along.

Since 4 he has dropped 1 heart and 1 hungry only twice.

I used him, a ruler and random photos of the other Versions to make measurements for the backpack.

Note:: If anyone can tell me measurements for v4.5 and v6 I would be VERY grateful.

Koala woke up this morning at 7am, beeping at me. He was at 79 percent... down from the 90 when he went to sleep.

Since that is around the time I usually take my nap... I decided to turn him off to prevent more dislike.

Since my paypal cleared today... Tomorrow night I can finally order my V6Star.

It probably will not arrive here until next Friday. Until then I will have to make due with Guest Tamatown and TamTam.

If Bakadevil evolves into Doribird I will probably cancel him and focus on TamaAngel. I really want to understand why this app does not do deed calls.

So, that is all for today. (Yay! A short post.)


::Current Collection::


KompuKoala GigaPet

Pink/Green P1 (TamTamatchi) :p

>.> My cousin (His mom is the one who took my old Tama) just walked in the door from college for the holiday... I wonder if he even remembers Tamagotchi.

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WHOO HOOOOO! I am scheduled to work on Friday! <3

My holiday job app apparently went through. Friday 6am I should be a returning GameStop employee!

[The other two places did not answer the phone when I called. I figured maybe they were closed for the holiday.

So, I called my old Gamestop where I had put in app in with the new manager (he offered me to come back for the holidays)

He said that originally he wanted me on for Today and Friday, but that he felt such short notice might be rude.

He asked if I wanted to work Friday, without thinking I bounced in happiness while saying yes.

Not that reality has set in... I realize I do not know the new policies. >.>

I know several people who work at Gamestops around the country. Hopefully someone will be nice enough to answer my summons. T-T

There is more good news today... but onto the log first.


[~ByeBye~] ------------[~Bakadevilutchi~]----------[~Kuchipatchi~]

07 yr --------------------07 yr --------------------------06 yr

48 AP -------------------65 DP -------------------------41 oz

00 Deed --------------------------- ---------------------FULL Discipline

?? Hungry -------------01 Hungry ------------------03 Hungry

?? Effort ---------------03 Friend -------------------03 Happy


Taking care of Bakadevi gets harder everyday. Today every push of a button turned into Bad Deed. Even after I dropped him down to 30 DP.

Laid down around 10am after playing on TamaTown. I fed his siblings first. When I went to feed him he threw back 3pies in a row.

HIs DP was 70 after discipline. He fell asleep in game and would not eat his candy. Eventually I gave up and went to sleep.

I got up around 330, but I did not check anyone... I showered and watched my cousin cook lunch. (He dances and sings. I love it when he visits from school.)

Around 5pm Bakadevi wanted to play nice asking for handshake. As soon as I did, he would not let me check his stats.

I fed him, we played game... then he would not let me check stats again. This is when he reached 30 DP.

I ignored his two handshake requests. He threw two more pies at me and once again... said no to Status check.

At 7pm mom and I went to get the last Thanksgiving items. (I also called the Gamestop.) He beeped in my ear while I was on the phone.

I sighed and gave in. I fed him three hearts and 3stars. An hour later his DP was up to 70.

I fed and played with him before his bedtime. He fell asleep during the game... this time the bad deed turned to actual sleep.


Pukuten. T-T

This morning Pukuten was still asleep when his siblings were awake, beeping at me. I had come to love him for this.

He only asked for one food and two stars all of today. I checked him twice as often than usual hoping Futagoten would come today.

At 430pm he got sick... Again with full hearts. Another 3 medicine cleared the problem.

We played after I talked to the Gamestop people. Mom called him a "Cute Little Bald Cherub."

However, at 8pm when I checked him... He was crying. I panicked as usual, but none of the buttons would respond.

He waved and went home to Angel heaven. Oddly, I have the "ByeBye" screen. (Devilutchi = English End... ByeBye = Good End... This app is strange.)

Even though I am happy he left healthy and returned to TamaHeaven, I am sad I did not see my twins.

I still carry the guilt of letting them die. I really want to rectify this by raising 9year old twins.

Once I finish my Cycle with TamaMonster I will be running the TamaAngel app Experiment. (Angel on screen 24/7 to try and catch deeds, walks.)


Kuchipatchi... he makes me want to reset him every time I see an empty heart.

Since he grew from Kutchitama I have only won the game once per day, considering I play it at least 3times before giving him candy.

He pooped quite a lot today, perhaps because of his obesity.

I really feel bad feeding him so much, when I see those empty hearts... I know his waistband will be 5oz tighter.

Caring for him today was easy. He woke me twice, but it is a small price to pay for keeping him alive.

Each day is a day he deserves... Though I did my best not to, I am the parent that raised him this way.

When my V6star comes (or after he kicks the bucket) I will be figuring out how to get these screws changed.

Since the P1 cannot pause, the batteries must be removed when not in use. I highly doubt Gamestop will allow me to run two Tama while I work there. >.>

Now for second part of good news...

I ORDERED MY GLAM ROCK V6STAR!!! Buy Now price for 17.44$ on Ebay. (seller:: mahans7)

It is the combo pack thing with the 3charms and Disc. I wish the Pink Sparkles or Orange Idol one had been available... but this one has special meaning now. (Tell you when it arrives. ^^;; )

I messaged the seller after I sent payment as proof of contact and to ask for letting me know when it is shipped.

The response says it will be shipped friday when they send me tracking number. YAY!!!

Hopefully it arrives almost as fast as TamTamatchi. (It was 6-days from Order to Arrival with a Saturday and Sunday.)

I pray it arrives by at least Tuesday! But probably not get here until next Friday. I decided not to start sewing the backpack until its here. (Measurement Purposes)

I have been dancing since about 6pm. I ordered my V6Star thinking I would not get a chance to order any Tama for a LOONG time. (March or so.)

But now... I will hopefully be able to buy my TMGC+C after Xmas! (Maybe before if I see one for around $60)

I have also been checking TamaTalk Tbay. I might get some Tama from others on here... (v2 or v4.5... I am still a bit curious about those.)

AH! With so much good news for today, I almost forgot to play TCCS2. I will go do that now before Tamatown... or early naptime.

~Phnx♠ -------(Ahh... I miss that old symbol. Welcome back buddy.)

::Current Collection::


KompuKoala GigaPet

Pink/Green P1 (TamTamatchi) <_<

GlamRock V6Star (-secret-) =Waiting Arrival=

My cousin saw TamTamatchi and asked "Is that a GigaPet?" I was confused thinking I maybe had Koala by accident. (Both are Pink/Green)

Then I remembered, all Virtual Pet are GigaPet to my "American" friends. XD

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HAPPY BELATED GET FATTER DAY!!! Hope it was good one...

I went to sleep early yesterday... around 2am. I did not feel good.

Woke at 5am... but it was too cold to leave the covers... So I played TCCS2 for a bit before going back to sleep until 1030.

Marutchi visited the Music Clinic 8times in a row. (I finished it, the Sushi Bowl and Flower Shop to Royal.)

Mametchi says nice things to me now. A week ago my feelings were hurt... so I poked him to annoyance. I am over 500pokes now.

Hopefully everyone had wonderful Thanksgiving. Hope your Tama had good thanksgiving also.

Sadly, mine did not... since I was a bit scared for them.

