Tama Egg Deco


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Sep 11, 2007
Reaction score
*hidding under the blankets with Xada*
So I was being bad at work and playing around with some spair surgical wrap and my tamagotchi and I got the most awsome idea!

If you wrap your tama in Vet Wrap (easyer to find and comes in more colors than surgical wrap)you can make your case be any color, with a nice cooshy texture that is sooo much easyer to hold on to. This stuff sticks to it's self and not to any thing else, so no worries about it messing up your tama's original finish. The wrap is nice and streachy. AND it's watter proof so it can help save tama from an accidental soda spill or other light watter issues.

Click here to see Vet Wrap.

Roll the egg up in a bit of the wrap... and since most wraps are longer than a tama egg so just squish the tops and bottoms together then cut off the extra, it seals up and you can't even see a seam! Pinch a bit of the wrap over the center of the screan, and cut an X. Fold the sides of the X over to be able to see your tama and get at the buttons.

When your done you have a very spiffy cozy for your tama's egg. :wub:

My other case alteration happened by accident. I was using some nail polish remover (very very careful so as not to get tama wet!) to try and take off a few of the original decals.. well the polish remover wasn't working... and I didn't have an electric toothbrush top (I've seen that sugested some where on these forums) so I ended up resorting to scisors to scrap the decal off.

I'd imagine some of you have done this before and seen the scratchy mess scissors leave... I descided to try and buff it out with a fine grain nail file. (not the metal sort of file, teh soft ones with fun patterns) I got a very intresting texture by filing the egg in small circular motions instead of the icky scissor scratches my tama's egg started taking on this pretty, frosted-glass kinda texture!

I went ahead and did the entire egg and it looks AWSOME! I have a V4.5 red butterfly and it looks much more sophisticated than it did before... I think this would look particulary good with orange or yellow cases, give them that kinda frosty sherbert look.

Click here to see frosted beads

Click here to see sea glass.

*binary: changed IMG tags to links (because TamaTalk doesn't support IMG tags.)*

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i tried the frosting thing on my pink v2 and it looks awsome! thanks! also i used a nail filer on my other white v2 and it made it more white and took away some marks

i maked it to my first tama (my p1) my egg started sparking and then explode!! :p :p
