tama town question


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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
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when you first go to tama town, you are brought to a page that you can pick you bandwidth for your comp. you can also see news and announcements for tama town on that page too. one of the announcements was that the tama school had new tama classes. is that true? or is it just saying that and no one can really use the classes? Please help! thanks!

-starr747 :furawatchi:

there are new classes but u have 2 click on different icons for them like there is a tennis game u click on the tennis ball and in the corner theres a computer for a speeling classes and click on the medal on the wall for the clean up game Hop ive helped if not then never talk to me again lol :furawatchi:

Yes you chose low Banwidth if you comp is windows 99 or lowwer and high if you have 100 or Perfesional. Hwen you go to the tamamschool There are a few game just like Tashy said. You CLick on them you'll play the game.. well obviosly.. Hop i helped you.. kinda


srry rong topic. :furawatchi:

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this is starting a new topic. You should start your own topic on Tamagotchi Help. Dont change the topic :furawatchi:


Yes Doulbe posting wont help.... i agree with keemo905 it wont help one bit. Its also a rule that you shouldnt double post. NExt time in the future please dont double post :furawatchi:


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