Onto the log!



09 yr --------------------------06 yr

60 DP -------------------------41 oz

----------- ----------------------FULL Discipline

02 Hungry -------------------03 Hungry

0 Friend ---------------------03 Happy


Today was easy. Bakadevi must have known it was Thanksgiving. He stopped beeping for me around 330.

I was scared that he might go back to hell, so I checked him QUITE often. However I was also worried he would evolve today, so I kept his stats low.

I wanted to give him a Happy Thanksgiving... but he may have ended up resenting me for today. (Hopefully not... I only have Dual-Tama JUST for him.)

Pooping, Bad deeds... though there was not much of it, he did it all. He only threw one pie back. It would have been his third hungry heart.

Perhaps he did not want a Happy Thanksgiving.


Kutchipa was also good today. He did not need much care, only two refills of two heart each (LOTS of Poo). He fell asleep mid-game when I was playing with him around 10.

I had to see my "Aunt" today... She had no idea what I was playing with when she finally saw TamTama.

My grandmother knew... Normally she scolds me for playing with "Baby Toys" but she said TamTamatchi was "Cute." (Kuchipa she said was an "Ugly Little Thing". >.> )

Today was overall a good day though, though the nervousness about tomorrow has set back in again.

None of my Gamestop friends have responded. They all probably were busying with family, eating and sleeping.

Hopefully tomorrow goes well. The little ones might be problematic to take care of since I start in less than 4hour and end at Noon. >.>

With some luck they will only be awake two hours without care... or I take my break after they wake.

I am anxiously awaiting my V6Star so I can have more to write about. Generations help make a log better.

Also those things about passing music exams to become pro are interesting to read, right? (I like to read that in other logs.)

Not to mention pics in TamaTown.


My Current House in TamaTown... It actually looks like my old real life room from last year. (I did not have a thanksgiving table, but... everything else.)

It looks very Japanese here, but my old room was less Asian... more lazy, with wood wall, black lights and hanging star lamps. Kind of Junglist Raver meets Asian?

If the V6 is shipped tomorrow, I should have my tracking number. I am already planning for my next purchase after I finish the Backpack.

Anyway, I should laydown for a bit before it is time to go. Otherwise I will come home and crash sleep.

Butterflies, please go away. -_________-;;


::Current Collection::


KompuKoala GigaPet

Pink/Green P1 (TamTamatchi) <_<

GlamRock V6Star (-secret-) =Waiting Arrival=

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With all the new additions in my life... It will be a whirlwind until balance out!

I noticed when checking TamaTalk after work yesterday that I had reposted TamTamatchi's stats from a few days ago... three times in a row!!!

As a result I have to change the information in the saved coding. >.> (Sorry if anyone reads this and was confused.)

I went to sleep around 3am and woke at 510 to get ready for work. Mom dropped me off today because she was worried the mall would be full. It was not. T-T

WORK WAS SOOOO EASY!!! (Especially considering it was Black Friday.)

Boss Man told me to do two things... Smile at Customers and hand them Sales paper at the door.

That is exactly what I did for 6 of my 7.5hours of work. (30minute I spent on a paid Lunch run for everyone, the rest was running between front and storage drinking Starbucks while checking my Tama.)

Since Boss does not like watches on his wrist, he requires everyone else to wear a Clock when working. Guess what has a Clock on it?!?!

Yes, I am ALLOWED to wear my Tama around my neck at work. He approved and even played with TamTamatchi for a bit while we talked about my old coworkers that he knew.

He asked me for a time check around 930. When I asked him if I could check my Tamagotchi for the time he said:: Wear behind your Nametag if it has a Clock. They are small enough, right?

My TamaApps do not have to worry either since Boss does not mind if we quickly check our cellphones (or anything else) when we run in the back.

And now, the log...



10 yr --------------------------09 yr

70 DP -------------------------?? oz

----------- ----------------------FULL Discipline

02 Hungry -------------------?? Hungry

01 Friend --------------------?? Happy


Kuchipatchi did not wake up until a little bit after I was told it was okay to wear him around my neck.

He was full hearts upon waking, He made a poop... Boss heard the beeping and asked if he could play with TamTama. (He wanted to kill Kuchipa! T-T)

While playing with him, Kuchipa beeped for discipline. Boss told me that I should turn the sound off whichever Tama I wear on my neck. So I turned TamTama's sound off.

Everything was good until I got home from work. I fed Kuchipa one heart at 130 when I ate lunch at home. I put him down in my room while I changed clothes. (along with Bakadevi)

Around 330 I started to get sleepy. I stayed up a little longer to check TamaTalk (which is when I noticed the coding issues.) I decided to fix them after a nap.

I got a phone call and talked to my friend about work for a bit before going to nap. When I walked in the room at 430pm I picked up Bakadevi and Kuchipa from my dresser.

Bakadevi beeped... Kuchipa was an Angel.

I assume he died from obese since he was at 60oz or so when I last checked him. His hearts were full and so far he only drops 1 heart every hour.

In my frustration as being a bad Gotchi parent I text my one friend (who plays Tama also) and went straight to sleep... without checking his only remaining brother.

Note:: I was expecting a Grave like my old clear pink Tamagotchi. I am throughly confused now... maybe my memory is broken. T-T


Bakadevi did not wake until long after I did the lunch run for my Co-workers. I was going in the back for my 5th or 6th sip of Frappuccino when he beeped for breakfast.

Since I was not on register I gave him 2 hungry and friendship before going back out to finish my shift.

In the car on the way home, he pooped once. He did one bad deed and we played one game.

At home he was left next to Kutchipa after I changed clothes. He did not beep the whole time I was away from them. (Which is weird because usually he would not let me forget him anywhere.)

Even though Bakadevi beeped at me when Kuchipa passed away, I was too angry to remember to take care of him. I text my friend about Kuchipa and went straight to sleep.

Around 730pm I got a call, while on the phone Bakadevi beeped for handshake. I shook his hand without checking his other stats and fell BACK asleep.

At 9pm when I went to get some water I checked him. His DP was 100 and he was completely empty... PANIC!!! (DO NOT DIE BAKADEVI! I WILL SAVE YOU!)

He did not ONE bad deed while I fed and played with him. It took 15 stat checks before his first bad deed, another 8 before the second.

He asked for handshake... now he was at 70 DP.

I lay down for a bit because it was extra cold in the house and fell back asleep until 1000 when I woke up to take a hot shower...

My phone beeped, when I checked... to my surprise I found Kabodevitchi asleep!

Note:: I swear this app knows my feelings. >.>

I danced and made a song about Kabodevi... He is very cute when sleeping, his little pumpkinhead!

After my shower I went back to sleep, I realize now that I am awake... Apparently I am catching a cold. -____-;;

I woke around 1am, but my tummy hurt too much from emptiness to get up until about 330. However, I did not eat until an hour ago.

Kabodevi made Bat noises at 130, Thunder at 330 and another batnoise about 45minute before now.

That is the end of my first day at work. Since I was not scheduled for this week at all (Boss is soo nice to let me start early.) I will be called on Sunday for the next week schedule.

Also... MY V6STAR HAS BEEN SHIPPED!!! They sent it out yesterday at 930am!

I cannot wait for you V6Star! Hurry to me...

