Tama doesn't want me to play games?


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Jul 7, 2006
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Of course I'm a new owner and I need some help. I recieved a Tamagotchi (without a manual) from a friend, so please excuse me if this question is answered in the manual.

My Tamagotchi hates when I play games. Every now and then, he lets me. Like once every 2 hours, but he just refuses most of the time! Is it just his personality, his species, or is this a problem? I can't get alot of points if I'm not allowed to play. :wacko: Can you help?

no it is not personallity. all tamagotchis love to play games.it is because it is close to its base weight.keep in mind that playing games will make your tamagotchi lose 3lbs. like if its base weight is 20lbs and its weight currently is 21lbs, if it plays games, its weight will be 18lbs, because when it plays it loses 3lbs. 18lbs will be below its base weight which is not allowed so it doesnt want to play because if it plays its weight will go below its base weight.the same thing if its weight is 22lbs, it will be below the base weight because when it plays its weight will be 19lbs which is also not allowed. the only time it will want to play is when its weight is 23lbs or above.

hope u understood what i said.


TamaPal, when you said it loses 3lb every time you play a game, you're a little wrong. It depends on how good you are at the game and how far you get. Otherwise yes, It wont play games because it's getting near it's base weight. I had that problem before when I first got one. I was so angry I nearly broke it! B) B)

o.o;; Wow, I never realized these new tamas were so complex. Lol, I've been having the same problem sort of, and I never knew playing the games took away so much weight.

Once in a while, your tamagotchi doesn't want to play. It might be tired or lazy, so you must give it a snack to bribe it/ make it have more energy. It may be the lowest weight it can be for it's age/ character, and then you should feed it two or three meals, and maybe one snack or treat. Then if he doesn't play after all that, I don't really know what to do. Yes, I agree Kamileun. I have a Generation 1, and also a V3, among others. You'd be amazed by how complex they've gotten!! Good luck with your tama, Tulip :huh:

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