Tama Music Star/Tama Walkie question


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Well-known member
May 2, 2010
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I really didnt know what board to post this on so I chose this one..but anyway! Does anyone here own the Tama Music Star or Tama Walkie? I was definitley thinking of buying the Music Star one because its the newest and I love music. :huh: And i collect tamas soo (number 11 if i get it! :D ) Also what IS the tama walkie? a pedometer tama? I dont even know. Thanks!

A TamaWalkie is sort of like a pedometer, but I don't think it actually tells you how many steps you've taken or how far you've walked.
Scans of the instruction manual are in this topic: https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/index.php?showtopic=167925
Yes, it does count steps! :)

I have a tamawalkie, and the tama inside trvels through america, but not without your help!

I personally think the music star is funnier, many people gets bored with the tamawalkie beccause it dosen't have as many functions as a normal. it has four games though, quiet fun games as well, but nothing ever happens with the tamawalkie unless you shake it/walk with it. Anyway, it is a nice part of a tamagotchi collection and I really enjoy mine! B)

Oh that sounds cool! I feel like the Music Star is cool and everything but I think it might be too far from a Tama for me. Kinda like the V5.

Eh who knows I might go buy it...

I dont really like the TamaWalkie though, I'm not much of a walker XD

In my personal opinion, copied and pasting from Wiki, heresa good view of the Music star

Tamagotchi Music Star (billed as the Tamagotchi Connection Version 6 or V6 in the Asia/Oceania/Australia region) is a Tamagotchi released on November 28 in North America, in Europe in January 2009, and in Asia/Oceania/Australia in February 2009. The Music Star features a 48x31 screen, similar to the one introduced on the Tamagotchi Connection Version 5, but the shell does not feature an antenna, much like the Tamagotchi Connection and Tamagotchi Connection Version 2. 12 designs are available in the USA, and 18 in the Asia/Oceania/Australia. The Tamagotchi starts off with an instrument, toy, and some money. At the child stage, the Tamagotchi goes to preschool and receives a new toy. At the teen stage, they go to the Gotchi Performing Arts School (GPAS) and join a band with two other characters. The new band is taught by Classictchi until the band members reach adulthood.

As adults, they perform in front of a panel of judges. If any judge votes "no", the band can only do street performances until their next attempt. If the judges all vote "yes", the band debuts as a professional band.

Thats why its good

Hm it sounds cool I might get it. I like that it has no antenna, they're kinda lame haha. I'm a musician anyway, so it'll probably be awesome hah

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