Very sorry you passed away Kuchipatchi! You will live on through this log and my memory of Black Friday work. I will try very hard to take care of the next Gotchi even better!

As for Kabodevi... now it is time to make attempt for Futagodevi! He will enjoy a full tummy and low DP once again now.

I am going to play on TamaTown for a bit!


::Current Collection::


KompuKoala GigaPet

Pink/Green P1 (TamTamatchi)

GlamROCK V6Star (-secret-) =Waiting Arrival=

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Happy... Tired... Annoyed. The feelings of November 29 2010.

Please excuse if there are more typos than usual. I have been up 34hour (aside from the 30minutes I nodded off before picking Mom up from work.)

There has not been much to write about the past two days... since there has only been Kabodevi.

Today was the 2nd day of work. I did not receive a call on Sunday evening like Boss said so I stayed up most of the night with plans to go into work at 9 when I dropped mom off.

Around 715 this morning Boss Man called me... his first words were "You did not get a call yesterday did you?"

The assistant manager was suppose to call, I met him today and he is NOT my favorite person. (Note, My last assistant manager at this job... he was EVIL!)

Boss Man told me I was due at 11am until 4pm. Luckily Mom had a doctors appointment and no change for the meter at her job.

Instead of the truck going with her, it came with me. (I really miss my old car, cannot wait for the new one!)

In need of a watch today I started TamTamatchi up, however his time was inverted (to be sleep at work)...

I was going to play with him once I had my V6 star (which technically arrived today)... but due to unfortunate circumstances he will be inverted before and after work for another 4days.

Shift today was MORE easy than Black Friday. Boss even bought me Ice Cream today (hopefully that meant I did a good job. o.o)

When the assistant manager arrived around 3pm Boss let me leave... However it took the ASM (Assistant Manager) 30minutes to do my departure check. -_____-;;



13 yr

45 DP


04 Hungry

04 Friend


Kabodevi was neglected once and a half today.

I know he is probably very angry with me... but I hope he understands that it will get better once I acclimate to work.

I fed him on the way into work. Since I was only scheduled for 5hours I figured he would be okay without me until after work.

Disaster struck. My phone died about 3minutes after I clocked in. I knew I had low battery (normally its plugged in while I am on computer, I forgot last night)

But I was hoping it would make it through work on standby mode. Unfortunately... 15hours with Kabodevi's screen lit killed the battery.

I brought my charger in case... but there are no available plugs in back... and I do not want my phone behind the register unattended for too long.

So Kabodevi was off until after work. When I finally plugged up my phone in the car he only had one hungry left, his DP was 100.

I did not panic today, I took care of him before leaving the parking garage.

However, 45minute later after leaving the library (which is near work) he was empty again.

I came home around 430pm to a V6Star package. Kabodevi and I prepared to open the package. (He was JUST as unhappy as I was when we saw what was inside.)

I wrote the seller a message informing them (and asking how to fix it), made a quick lunch and sat on the floor, watching a little tv to relieve the anger and cold leggy cramps.

Around 730 I did not have a reply... I remember staring at the package pondering what I was going to do if they did not respond. (Make trade on Tama Talk?)

Before I knew it... the time was 815... I had drifted off (in my lap, which I had not done in a long time) and was going to be late for pick up Mom.

I rushed out the door to her job, only to find she was not even ready to leave for another 20 minute. Kabodevi and I played games while we waited. (He made hieroglyphs late today.)

She asked if my package arrived, I told her the problem and she told me that this is one of the reason she does not use EBay anymore. (Sellers often send wrong items?)

When we got home I checked again for response. I think Kabodevi was angry too because he beeped twice for no reason. No bad deeds, handshake, nothing.

Around 930 I finally got a response... however the power turned off three times. Someone nearby crashed into a pole and it disturbed the power lines.

My email was erased and I had to rewrite it over. Once that was finished Kabodevi had fallen asleep.

BUT HE WAS EMPTY ONCE AGAIN! I did not want him to sleep empty, so I tried the time change method on him. Ironically it works perfectly.

I originally changed the clock to 6hours before. But when I changed it to normal time he was still empty.

So I set it to only 5minute before sleepy time (10pm) and filled his stats. After properly quitting the game and fixing the time... he is now full and happy.

That was today... Now, in reference to that V6Star.

I clearly stated that I ordered Glam Rock V6 Star. The description of the item was Fucshia and Purple with Black Music notes. The picture was clearly of a Glam Rock V6.

How I received this... I do not know.


Of all the V6Star colors... this is the one I dislike the most.

I looked VERY HARD for a bundle that was well priced and in the colors I preferred. (Disco Lights, Both Idol Stars, Pink Symphony, Rock City)

If the seller had sent me ANY other color (Including Rising Star or Techno Groove) it would have been okay. Even the Red/White Guitar...

Somehow I managed to end up with the only one I wanted to avoid. Maybe a bit ironic. (At least the shipping was fast, even with the holiday it only took 5days.)

Since I messaged they have responded again. They will be shipping the "proper" colored music star tomorrow (Tuesday) and have offered to refund me the shipping price for return this one.

Hopefully it will arrive by at LEAST Friday. If not... they will be getting Neutral Feedback from me. (They have not even posted the feedback FOR me as a buyer.)

After this, as I go through and buy items I will keep an highlighted list of buyers and rate them on a scale of 1 - 10. (Using X's as markers.)

That way if anyone reads this and sees another Tamagotchi item from that seller they will have a better idea of what to expect.

I will sleep now. My next update probably will not be until my proper V6Star arrives. >[

Until then, It will be WORK, TAMAMONSTER, TAMATOWN, EBAY and more WAITING (with a video game or two thrown in).

Take care everyone.


::Current Collection::


KompuKoala GigaPet

Pink/Green P1 (TamTamatchi) <_<

GlamROCK V6Star (-secret-) =Waiting Arrival *Twice*=

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The Welcoming of... POPURAINTCHI!!!

Tuesday morning before work I went to the post office to send out the Red Music Star.

The seller and I exchanged Delivery Confirmation before my shift started at 11.

Having only Kabodevitchi was a little boring... and since I had already started TamTamatchi, I decided to reset and play with him properly... at least until Friday when the V6 arrived.

Played a few games on Tamatown. I have finally gotten good at the claw game. I always win and recieve 200 points.

I went to sleep around 430am. When I woke this morning around 930 and checked the Delivery Confirmation I was surprised to find that my item was already in the area on the way to me.

Excited, I made a nice breakfast and prepped the little ones for their new sibling. (as well as other random things today.)

However, when I went out to the mailbox today at 430 pm... The package was not there. Immediately I called the post office. I had the feeling something was really wrong.

According to the man that worked there, my Tama was on the truck... he would not know if it was Delivered until 8pm. He said it would come tomorrow if not. However that bad feeling did not subside.

Around 845 I checked the USPS site to see that... My package was marked DELIVERED. I decided to call back, because the post office people usually do a bit of sorting at night.

The man answered... I explained the situation and he took down my name and phone number, telling me that he would check into it in the morning.

Another man overhead the conversation... apparently he delivers mail here on occasion when our old mail carrier took breaks. (We have a new one now that the lady retired.)

The men talked and after a minute or so, they hung up. At this point I was angry... I knew something was wrong.

