Tama fables


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TamaTalk Angelgotchi
Sep 19, 2005
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Somewhere in the US of the A
The 6 friends

Long ago, there was 6 friends, all were teens, Danny a V3 young mametchi, _______ another young mametchi , Geb a young mamechi, Anne a hinachi, and Elle and Elle ringotchis. Danny was 1, Anne 3, Geb 1, Elle 2 and Elle 2. The next day Anne turned 4 and became a Debatchi. The 6 friends ceabrated witha grand party. Then the next day Elle 4,and Elle , late 3 , became furawatchi and mametchi. 2 days later, _______ turned 4 and became furawatchi. But Danny and Geb were not happy. " It's not fair! Only me and you teens, everyone else is an adult. I'm sure they'll boss us around like babies." Said Danny.

Geb was more clam than Danny. " We're 2. ______ and Elle became adults at 3. So we might be adult tomorow." said Geb. " Yeah, in their late 3's". The next day the were 3, and they din't evolve in their late 3's, so both went to bed, frusterated. The next day Danny was 4 and evoved into a mametchi but Geb was still 3, and a teen. He was furoius. Geb threw a tantrum. Everyone else suggested Geb shall go to sleep for,longer. Geb took their adive, went to sleep. Woke up 4 years old, and became furawatchi. No one ever got frustrated again.

Moral- Listen to your elders and your dreams will come true.

Now Make a story about TamaTalk Members, here's the title:

The greedy Angelogotchi.

Once, _________( Insert members name there) Was skipping happily through a meadow, when she stepped on something. She looked at it, and it beeped. She picked it up. It was an angelgotchi!

So, she took the angelgotchi home. She had to take a shower, so she left the angelgotchi on the table.

________ ( Insert members name here) Was the angelgotchi's name. It looked like poo, becuase it had been neglected on the grass of a meadow. It was mad that it looked like poo, so it took all the money in the world and spent it on makeup. But then he just looked like colored poo, so he used the money fto make a money printing machine to buy more makeup! But that wasn't enough, so he made more and more and more. then, he got dirty and had to take a shower. he was kinda stupid, and he forgot that he had used up all of the makeup and money. It all washed off and he was sad. But then his lover came back to him and hugged him. He realized that it didn't matter what he looked like, becuase he would still be loved.

Moral: You are beutiful just the way you are.

Once upon a time there was a beuatiful :huh: named Belle.Her best friend was a tarakotchi called Ellie.Belle was the most lovely tama in the world and was going to marry the prince a :( .When he came to meet Belle he realised she was selfish empty headed and vain.Ellie was the kindest tama in the land and when the prince met her he married her instead.

MORAL:Its whats inside that counts

Once upon time there was a :) and she was so pretty and lovely,but she was cold and vain,so not even one tamagotchi like her because she was like that.Since she was like that she grow old until the match-maker came and said ''Now I know you are vain,but I did find one tamagotchi that was just like you,so what do you say''as she held a picture of the :angry: (the tama was so cute and handsome!But still the tama said ''no''!''Now get out of my house!!!''

Now the tama found out she was going to die the next moring.So the next moring before a few minutes she was going to die that tama lelf a note that said ''I know I was vain but I made a trouble miskle by not marring the only person who could of loved me'' and then she died with her hand on her heart....

Lesson:Never say no to the macth-maker.

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