Tama fashion


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Jan 11, 2006
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:blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: ;)

:blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: wanna have fashion? keychain it to ur bookbag or jeans get the mini one put a ring on it and put it on ur finger,get a clip clip it to your hair! and keychain on pocket book or shirt! clso clip on shoes and socks and more!!!!

please pm me!

/\ /\

( l_l ) meow!

Once again, kay_tamalover11, you are being very rude. And hurtful. I happen to think that these are some very good ideas to express your creativity with your tama. You may be new here. We don't criticize or make rude comments to people here. It is very disrespectful.


Thanks, Kevin101015.

She/he shouldn't be so critical of others.


Guys, it's ok. :D I myself used to clip my P1 and P2s onto a scrunchie in my hair back in '98. I was in grade school back then, and people thought I was the coolest thing! hehe I also clipped them onto my binders, belt loops, little backpacks, shoes if I was wearing platforms/high heels, necklaces, and shirt straps. Yep, I was cool. :hitodetchi:

Guys, it's ok. :mametchi: I myself used to clip my P1 and P2s onto a scrunchie in my hair back in '98. I was in grade school back then, and people thought I was the coolest thing! hehe I also clipped them onto my binders, belt loops, little backpacks, shoes if I was wearing platforms/high heels, necklaces, and shirt straps. Yep, I was cool. :hitodetchi:
Hey that's a good idea! Putting tamas on ur binder...hmmm...I'm gonna try it sometime!

true, but it's much more convenient not to have to carry them around or put then in a bag/pocket. with tama fashion its more convenient because they are right there! no need to get your tama out of your bag to check, you can just look at you belt, necklace etc.

besides the hair thing, you have some pretty good ideas tamatalkgirl!

Once again, kay_tamalover11, you are being very rude. And hurtful. I happen to think that these are some very good ideas to express your creativity with your tama. You may be new here. We don't criticize or make rude comments to people here. It is very disrespectful.
I agree. It's pretty rude to say that (Did I say "pretty?" I meant very.)

I agree. It's pretty rude to say that (Did I say "pretty?" I meant very.)
Yea me too.You cant go around insulting people beacuse of their persanality.Its VERY rude.How would you like if someone made fun of YOU every single stinkin(lol) day?

tama fashion is nerdy and weird :( :rolleyes: <_< :mellow: :wacko: :angry: :huh: :lol: :eek:
You shouldn't be so rude. You need to post thoughts that won't hurt other people, and if you don't have anything nice to say, don't post anything! ;)

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