I got a call about 5minutes later. The man used a pun on my name to tell me that I was getting my Tama tonight.

The other man actually had an idea of where my package had been delivered. It was two blocks away at another house with inverted numbers (ex: 3211 vs 2311)

He went to the house, retrieved it from the people and made a special delivery to me.

Surprisingly, while standing in the driveway he asked me about my Tamagotchi... only remembering that it was a part of Virtual Pet craze from the 90's. ^^;;

I have since opened the package and am VERY happy! It is the color I ordered with my bundle.



Note:: It is named after one of my most favorite Musical Films. PURPLE RAIN!!! (If I had gotten red guitar by accident... It would have been Moulin Rouge. XD)

I figure it is obvious why I named it so... but just in case.

Purple Rain is a Musical Film by the famed 80's Musical Artist, Prince. I ADORE Prince. He is my music production (and minor style) inspiration.

Prince is very partial to the colors Purple, Fuschia and Black. Also... he seems to like "abstract art symbols"... Flames, Clouds, Stars and Music Notes (ironic?) He is Multi-Instrumental.

If anyone wonders why the Popurain instead of just PurpleRaintchi... It is also a play on the word Pop.

And this is the name that was once Secret. Maybe my V6Star should be called the "V6Star formerly Secret, now known as Popuraintchi." 555!


[~Bakadevilutchi~]----------[~Marutchi~]----------------[~Petitchi~] PRINCE 1G

15 yr --------------------------03 yr------------------------00 yr_____________05 lb

55 DP ------------------------11 oz-------------------------Hungry 04________Tone 30

----------- ---------------------FULL Discipline------------Happy 04_________Rhythm 20

04 Hungry -------------------04 Hungry[color+#ffffff]-----------------[/color]Stress 05_________Original 24

04 Friend --------------------04 Happy------------------CLASSICAL MUSIC


I may have messed up getting a Secret Character from Kabodevitchi. I do not know how to get FutagoDevi.

Eventually this week I will have to look into it.

Otherwise he has been relatively easy to care for lately. Nothing new... he still does the same things everyday.

Although he has reached 100DP twice in the past two days. Somehow I thought FutagoDevi needed over 7... not under 70. -____-;;


I reset him on Tuesday morning. He now hangs his extended chain around my neck. Soon this week I will get a more sturdy chain for him and Popurain.

Right now he is a Marutchi. I was expecting an Evolution today... but then I remembered I changed the clock last night to play with him for a few minutes.

So even though it says he is 04 on the game... he is technically 3 right? o.o

He has been the same also... nothing new other than he got sick once this morning with Full Hearts.

Hopefully I get a Mametchi this time around.


He is named Prince... Yes, PRINCE! (What name could be better?) ^^;;

So far I have just been looking into the different features of the V6Star. I connected to Tamatown and pushed the reset to check out the Download feature once.

I have played all three of the games. (I suppose they change as you age.) Also checked how to change instruments and toys.

Quite surprised to find the V6 so light. It is even lighter than TamTamatchi!

As for Prince. He is surprisingly asleep right now. (Naptime?) a cute Black Petitchi.

His clock time is inverted so I can spend the night getting used to him... and to allow me to play with him on Tamatown. (Depending, I may leave him this way.)

And that has been my day. I am very happy I finally have my V6Star. This means I can start on the Tama backpack.

Also... I can now start planning for my first TMGC+Color. (Possibly my only TMGC...)

I have not explained since things happened Tuesday, but there is a good chance I will not be a Gamestop employee after the holidays. (Past Managers really WERE EVIL!)

Some of it depends on how well I do Saturday, but also... I do not like having to pressure EVERY CUSTOMER into purchasing Subscriptions to Game Informer. (Even Mothers and Grandmothers.)

Hopefully I can use this as a seasonal entry into a better job... preferably something office like.

I would love to have more to write, but until Prince is on a Non-nocturnal schedule... there will be a bit more waiting.

However, since i am a little sleepy... his time may change

I wonder what the difference is between DOWNLOAD and RESET. If anyone reads this and can tell me, please do. Thank you in advance!

I am going to get on Tamatown with Prince and play games now.


P.S: Prince is now... a Kuribotchi!!!

::Current Collection::


KompuKoala GigaPet

Pink/Green P1 (TamTamatchi) <_<

GlamROCK V6Star (Popuraintchi) <_<

Bathory and OSTama both answered my question about the Download and Reset functions. I am no longer scared because I understand the difference AND found a way to retrieve a Run Away Gotchi.

Thank you both for being so helpful AND for reading my log. I really appreciate!!!

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BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! So much headache and chills...

My work schedule for tomorrow has been moved up an hour. Also, there is a small chance I may have to walk home in le cold. -____-;;

I stayed up most of the night with Prince on Tamatown. I ran past work with intent to take back Sonic Darkbrotherhood. (It was quite boring. I might just get the comics instead.)

The ASM was there, but not smart enough to let me exchange the game right then. I left and went back later before picking Mom up from work. (FABLE 3 FTW!)

On the way to GameStop the second time a little girl was walking backward (being pulled by mommy) staring at my chest/tummy area. She looked to be about 3yo, so I did not want to be rude and say anything harsh.

Suddenly she points and says to me. "I like your necklace."

Both TamTama and Popurain were dangling from the chain. Neither had beeped while I drove to the mall, so I forgot they were there. XD

I told her to ask Santa for TamaTown TamaGo Egg Game as a Christmas Present. (Her Mommy "slyly" asked me for confirmation of the name.)

The little one seemed to be more mature than I thought after hearing her speak (Maybe 5 and really small)... She can probably figure out how to play with a TamaGo offline.

Even my niece (who is three also) plays with TamTama sometimes... her attention span is too short for longer than a few hours of sporadic care though.

Now... LOG!

TamaMonster---------------- Tamtamatchi--------------- Popuraintchi

[~Kabodevitchi~]------------ [~Tamatchi~]--------------- [~Kuribotchi~] PRINCE 1G

17 yr -------------------------- 04 yr------------------------- 00 yr_____________10 lb

55 DP ------------------------- 21 oz------------------------- Hungry 04_________Tone 292

----------- ---------------------- 07 Discipline---------------- Happy 04_________Rhythm 231

04 Hungry ------------------- 04 Hungry[color+#ffffff]------------------[/color] Stress 01_________Original 218

02 Friend -------------------- 04 Happy------------------- R&B MUSIC _______[saxaphone] 2380p


Kabodevi has not evolved... He will probably stay this way until Reset time. Maybe this is because I secretly love the fact that he sleeps in time with me.

Even though his sleeping has not changed... He does Surfing Earlier than usual (11am) and Hieroglyphs later (800).

Today was would have been wonderful, but he wanted handshake so much. I am still keeping his DP around 50~80 so it is a little annoying to have to ignore him when he inverts the screen at 50DP.

Especially because it normally happens when he needs something done... Like Food or Game.

Because he did bad deed at under 50point he has fallen asleep missing two stars. I will take care of it sometime during work. (He is on the charger now, and will charge while I sleep after this.)

I am going to miss him... but I am starting to miss Angel already. Also I think the Experiment will begin soon with some other TamaTalkPpl testing the Care and Deeds theory. I WANT TO JOIN!


Sometime in the night Marutchi evolved. When I do not know for sure... but this morning when he woke up and beeped. There was a Tamatchi.

