Tama Owners With Real Pets


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Personally, I think you will have time. I have a dog, a budgie and 2 tamas! ( 1 ran outta batts tho and my dads gonna get on tues.) I mean, who can't make tie for tamas? :D

When ur taking care of real pets, pause the tamas. And once ur not takin care of real pets, get back to ur tamas.

Crabs don't have much of a lifestyle anyway. Feed, spritz (water), and maybe somehow play with em, is basically all u need. Now, I dont have crabs, and never have, but im guessing that if u feed, muck out (change bedding i dunno what) and possibly play with ur crabs, it shouldnt take more than like 20 mins max. And then you can have time for your tamas! No need to quit something u love ;) :p :furawatchi:

Good luck!


i have a 3 month old puppy that requires constant attention, and i still spend alot of time with my tamagotchis! i've never considered getting crabs before. they sound realy different tho. thats realy cool tho! hope u hav fun w/ them and ur tamas. XD

I have 11 fish, 1 guinea pig, 2 cats, and a dog. I STILL have time to play with my tamagotchi! Definetly keep it! Tamagotchis' don't need as much as a real pet, so it doesn't take time to fed it, give it a few snackc and stuff like that. I really hopr you don't give them away :eek:

I hope I could help you with your problem

I really love both my dog, Sheldon, a miniature schnauzer, and my tama. I have time for both of them.. and I love when they 'socialize' - when my dog sniffs at them :ichigotchi: does anyone else love both their real and virtual 'pet' equally? :hitodetchi:

I have an idea.. would anyone like to post pictures of their awesome animal friends?

My goldfish, Shining Overlord Baring Tiki-Tiki, doesn't really like to bother me unless its feeding time or if hes just feeling hyper, so I have a lot of time for all my Tamas. My sis's fish, Shining Overlord Baring Kamehameha, is very obedient, if a fish can be obedient, and he usually does his own thing (picking at rocks, lookin' cute, etc.). I love them and our Tamas equally~ :ichigotchi:

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I have two parakeets, Aki-bird and Freak, two hermit crabs, Kira and Mikami, a goldfish, Pickles the Drummer, and two snails, Charlie and the Klokateer. Those critters plus my total collection of 44 virtual pets of all breeds. I currently have 6 working right now. I love all of them :(

I have two cats, both female, Keichan ("Smoke") and Hakkun ("Ash"), and 4 Tamas. I always make sure to spend time with my kitties every day, which is why the pause feature comes in handy! But I have plenty of time to not only play with my kitties and Tamas but do all the other things i like, like video games and knitting! So don't worry, and give your crabs an extra little treat for me!

:eek: + :gozarutchi: = <333

i have a dog..... i thought it was just like a tamagotchi! never had much success with pets though

Look After Them Both Or They'll Get Angry. :lol:

Find Time For Them Both. I Do. I Look After Puff My Hamster And Have Time For Tamagotchis Also. Try And Take Care Of Them :lol:

:huh: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :( :lol:

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i like hamsters. and dogs. and pokemon. and tamagotchi. but i used to have a psyco cat :p

Well I have a puppy and I still play with my tamagotchi and my pup at the same time. Even my pup plays with my tamagotchi by chewing on it's buttons. But anytime my pup doesn't want to play with me, I play with my tamagotchi so if your hermit crabs are doing something else then you can play with your tamagotchi.

I Have 2 cats and 1 dog and I still have time for my tams. I just leave them on my staircase and when it beeps, I just go to it.

You'll definitly have time for your tamagotchi's,

Heck, Im doing exams in school right now and I STILL have time for mine, even bewteen all the studying :S

Part time. Hermit crabs need care, but so does a virtual pet. I have a dog, and I love him, but I also have a tama. I always have to feed my dog, walk him, brush him, etc., so I try to play my tama as much as I can.

If your parents or siblings are willing to.. they can take care of your crabs sometimes to.

I have 2 annoying parakeets ;)

I used to have the best dog in the whole entire world, but she died almost a year ago... I miss her so much :angry:

I have a cat, hes out alot though...

I used to have goldfish, sadly they died.

I still had time for Tama's, many people with pets still play Tamagotchi's, i know loads!

In my opinion, if you have time to go on the Internet/go outside etc. you will have loads of time for Tamagotchi's, right? :rolleyes:

Cya! <_<

I have 3 tamas that are working,(the others quit) v4, v4.5, and Music Star. I also have 5 pets. You will have time for you tamas, AND your hermit crabs. :lol:

I bid you good luck on your pets, dear.


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