Tama Get Washed? I have solution.


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New member
Apr 30, 2007
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I know how to fix it... :p


1. screw off backplate

2. take out battery

3. let tama dry for 1-10 days (depending on how wet it is...)

4. re-insert battery and screw on backplate.

5. reset tama

6. enjoy!

P.S. Screen will be waterlogged, but functioning!

that happened to my cousin's tama!and niw it is broke and she criend

so she got a new one last year.but she lost it

:) :)

But, also, remember don't dry your tama in the sun because then there won't be much pixels, or in other words, the tint won't be dark, trust me, it happened to my friends tama!


My friend's Tama got washed with his clothes. I'll have to tell him this. He never liked his Tamagotchi, though, so I don't know why I'm going to bother. Does this really work?

Im not sure, but personally i wouldn't do it at all!*shudders* at the sight of just thinking it

my tama got wet by a hose when i was watering the lawn and i left it on my desk i thought it was gone forever then i looked at it and i saw the battery symbol(6 weeks later) and i was like YES YES <_< ;) so it actually works

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that happened to my cousin's tama!and niw it is broke and she criend

so she got a new one last year.but she lost it

:) :ph34r:
that also happend to mine my brother got my ds game and my tama and put it in his pocket he forgot and put it in the wash and the tumbel dry and it come out drie but it was lumpy and bumps were in it and my ds game had a lump in it so i cried and hit my brother realy really hard on his face he had blood and cred for ages :)

:D :D ITS TRUEE!!!! MY TAMA once went into the washer and i let it dry 4 like 2 days and i could still play exept the sceen is meesed! :( :( :( :D :angry: thats sad to me buuuuttt ohhh weeel at least my tamagotchi worked right! :)
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