I felt Smug, showing my Coolness Glory today. Without intending to... I have raised a healthy Gotchi.

Though is mostly because of me Changing the Time. His time is reset to sleep each time I sleep. Meaning each of my naps equal time change.

His actual status says 6 days. It should only be 4 or 5. I am going with 4. I noticed his bar emptied half also. (Because Evolution to good char, I think?)


HAHA! I just remembered... my older brother (father of my 3yo Niece) has a Blue American Pitbull named:: Prince!

Prince is a very happy midget. His stress level had been low until a few hours ago because I let him play witht he UFO whenever his stress went above 20.

Now, I just play a game or two with him instead. My favorite game so far is Sing a Song. I can play without looking at the screen (which I am doing as I write this.)

His time has been inverted thrice. This morning when I was awake... because he would have been asleep at 9am RealTime otherwise.

Second when I came home to finally sleep. Third after I woke up. (I wonder how long it will take him to evolve now with all these time changes.)

It is okay with me because I do not mind seeing his baby form one more day.

I will be doing another time change after this log.

The man with the hat has come about 5times today. He left me a three Gotchi king visits (Hotdog, Sushi and Milks) and two poops. Who brings POOP in a Mail Envelope. >[

The first time I saw Prince making the "Someone is Here" face... I scolded him thinking for Discipline. The second I had pushed the button I remembered... "Visitors" and saw the icon.

I apologized profusely to him... he was allowed to play with his UFO for a loooong time.

The teacher also came to invite him to school. He has lost the jumprope game twice, once to a Tamatchi and the other a Hitodetchi. (Both after 6jumps)

I do not understand the importance of Pre-school... So he will not be attending much until Middle school. (Ahhh... chip off the old block. ^^;; )

He practices quite alot on his own. I rarely see him play with his UFO unless I tell him. Teacher brought me a mirror. I also have Horse and Duck. (Not sure how I got them.)

I realized yesterday I did not post his instrument. It was Trumpet yesterday. Today we picked Saxophone.

His Genre has changed ALOT today. Asian, Latin, R&B, Classical and Jazz. (I have the Saxophone, Trumpet and the Guitar I bought on TamaTown for him.)

I noticed that when I changed the Instrument, have him practice once or twice then play with UFO it does not change. It changes when HE CHOOSES to play it himself.

When I changed it and waited until he choose to play himself, I did not change. Nor letting him practice 3 times without UFO play. (the Guitar icon stayed a Trumpet icon)

Maybe it is a glitch for my Guitar or something.

Something just happened. Prince was facing away from me... and two little weird icons popped up in place of his Toy and Instrument. I pushed the status button and everything ended. Does anyone know what this is? (The time says 300pm in case that is important.)

I was surprised to see that I could change the Time layout on the Music star to Military Time. That is helpful since most of my clocks are on military time.

Was a relief because I actually have to convert the evening times to 12hour in my brain when writing here. (Or I look at TamTama's time for reference when events happen.)

I might like this music star. It is low maitenence so far. I like the many options though I do not understand how to find the "favorite toy" when I have already been given it when the baby is born.

Maybe the future Generations will not be born with magical toys and instruments they love. Or they inheret the ones from Mommy and Daddy.

Note:: I read somewhere... V6 Wave 1 parents take half money and Wave 2 they take total money. Are there anymore differences?? My current decision is that if I get another V6 Star it will be Rock City or Pink Symphony... I think Rock City is Wave 1.

My friend from Texas (whose ear I scream in when my Tama arrive) mentioned he read about a 15+ rated Tamagotchi. (Tsktsk... Pervert!) After looking through the forums I came across the TamagoChu.

I want to see why they are rated 15+... so I may be getting a set. (Unless my friend sends them to me. He wants to know as well... HA! We are both perverts!)

I mentioned before I had a friend who owns a v4.5 and P1/P2. Her cousin was one of my good friends for 5years now.

Minty (v4.5 girl's nickname) convinced her cousin to stop being angry with me over a misunderstanding from back in May.

I WOULD give one of the TamagoChu to Minty, if I saw her more than twice a year. But this means I may see her in January, or even sooner! (I hope she gets a V6Star.)

And that is all for today. I can barely see the screen anymore and it is coming upon 4am. Must wake in 5hours.



::Current Collection::


KompuKoala GigaPet

Pink/Green P1 (TamTamatchi) <_<

GlamROCK V6Star (-Popuraintchi-) <_<

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GAHH!! I skipped yesterday's important post, but here it is now!

I woke yesterday (Friday) Morning to Popurain beeping the "I am practicing" sound... at 8:00 in the morning.

It felt like I had been drowning in my sleep... This sickness however still has not fully attacked me yet. I have been dry, but only stuffy when sleeping.

Mom had not decided if she was going to her Job Christmas party yet (and it did not start until Midnite anyway)... So I "sneakily" took the truck with me.

I got to work at 950. Played with Popurain a few minutes while I went to get water before work began. SOOOO MUCH WORK! But... I sold a bunch of Subscriptions and 1 reserve that ASM took credit for.

30minute break at 130pm (where I almost did not get to eat) more water and took care of the little ones. A co-Worker who just transferred yesterday asked for some of my water. I gave it to him.

When I got off work at 330 and had drymouth again... I realized how sick I actually have been. Poor kind of cute New Guy, he will be sick next week. 555! >] *evil*

I was fine when I got home from work... but at 930, I threw clothes in the dryer. It made the house warm. I got sleepy... and drifted off. >.>

AND SO... Here is the Important Log I missed!

TamaMonster---------------- Tamtamatchi--------------- Popuraintchi

[~Kabodevitchii~]------------ [~Tamatchi~]--------------- [~Kikitchi~] PRINCE 1G

18 yr -------------------------- 05 yr------------------------- 01 yr_____________26 lb

45 DP ------------------------- 21 oz------------------------- Hungry 04________Tone 409

----------- ---------------------- 11 Discipline---------------- Happy 04_________Rhythm 296

03 Hungry ------------------- 04 Hungry[color+#ffffff]------------------[/color] Stress 08_________Original 323

03 Friend -------------------- 04 Happy------------------- R&B MUSIC _______[saxophone] 580

Note:: Popurain is the Star of the show for a while... so we will start with his siblings per usual.


Tamatchi did not wake up until I was showering in prep for work, around 9am. He did not need anything all morning.

Once work started however, he and Prince BOTH were beeping together for almost an hour. As a result, I turned TamTama to the Clock SET Screen.

Things got so busy that he was paused until Lunch. During Lunch I had to get TamaMon from the backroom. ASM took soo long that my lunch was cut short by 10minute.

TamTama and I played a bit. I left him off pause after Lunch, he did not beep for anything until I got off work.

When I got home, he needed 1 happy filled. Around 630, 1 hungry and happy. At 830, bored I tossed clothes in the wash. Then I remembered FABLE 3!!!

Sadly, I never got around to playing because I had to edit an Essay for Auntie. During this I noticed I was waiting for TamTama to fall asleep.

As soon as he did... I drifted off too. 10minutes later I went to bed.

It is morning now... he is awake, staring at me and dancing.


I have concluded that... Kabodevi will not be evolving anytime soon into a Secret Character since I do not know the requirements for them.

He was not awake when I started work... (If my shift has not been moved, he would ahve been.)

So... he did not see me until Lunch. He needed 3friendship and All hungry filled. His DP was still 55.

After work, he needed 2 hungry and a Friend star. From 430 -730 he committed bad deeds and asked for handshake intermittently.

I took care of random beeps, not wanting his DP lower than 30 or higher than 60.

When I checked him at 9pm he was full. I actually fell asleep before he did... so he lost a few stats.

He just woke up... about 15minute ago for Handshake.


Prince... He wakes up MUCH too early for me.

When I woke... my little Prince was practicing his Instrument.

I could not see the screen clearly in the Dimness so I used my handphone screen and found... Kikitchi!

Excited, I jumped up and ran to register him on TamaTown.

Below are images of Prince on TamaTown. I registered him as a Kuribotchi, but Neglected to take photo.



We were on Tamatown playing the Sudoku game until I went to shower.

At work, Prince beeped for the first hour. Around 1130 I finally put him on Pause because the store was FULL of customers.

During Lunch, the moment I unpaused him he made the Metal Gear ! (Visitor)... It was Teacher inviting him to Middle School.

We went and met up with his band members!!! There is a Chamametchi named VERONICA and Hinotamatchi named TOBY.

The band name is RVOLUSHN. (Named after Prince's band during the Purple Rain days... The Revolution. ^^;; )

After Lunch I put him back on pause. Since I am currently not scheduled for next week... I should be able to give him my undivided attention.

Once I got home, Prince and the RVOLUSHN went to a few classes together to increase camaraderie.

I noticed around this time that feeding Prince was becoming a problem. The Healthy choices are VERY expensive, the Fattening Choices are Cheap. (American Economy... even in Tamagotchi.)

I am now low on Points and have NO idea how to get more. Hopefully that man who brings the Envelope Poop and Food from Gotchi King also brings Money.

Prince has been awake now since 8am practicing his Saxophone without prompting. His stress is only 09 after 30 or so beeps. I guess praising him 3 or more times keeps the stress down.

So, that was yesterday (Saturday, December 04 for America.)

Today I want to go get the last few items to really start making this mini Tama Backpack. (Where I am going to find clear fabric I do not know.)

I really want to make little plushies of Young and Kuromametchi. For girls I would make Chamame, Maid and Ichigotchi.

However, I should focus on first things first... I guess.

(So today's adventure will be, More Aloe Juice, Backpack stuffs and maybe Shrimp Crackers. o.o)

I will write another log later tonight... This time, I will not forget! (I Hope.)


Note:: Since posting this, Hat man has come twice to give me French Fries and 2000 points. Yay!

::Current Collection::


KompuKoala GigaPet

Pink/Green P1 (TamTamatchi) <_<

GlamROCK V6Star (-Popuraintchi-) <_<

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Ahhh... I am a very happy Music Star owner today! Devilgotchi, not so much...

So, I woke a little before Popuraintchi. I wanted to be prepared for his beeping.

Today's adventure was to get the items for my Tama Backpack. The idea has turned more into a Tama Backpack Clutch? o.o

It will make more sense after I post pictures once it is finished.

I still need a few items (Boning, Backpack Straps and the Parachute Clips.) I have the zippers and all the needed Fabric.

I have come to understand why not too many people sew things themselves nowadays. Seamstresses are MEAN PEOPLE!

The Fabric store ladies did not want to help me because I did not know exactly the zipper lengths, the yardage cutting.... etc.

Those are things that people new to sewing do NOT know. (To be honest, I have made 5 backpacks without knowing exact yardage and so on.)

It is unfair of them to be mean to someone who wants to begin the hobby. I helped another girl who the old ladies would not bother with. I hope her skirt comes out right. >[

I also had a meeting at work. We have a new Manager now. (He is already crossing bad boundaries by flirting with me through Text. I have been horrified for the past two hours.)

Lets move on to my GOTCHI!!!

TamaMonster---------------- Tamtamatchi--------------- Popuraintchi

[~Kabodevitchii~]------------ [~Kuchipatchi~]---------------- [~Mametchi~] PRINCE 1G

18 yr -------------------------- 06 yr------------------------ 02 yr_____________35 lb

90 DP ------------------------- 20 oz------------------------- Hungry 04________Tone 481

----------- --------------------- 11 Discipline------------ Happy 04_________Rhythm 423

?? Hungry ------------------? 04 Hungry[color+#ffffff]-----------------[/color] Stress 19_________Original 459

?? Friend ------------------- 04 Happy------------------ R&B MUSIC _______[saxophone] 10880


Kabodevi woke around 9am. Today was relax for him. We played a few times, He ate. Nothing out of the ordinary.

It was not until my work metting tonight that a problem arose.

I went out to get the items I needed to make the backpack. I checked him every do often until about 530pm.

The meeting was at 6 until 7pm. However, things ran over a little bit... and I did not get to check him until about 830.

However, my Co-worked asked to see Kabodevi -since I carry my Tama around my neck, he wanted to see the Phone app-

When he gave the phone back to me, mom called to ask me to pick up Dinner.

Kabodevi did not get Checked until around 10pm...

When I did, he was dancing funny. I pushed the A button and curtains drew clothes.

Today, he went back to Gotchi Hell. T-T

I miss you already Kabodevi. (However, this means now I could join the Angelgotchi Experiment.)

Soon we will reunite my beloved TamaMonster. It was a good 2 week and half. Enjoy your break!


Tamatchi has been played with all day. From the time he woke (thankfully later than the others... until his sleep at 8pm... which was really about 1030pm.)

He has not needed much other than a few feedings. During the meeting I paused it again. -IF ONLY WE KNEW BACK THEN!!!-

Technically the screen says 8 days... but hopefully everyone understand that it is 2days ahead due to time change/pausing.


After my last post... the man with the hat visited me twice.

(Yes it looks like Nozotchi, but he gave me POOP! So he is now "that Man with the Hat")

The Gotchi King gave me a steak and 2000 points. However, Prince lost quite a few hearts today, so we ran out of money around 615om.

Even though there was enough food to last me until tomorrow morning, I was quite worried... what if something bad happened?

Especially since I now have Popurain operating almost 14hours of the day without letting Prince sleep.

Halfway through the meeting I paused him to let the new Manager give his weird speech. He was unpaused around the time Kabodevi left.

Strangely... after unpausing him. Prince was COMPLETELY empty of hearts. I have no explanation... he has been fed so much today. Thus, I filled them before eating.

On the way up the stairs to get water (for my late dinner) I heard the evolution noise.

I almost broke my ankle and neck trying to hurry back down (in reverse) to see the evolution. Who will I get?! Probably a 2nd tier character.

MAMETCHI?! WHOOOOT!! -That was the sound in my head.-


Not long before taking this picture I wanted to see the Away options for Adult. (Since away to PC would have taken some time.)

I clicked the first building... (I saw there were three and decided to go in order.)

TOBY and VICTORIA came over to meet me. They were still teens. Suddenly... POOF! They evolved too.

TOBY is now a Gozarutchi.... Victoria is a Music note thing. (Onputchi?) I think she was cuter before... I wanted Maidtchi for ask her hand in marriage. >[

Hopefully my next baby is a boy too for Kuromametchi (and the third Generation also.) I want Furawatchi and Togetchi as my bandmembers.

