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Dog Gal

Well-known member
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
Candy Mountain!

By Dog Gal


Kylie Gotchimi, an Ichigotchi

Troy O' Tama, a Young Mametchi

Annabelle Tamagoya, a Young Dorotchi

Mum, a Memetchi, Kylie's mother

Mrs.Sally Zap, a Mimitchi, Kylie's, Troy's and Annabelle's witch teacher

Mr.Mark Apple, a Mametchi, Kylie's normal teacher, Mum's boyfriend


A Terrible Beginning

Kylie was shivering. She was in front of the class, trying to tell them she was going to a new school. They wouldn't belive her if she told them what kind of school she was going to. "Hurry up, Kylie, you've been standing there for five minutes," Mr.Apple said. "I, um, am moving to another school..." Kylie managed to say. "Where?" Mr.Apple asked. "Thanks Mark, you ruined it," Kylie thought. "Witch Hill," she answered. The class laughed. Kylie blushed. Mr.Apple yelled at the class. Kylie slid to her desk. "Great Kylie, now you'll be called 'Witchy-Kylie'," she thought.

After school, when Kylie got home, Mum was washing the dishes. "How was school?" she asked joyfully. "Terrible," Kylie answered. "In your new school, you will say 'school was terrifying', you know?" Mum said. "Yeah, whatever," Kylie mumbled. "What's wrong?" Mum asked. "You've always wanted magic powers."

"Nobody belived me," Kylie answered glumly and sat at the kitchen table. Glumly. "Oh, they'll belive you after the next ten years," Mum said and sat down next to Kylie. "You got everything packed?"

"Yes, Mum," Kylie said glumlier than ever. "Good," Mum said happily. "Tomorrow we'll leave TamaTown."

TamaTown Airport was full with people--I mean tamas. "We'll never get there with this many tamagotchis running around," Mum sighed. "Yes you will," Mr.Apple --or when he's not at school, Mark-- said to Mum. "Let's go, the cue is moving!" I said and tried to stop them from kissing again. "See you later honey," Mum said to Mark. "Whew!" Kylie said outloud. "Kylie," Mum said in an angry tone. She showed their passports and the girls stepped in the plane.
