Tama-Go in...Portuguese (maybe)? What the HECK!?


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Amat Gotchi

Well-known member
Jun 10, 2012
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out there
Has anyone seen this video? https://www.youtube....h?v=RpCP0AFJegs

It's of a Tama-Go in Portuguese, I think. The display and everything are in Portuguese or something.

So I was wondering if anyone else has seen these, and if there are Tama-Gos in any other languages besides English. (and whatever this one is in)

Edit: i just had a novel idea! What if this is something new from Bandai, and has something to do with TamaTown (they have to reprogram it for some other-programmed Tamas?) This video has only been up for a month, so...

But then again, maybe these have existed for a really long time and I just haven't seen them before.

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I saw a Tama-Go in packaging with chinese writing on it, im not sure if the tama was like that though

In the late days of tamatown, there was a Portuguese setting for the language. So, we can assume that when this version of the Tama-Go was released, they updated tamatown to have that language as a feature.

Sorry, it ain't anything new :p

Edit: Also, those tama-go toys were based on the anime for the packaging.. Interesting, eh?

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Hmm, note that there isn't any bandai logo, just a "long jump" one. Am I missing something out?

They were released in Brazil last year. The colors were Mametchi green, Memetchi blue and Chamametchi pink. The only figures released were Mametchi, Chamametchi and Memetchi. I have the Mame and Chama figures.

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