Tama-go money trick


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Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
I figured out how to get loads of money the Tama-go with the music city points genorator. If you put a generate a lot of money in your account, then you can log in your tama-go, and then log out and say that you want to transfer that much money to your tama-go, and presto! You have lots of money on your tama-go. I thought this was pretty cool. :huh: :furawatchi: The link is https://musicstargen.site40.net/ .

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Yikes, I had a feeling someone would put this up. :eek:

Well, it IS indeed a way to get money on the Tama-Go, thanks to the useful Gotchi Point transferring.

how do i use yhe code generator for Music City? i cant get gotchi points :eek:
Before you use any of those generators, you gotta find your Account ID. The website also has the Account ID Finder. If you entered your Tamatown ID/Account username into the "Account ID" spot, that's not what you're supposed to put in there.

I'll stick to playing the games. Thanks for posting this stuff though for others to use it, who want to anyway.

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I found a nother way to get my tama-go money. not sure if it will work for others but...

I have a green one and an adult

i am not sure that if the above is not yours (i.e. its a white shell toddler) then it will work

alright first i go to pc

then i get the code

then go to log out password screen

and do all 0s. all the way through and enter!

for me it gets me at LEAST 1 million points. hope i helped and please say if it works for you!

- :rolleyes:
