Tama Owners With Real Pets


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I just got a pet mouse in January and since it's now summer where I live, I play and pause my tama everyday.

I feed my mouse once a day, though. He's fat! XD

yeah, hermit crabb's aren't very demanding. you'll be fine looking after them along with your tamas

i've had three of them all up- they're very cute!

my first one was fireman sam, as he had a painted shell- yellow with a great big smiley face.

plus i was probably about eight at the time! fortunately he did end up changing shell, but one day

i came home to see he had chopped his poor little leg off on the sharp edge of his water bowl :(

because he had no leg he couldn't walk, and eventually he died of starvation- or lack of water.

i also had don-antonio who i was given by my older cousin.

he had the coolest shell ever that was spikey and very tasteful! B)

he was quite feisty too and once pinched my lip! i had to pull pretty hard to get him off, he had quite the grip! hehe

he started getting lonely and so my sister bought him a friend, who's name i think was bob. hehe

but one summer we went away for a couple of weeks and the girl who was meant to be

looking after the house while we were gone (which included keeping the animals alive!!!) :D

didn't refill their water bowl and they were dead when i got home.

i hope you crabb's are more fortunate than mine, but i know they can be great pets.

we now have seven pets in my familly- and i love them all so much!

but i also love my tamagotchis of course and i just bought a v6! (music star) i have no trouble looking after them though-

even when i have a very demanding turtle!!!

have fun! :D

About your hermit crabs, you should spray water in the tank maybe once or twice a day because hermies get dehydrated easily. Also, to bathe them, put them in a bowl with very shallow water, (shallow enough so it won't drown) and let it walk around in it. The water will be able to clean a little bit of the inside.

Anyways, hermies are nocturnal animals, so they'll be awake at night, and at night your Tama is sleeping, so you'll have lots of time at night to play with your hermies, and during the day when your hermies are sleeping, you can play with your Tama!

Anyways, I have a dog, cat, and mouse as pets. (Weird combination of pets eh? Cats and dogs hate each other, and cats eat mice!) Anyways, with all these pets, I always have plenty of time to take care of my Tamagotchi. It's just like having a 4th pet. :)

I love all animals great and small, i have this inbuilt desire to look after everything. I have a saint bernard (chewbacca) a Cockatoo (bird) 8 Rats (all female) and a huge collection of tamas (5 running, all music star bar one 5.5) Its just a matter of managing your time better. Instead of sitting around, bond with your pets. :wub: late at night and cant sleep? set your tamas time back, flick on a lamp, and bond with that, if your one of those people that just genuinely love to care for and look after things because it makes you feel good then im sure you'll fing the right balance between the both :( ,

P.S, i would absolutely love to get hermit crabs but my husband wont let me -_- he wants a python instead

xXx Tambiegotchi -_-

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iv got 2 parakeets [gear & milo], a seberian dwarf hamster [eisle], a cat[ brighteyes] and a lot of fish.

its easy to find a balance between yor pets and yor tama once you get used to having yor pets.

as other have said, i think it would be best to pause yor tama for a few days while you get yor new lilguys set up and taken care of.

good luck<3 :angry:

& any ideas for names yet? c:

I have 2 dogs, 2 parrots, 11 fish (2 fish tanks), and still have time for my Tama. I suppose it just depends how well you can manage your time.

I live in Washington and theres a LOT of salamanders around at my house. I finally convinced my mom to let me keep one! Her name is Pecan! I also have a majorlly fat cat called Kaylee, and REALLY skinny one called Luna. Kaylees a rare kind of cat. I have a wiener dog called molly and pure bred chocolate lab called abby, and a painted horse called Sky (shes awesome) and a chesnut one called junoir (sorta the leader of the 2) I used to have 2 fish (Sushi and Shamu) put they died, somthing with the water. Anyhoo, Pecans my favorite cause shes all MINE and i take care of her, and spray her container, and shes awesome. Also Im getting probably, like 20 fish. :) AND i still have plenty of time with my tams!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D

We have 4 cats, a Chihhuahua, 3 snakes, and a rabbit. Still plenty of time for the Tamas! ( I only have one going right now).

Tamas should never be sacrificed for real pets! I only have a fish tank(its all i'm allowed to have) and i haven't ever stopped playing with tamas!

Our family takes in strays or injured pets and takes care of them, So i have alot to do! Cats, Dogs, a Parrot, and Turtles! But what I do is that I adjust the time on my tama so Its asleep and I am awake for 3 hours (Thats usually how long it takes for me to care for them) because I do not like pausing my tama. . . I might have to put them down for good if we are moving and taking in horses... (Though that would rock!) But congrats on getting your new pets! You should name one Mr.Crabs :p

Oh, And some hermit-crab tips (Yes we had those for awhile also... >.>)

:nyatchi: If one pinches you and you need to get it off, Put it under lukewarm water. Not burning hot, That would hurt you and the little crab!

:nyatchi: Remember to keep its sponge (And water bowl) damp and wet every day!

:nyatchi: If you see parts of your hermit crab lying around their tank, and their see-through (And your buddies have all of their legs) their just shedding, so don't freak out :p


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I have a cat. He is always the number one for me, because he is a real living animal, who has his own thoughts and feelings instead of a limited program. Although I love Tamas too, they're more like entertaining pocket games for me. Tamas can survive without my constant attention for months. A Tamagotchi is always a nice toy, but in my opinion, it can never beat a real pet.
Yeah, you're right. I agree with you. I don't have any pet in my house 'cause my mom doesn't allow me :( but luckily I have Tama and I play with them :wub: I think if I have a pet, I'll still continue playing Tama but just a little every day. 'Cause like you've said, a pet have real feelings and a little virtual Tama is just pixels on a screen and the whole thing are programmed.

I have a hamster, which is my main priority, because it's actually a real live pet, but after I'm done I can play with my Tamagotchi.

Hermit Crabs don't take all day to take care of, so you'll have time for your Tamagotchi.

I just got a mini horse, in addition to all the others that I have (see above), and I still have time for Tamas. However, like others have said, the live pets ALWAYS come first.

We got our cats 3 months before I got my first tama, so there's no doubt you'll have time for it. (Of course, I pause mine a lot, but that's beside the point. :blink: ) Either way, you'll figure something out. :D

I have hermies and I play with my tama during the day, they don't do much during the day. which reminds me I have to clean their tank again tonight.

i dont think that you should stop playing tamas because even though you now have crabs you can also take care of your tamas (just dont forget about the crabs) cause i have a dog and two guinea pigs and im fine with my tama:)

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