tama twins


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ahh u peoplez.... there is an easir way to have twins and it isnt fake. just start your tamas at the same time! if u have 2 and they breed start the babies at the same time. they poop and get sick at the same time... its really cool! *note: on two separate tama cases* (and then the battery ran out on one of my tamas :furawatchi: oh well.)

darn..tama twins woulda been cool....anyways thanks for the info

im not sure that this is true... oh!

it is, cause sum1 sent me a pic of it!

if it was you, was that true, or a fake tama?

wish i still had my original tama....soince the twins thing is basicaly a glitch they would probably be the same character and everything....and they would do things kinda like how mama and baby do ...like when u play games only the mama is on the screen....know what i mean

Getting twins the way they say on Gamewinners is impossible. Don't try it.

But, you can get twins on the Tamagotchi:Angelgotchi. I also think there is a way to get twins from ROM testing on your Tamagotchi. That's what I read in a topic in 'Comments and Rumours'.

It could be a glitch or something... hum, I don't really know, I have tried every way possible to ge them..... I would like to know how whoever took that picture got them. But It IS possibly a glitch.

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