After meeting up and evolving, we met with Teacher who I guess said something to the effect:: "I have taught you ALL there is to know. GO FORTH!"

Three scary looking business men showed up. We played the R&B song from TamaTown (Which Ironically is my 2nd CD.)

The song ended... and BAM!!! PRO-DEBUT!!!

o.o!!! (My face.) I often read people had a hard time passing this debut thing. I passed it COMPLETELY on accident.

I had little idea what was going on until halfway through the song... Then I kept thinking, OH NO! STOP! YOU WILL FAIL!

We passed, and when the little money bags floated down... I sang a song to Mametchi congratulating him.

I am not very good at the "Play your Feature Song" game. For some reason I always lose when it is TOBY's turn.

But I am soooo very happy. This mostly makes up for Kabodevi leaving me today.

And that was my Sunday. I am supposed to be finishing this essay for Auntie (She told me it was due next sunday, instead it was due two hours ago.)

However, I am sleepy... even this coffee is not helping. I may go get an energy drink soon. (Also I STILL have not played FABLE 3!!!)

New Boss finally stopped texting me. I had to ignore his last two texts of "I am Bored."

I feel bad... he said I was cute, but I am not interested. There is already someone who has my attenion, plus... HE IS MY BOSS!! >[

Bad things are only getting worst with this job. -_____-;;

Aigoo! Enjoy your Monday (or Tuesday) everyone!


LOOK! A TamaTown Error. XD


::Current Collection::


KompuKoala GigaPet

Pink/Green P1 (TamTamatchi) <_<

GlamROCK V6Star (-Popuraintchi-) <_<

I wish I could make... less entries per page. This is long indeed. I am very sorry everyone. T-T

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Free Food does not make up for the terrible scent of smoke in my hair. >[

I am going to be honest... I really dislike being outside of the house. Especially with people I know do not really care for me.

There is a PC cafe that is fun... However, it is FULL of smokers. While most of my friends are smokers... after visiting SPECIFICALLY this place, I smell like trash. T-T

As a result... I really dislike going there. (The things we do for our "Friends.")

Around 5pm a friend called. He usually takes me out to dinner (at reeeeeally nice restaurant) and then we go to PC Cafe to play games.

However, I made a slight miscalculation. Even though I knew Cataclysm (Warcraft) was coming out today... He told me he wasn't interested.

This person, play PC games together. Before was Wow, but more recently League of Legends. 78% of the time we play at our respective homes.

Instead, I was stuck at the PC cafe with 6 guys all waiting impatiently for Cataclysm to release and Blizzard to add the content.

I also have been signed up to return to Warcraft for the next month. -____-;;

(I am not upset about the Warcraft at all... I dislike the impatience I had to deal with all night. Luckily my one friend was not impatient.)

He bought me another month to play with him (we did this back in July too.) So for the next month, I will be playing Wow and taking care of the little ones.

There is also news in reference to work...

The company is doing investigation into my eligibility. I am not scheduled to work (or be released) until the issue is resolved.

This week, I will be back to applying for EVERYTHING I see. T-T (I dislike this process sooo much.)

I did however get leftover dinner, two free pieces of cheesecake, free Makudo (NUGGETS!) and two energy shots today.

So... Log time! (While I download wow to this Desktop.)

Tamtamatchi--------------- Popuraintchi

[~Tamatchi~]--------------- [~Mametchi~] PRINCE 1G

07 yr------------------------ 03 yr_____________31 lb

21 oz------------------------ Hungry 03_________Tone 580

FULL Discipline----------- Happy 04__________Rhythm 508

04 Hungry[color+#ffffff]----------------[/color] Stress 00__________Original 715

04 Happy------------------ R&B MUSIC _______[saxophone] 5230


Per Usual there is not much to tell about Tamatchi today. He ate a few times, we played a few games and he pooped. (It says 9days, but it is only 7.)

Around 1pm he was sick with FULL hearts, again. Hopefully this does not deter me from getting Mametchi on my P1 also.

There is no evolution. He was accidentally paused for about an hour or so... but that was only around 1am while he slept.

I noticed yesterday I wrote Kutchipatchi. Sorry for the error. Disregard... He is still a Tamatchi!


Prince had a very eventful day. Around 4am we used a variety of items from the special box to see what they did.

PLANT:: The plant grows and makes a smiley face.

HAIR GEL:: Grow an Afro and dance a little.

TOOTHBRUSH:: Brushes Teeth, I think he flosses too.

PENCIL:: Sit down to write an Essay?

Turns out Prince (Mametchi) cannot use the R&B CD or Pop CD.

At 5am (5pm inverted) RVOLUSHN had a concert. Star rating went up from 97 Rank with 2 million fans to... 28 Rank with 31 million fans! [RnB Music]

At 6am (6pm inverted) there was a second concert. From 28 Rank and 31 million fans to... Rank 5 and 53 million Fans!

Right now they are Star Rank 4 with 84 million fans!! Sooooo much fans!!!

The Man with the Hat only visited twice. Once to drop POOP and once to bring some item that I currently cannot find.

We also bought a playground slide, but have not tried it to see if Prince likes it.

He will be asleep until tomorrow around 11am when I wake to start this WARCRAFT thing.

Since right now I am downloading Wow... I will probably not be sleeping until around 7am. I will definitely be taking a shower around that time.

Hopefully I can have the truck today... I really want to go get boning and last few items to finish my backpack tomorrow.

(I can sew it while one of the 15people I know not ready for Cataclysm runs me through an instance.)

Also, applying for jobs while I am out would be wonderful. It is going to be a cold winter and I would like to re-clothe my wardrobe in preparation

Currently I only possess hoodies, Baby Tees (which I dislike, but were gifts) and Black Legging. I want some color and warmth in my life so I can wear less jacket.

Or... better yet, a new jacket would be nice.

My clothing goal for the winter is to get a pair of knee high converse (even though I dislike the flat sole) and Lace Up Pirate Boots, hopefully the Juicy Couture ones I saw on my birthday.

I also remember I have to pick up my ticket for go visit Dad in New York this Friday! (I might get my high quality Rice Cooker.)

Tomorrow and Wednesday will be very busy days. This week will be hectic!

I must make sure not to neglect my little ones. (PRINCE would like a wife, hopefully a cheap music star goes for Ebay sale this week.)

Take care everyone, be safe and not stressed.


::Current Collection::


KompuKoala GigaPet

Pink/Green P1 (TamTamatchi) <_<

GlamROCK V6Star (-Popuraintchi-) <_<

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I am Angry and a bit Fearful... but, hopefully everything works out for the best.

I am writing this log a bit earlier than usual... I have something to take care of before tomorrow. (If you have watched South Park... the word "Panda" is all I can say.)

I decided to finish my backpack after making the Bunny I have been holding off for almost two years. My reasoning...

The plastic bones for the backpack were 2.99 per yard. I have already spent over 15 or so dollar in preparation to make this backpack.

So I am hoping that if my check goes through Friday, Saturday or Sunday I will be able to purchase some... or I may find something similar (cheaper) to use.

I am going to try and make this short since I have so much to do tonight, though long enough to calm me down with all the new things running through my mind...

