Tama shower?


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Aug 16, 2011
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I'm totally new in this forum :p

I've just bought a Tamagotchi Familitchi in Madrid, Spain, since I don't have any idea of where is my original one from 1997 :rolleyes:

As you know, Familitchi is a bit different from the first Tamagotchi and also, I forgot some of the functions and warnings so, here are my doubts:

1. Sometimes I find my tamafamily having a bath and a shower, does this mean I need to buy them a tin or do I need to click the bathroom function?

2. Sometimes I see the oldest brother shouting to one of his brothers trough a kind of door, what is the meaning of this???

3. Why if a press the third button all the family run, fall and start to laugh?

4. Why sometimes the middle one come up closer to the screen and starts shouting?

5. How can I increase the percentage of bond?

6. How many hours do they sleep?

Sorry for my ignorance but I'm completely newbie! :blink:

Thanks a million!

1. Completely normal. It's an daily animation that comes on time to time.

2. Could you explain it in more detail?\

3. It's a bonding C button animation. It changes depending on it's bonding percentage. Normal

4. It's another animation. The "shouting" is opening their mouths in joy.

5. At certain times, your V5 will call you. To indicate a bonding call, it'll have a speech bubble over their heads. Go to the bounding icon, select an item, and watch the animation. The actual bonding counter goes in steps of 10 to 1000, so it'll take 3 bonding calls to increase the bonding meter to 10%.

6. Depends on their stage of growth.

Uhm hm - I don't think you got a fake tama - that sounds normal for a family tama - also called a V5

The newer tamagotchi tend to have random events that happen during set times of the day. These sort of events include shower/bath time, brushing teeth, etc... It's not anything bad - and it doesn't mean you have to do something - they are just "living" more than the older versions.

I don't remember what the shouting is... This is possibly them looking for attention???

The third button on later tamagotchis is an "action" type button. When you press it they usually do an animation where in the family one - they rush onto the screen and trip - on others they usually come up close to the screen and smile.

Again - maybe they want some sort of attention?? (it's been a while since I ran my V5)

When the tamagotchi ask for attention - I think that you go to what used to be the scold button and it will give you a menu of items. You can pick an item for them to play with and when they play their bond goes up if I remember right.

I don't know how many hours they sleep, but if they are waking up too early for you, you could try to set the time back like an hour or two or pause it.

I hope others reply with more info to help you cause I really don't remember a ton about it. :<


Thanks for your replies!!! Very helpful for me!!!!! :)

The second one refers to a kind of argue because both of them are shouting, or that seems to me... but yes, I guess is a sort of attention and is normal.

Please, do you know which is the latest version of Tamagotchi?

Thanks a lot!!!

US: Tama-Go

JPN: Tamagotchi iDL, A new one version of the iDL is coming out on November 23, a version that celebrates Tamagotchi's 15th anniversary.

I think the shouting at a door is the "eating out of the fridge" animation. Totally normal. Happens quite often.


I do not know what I've done, maybe too many snacks but they are a large family!!!!!!!

I've just gave them a balance biscuit and a mirror but I don't know what should I do know, do I have to wait and see the results later or is something instant?? :( :( :(

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