Tama Love?


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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2008
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Okay, so I have connected with my brother's v4.5(mine is a v4.5 as well) many times, and on their friends list it says that they are partners. I bought the love potion, used it, and it didn't really do much. All they did was kiss.

I'm confused; why won't they make a new generation? What am I doing wrong?

-Evelia :huh:

EDIT: They are both adults, and the boy is 3 and the girl is 4 years old.

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Not yet. I'm used to the v3, so... do they have to have a job to make a new generation?

-Evelia :huh:

Connect them again and if it works they should kiss again, then fireworks will apear and both of you will have a babytchi.


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It's possible for tamas to mate earlier than 6. I've had experiences where the only requirement was the female was age 4. Wait another day or so, then try again.

Okay, thanks guys! I'll try it again right now. :p

-Evelia :blink:

EDIT: This is very weird... they still won't make the new generation... the girl just turned 5, but the boy is still 3. Is that a problem? I don't think it should...

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This should clear it up a little.

After they used the love potion, they kiss.

Connect them a few times, and after 24 unpaused hours, they will mate when it is time. They don't have to have a job to mate, I had my Ura Zukyutchi mate my V4 Pyontitchi and they had no jobs. They just have to be at least 4 years old. Hope I helped, Angelbaby.

P.S. They don't get a new generation until after the parent leaves the baby.

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Okay, that makes sense. The boy is only 3 so... there's my problem! Thank you so much!

-Evelia :(

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