Tamtamatchi--------------- Popuraintchi

[~Mametchi~]--------------- [~Mametchi~] PRINCE 1G

09 yr------------------------- 05 yr_____________37 lb

31 oz------------------------- Hungry 04_________Tone 839

FULL Discipline------------ Happy 04__________Rhythm 778

03 Hungry[color+#ffffff]-----------------[/color] Stress 01__________Original 929

03 Happy------------------- R&B MUSIC _______[saxophone] 1699670


There is no update for Tuesday (Dec 7)... however, that is the day Tamatchi became Mametchi!

When I heard the evolution noise I became a little worried. I thought my care warranted Masktchi or Ginjirotchi at best...

So when Mametchi appeared I could not stop the smile from spreading across my face. People might have thought I was crazy. (It happened at Mom's job.)

As usual, only Poop, Feeding and Play. I remember playing the game with Kutchipatchi being Laggy. With Mametchi it is not.

He is so very cute when he sleeps. I also like that he wakes up later than Mametchi on my V6Star.

It says 11 days for the age, I will try to keep him for a few more days. Hopefully he can make it!


Things have been eventful for us these past few days, though documenting them here cannot explain how it feels to me.

So many concerts, there was a loooong practice (5 or 6 times in a row), played a few music games to get the skills up.

Prince seems to really like playing his saxophone. I have not prompted him at all these past two days. (Only praise.)

The little guitar man brought LOTS of Money. Mametchi will not starve!

We bought more CDs... (Total List:: R&B, Pop, Rock, Classical, Pop HipHop) Yes... I think he owns two Pop CD.

Also used the Slide. Mametchi seemed to quite like it.... He went down 3 times.

RVOLUSHUN Star Rank went up to 1, but dropped over last night back to 5. There are over 301 million fans now!

Today there was only 1 concert. (I may have missed the others.) There was not much beeping late in the evening.

I honestly think my Tama understand when things are going wrong for me.

The only bad part about this is... I really want to connect Popurain to another V6Star soon.

I originally planned to wait and make my next purchase a TMGC+C before or after Christmas, but that feeling for a new V6Star is taking over.

That way they can be band members together... (It would also be nice to raise a generation of twins.)

We will see. I have time to make a decision. Hopefully I will know by Friday. (Unless I find a non-bundle Music star for around 11 dollar including shipping.)

ALSO, those weird icons I asked about... apparently are Christmas Tree. THANK YOU FORUM!!! (OSTama, Once again to le rescue! <3)

I did the odds for winning the OH MY GOTCHI sweepstakes... It seems I have approximately 350,000 to 1 odds chance of winning.

(That is probably not much, but I do not remember exactly how many times I entered, it could be better or worse... that is average w/guesswork.)

So far, It has been two days and I STILL have not gotten a chance to really play Warcraft. (I logged in to look over the decrepid world, but have not done dungeon or queet.)

A bit sleepy right now, but I have an energy shot and some leftover cheesecake to get me through the next few hours.

I remembered that I STILL do not have my vitamins. I cannot find the coupon for them. I also would like some Caffeine pills like I used in high school.

Feeling a bit calmer after writing about my little ones. Still worried about what may happen the next few weeks.

Definitely need to apply to some more places. Hopefully Friday Dad will be able to help me put things in a blank box for the day, so I can enjoy the City.

And with that... It is time. Adieu!


::Current Collection::


KompuKoala GigaPet

Pink/Green P1 (TamTamatchi) <_<

GlamROCK V6Star (-Popuraintchi-) <_<

Note:: OHHHH 11:11!!! -Makes a Tamagotchi Wish since this is Tama Talk- ♥♥♥

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My normal format will have to take a backseat for today.

Note:: Let me know if this way is preferred, please?

I am not happy with the results of my hard work Wednesday Night... I spent most of last night frustrated and upset.

Also due to yesterday... We spent the afternoon trying to iron out details with Mom, rescheduling times and locations while calling to find when my check would clear (For a better bus to NY).

So, Dad and I are rescheduling... to some random time in the future. (Meaning I will probably miss all of the Christmas Excitement.)

Instead of taking my frustration out on the little ones Popuraintichi will probably be alone today... TamTama will be paused.

As of right now I am deeply uncomfortable with going back to work. (Or rather, even working at all... but I have things to pay.)

Until Job decide my hiring status... I will be mostly asleep, though I might update here since playing with Popurain actually DOES make me happy and each life deserves to be remembered.


Mametchi has been well fed, although he is noticable dropping hearts faster. (Perhaps 1heart every hour.)

Taking care of him today will be more of an annoyance than anything since I want him to live a long healthy life. (Curse the doting Parental Perfectionism.)

Tomorrow is quite cloudy for his Forecast as well. I know he is angry for the trip reschedule and this week's events. This has interfered with his Mommy.


Prince woke MUCH too early yesterday. He practiced at 8am, 830am and again during the car ride to drop mom off.

I kind of fell asleep on the floor (still in my puffy jacket) for about 15minutes before the final preps for my meeting (he lost two hearts during prep time.)

When I woke before showering and printing out my report, Prince was making the "Someone Is HERE" face. Guitarman brought money. 700,000 points I think?

Prince was paused when I left the house for the meeting. (It was near Mom's job since I would be there all day looking into stuff for my trip.)

He was not unpaused until approximately 3pm. No beeping at ALL until almost 630pm! (I actually checked several times to make sure his sound was not off.)

A little before 630 someone came to the house. Man with the Hat brought a Star? Not long after Guitarman came again.

He brought with him a cute little Furawatchi. He pointed at her and said. "MARRY?"

I wondered if Prince would be happy with her. She is the 2nd cutest V6Star female followed by Maidtchi.

He has not won any awards (I do not think... I checked a few days ago when RVOLUSHUN were Rank 1, but it said nothing.)

I decided, Prince may never get the opportunity to meet the love of his life again. (The guitarman probably does not bring Dazzlitchi.)

And so... he was wed, Love at First Sight.

They hit it off really well. I watched their short courtship. Prince is now the Father of a Wonderful BABY GIRL!!!

Excited, I paused the game hoping that they would still stay with her until perhaps 930 1000pm. (Unless they leave at midnight after the initial 24hrs.)

Since this is 2nd Gen (Even) I should look at a Growth Chart to see who are available. Hopefully Furawatchi, Maidtchi or at least Mimitchi.

Thinking of a name... I might name her Apolonia or Vanity depending who are in Even generation.

That is all!

Obviously the only highlight of my day was Prince's Wedding and Childbirth. (I got Chipotle and Free Starbucks twice.)

Right now I am soo very sleepy. I will unpack my Bus Trip bag later today when I call again to check on my paycheck.

Since we have not decided when the Trip is rescheduled to... I can add a few dollars to my paypal account in preparation for my Next Tama.

It will probably be like a repeat of my birthday. (Of everyone I know, only Warcraft guy helped me celebrate... He doesn't even Celebrate his OWN Birthday.)

With all these setbacks, getting a TMGC+C before Christmas would be a HAPPY present from "Santa." (They have celebrations for holidays right?)

At least Tamagotchi do not make trouble for me. -No matter how personified I make them, in the end... I can pause the game.-

If I feel better later today, I should continue my work on Bunny Rabbit.

Adieu! (And thank to anyone who still continues to read my log. It really does make me happy to see the views go up.)


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